30th Alabama Infantry Company C, Talladega County
War Soldiers buried in Talladega County

Wemyss, J.A Captain
Hancock, R.P.H Lieutenant/Captain
McCain, D.C Lieutenant/Captain
Turner, F.A Lieutenant
Cunningham, J.C 2nd Lieutenant
Green, William T 2nd Lieutenant [Widow
filed for pension in St. Clair County
Ackers, W.C. 2nd Lieutenant [Died in
Talladega County AL]
Ackers, P.N Sergeant
Alexander, John L Sergeant
Moore, A.H. Sergeant
Linton, James L Corporal [Filed for
pension in Talladega County]
Anderson, David M [Died during the war]
Barnes, James B [Died in Calhoun County
Bell, S.L
Bigbee, O.N.
Bigbee, W.W
Brice, John
Burns, James B [Died in Calhoun County
Caldwell, James
Carden, J.N
Cockran, John [Died during the war]
Corley, W.F
Daniel, Joseph A [Died during the war]
Davis, John
Davis, W.P
Dial, Joseph
Dobbins, W.T [Died during the war]
Dye, John J
Earley, D.W
Fain, James M. [Died in Talladega County
Fain, John P
Fain, William T
Farley, James A [Died in Fayette County
Franklin, Asa [Died in Talladega County
Franklin, William
Frazier, William D
Gameil, William T [Died in Talladega
County AL]
Garrett, James
Ginn, A.B [Died during the war]
Ginn, W.C.
Godard, W
Goodwin, Ira
Green, D.B
Green, Lewis P [Died after 1870]
Harmon, E.C
Harrison, Bonner
Harrison C.M.C
Harrison, E.T
Herrin, Balus E
Herrin, Cicero H [Died in Talladega
County AL]
Herrin, V.E
Hill, Andrew
Hines, W.J
Holmes, T.J
Holiday, R
Howe, Thomas L [Died in Calhoun County
Jackson, Andrew
Jones, S.L
King, John C
Kirby, J.L
Lewis, S.L
Lonnergan, John [Died in St. Clair
County AL]
Lonnergan, Patton [Died in Talladega
Madden, William C
Mallard, James R
Marble, W.H
Martin, D.W
Martin, William
McCain, Theodore [Died in Fayette County
McMillan, J.W
Mullins, Larkin
Nipper, James [Died during the war?]
Nipper, Silas [Died in Alabama]
Patton, John S
Paul, S
Perkins, C.S
Phillips, John
Poe, E.C
Poe, J.C
Poe, J.M
Quattlebam, J.W
Quattlebam, Phillip W
Quattlebam, W.W.
Richey, John W
Self, A.D
Session, B.S [Died in Blount County AL]
Session, Braxton [Died during the war]
Session, Daniel [Died in St. Clair
County AL]
Session, E
Session, George [Died during the war]
Session, James [Died in Calhoun County
Session, William [Died in Calhoun County
Slight, H.J
Tipton, William
Towney, J.B
Trammell, Felix
Trammell, James
Vinson, J.T
Walker, Squire
Watson, James L
Webb, James
White, Cornelius
Williams, Augustus
Williams, N.H
Williams, Peter
Wilson, George B
Wilson, George W
Wilson, John
Wilson, Noah
Woodard, James
Talladega County
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