Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Company E 10th Confederate Cavalry

Contributed by: Linda Randolph


Barnes, Nathaniel T Captain [Died during the war]
Hendricks, John L 1st Lieutenant/Captain [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Malone, Charles B 2nd Lieutenant [Died in Texas?]
McClerkin, Samuel Sergeant [Witnessed John Hughes pension record 1914 Talladega County]
Nelson, Esau Sergeant [Filed for pension in Clay County]
Campbell, G.W. 1st Sergeant
Martin, Wm M 1st Sergeant
East, Bladgen 1st Corporal
Brewer, Jasper Corporal
Burnett, James Corporal
Johnson, George W.J Corporal
Kennedy, Hezekiah Corporal [Died during the war]
Neighbors, James Corporal
Waggoner, Hannibal Corporal


Adams, Albert
Adams, Allen
Adams, James
Adams, John
Adams, P.J
Adams, T.W
Alley, F.A
Amason, John H [Died during the war]
Ball, B.J
Biddle, James E
Biddle, John
Blair, Asa J [Filed for pension in Clay County]
Blair, John L [Born 1840, died 1905 Tallapoosa County Alabama]
Blair, Leroy G [Filed for pension in Clay County]
Blair, Richard
Blair, Woodward [Died in Oklahoma]
Brannon, J.B
Brown, William D
Campbell, Thomas Joe
Callaway, James
Callaway, John
Cargile, James R [Cargile, James R. born Dec 19, 1828, member of the 5th Battalion Hilliard's Legion Alabama Cavalry, died Nov 7, 1906, buried Bethlehem Clay County
Carter, Wm M
Chandler, John L
Chandler, Richard N. [Died during the war]
Chandler, Thomas B
Cheek, Samuel F
Craft, Robert
Cullins, D
Davis, John W [Buried Talladega County]
Derrett, J. W.
East, Rolley C
Epperson, William I [Filed for pension in Blount County]
Foreman, William P [Filed for pension in Tallapoosa County
Fuller, Phillip [Died in Jefferson County Alabama]
Fuller, Sidney [Died during the war, buried Shiloh-Delta Clay County]
Germany, John T [Filed for pension in Tallapoosa County]
Gilchrist, Alfred [Died in prison during the war]
Gilchrist, John M [Died during the war]
Gilchrist, Truss Van [Died 1885 St. Clair County Alabama]
Gilchrist, Wm [Filed for pension in Dekalb County Alabama]
Green, Mathew M
Harris, David
Harris, J
Head, J.D
Holcomb, Andrew
Hughes, John T [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Hughes, Seaborn V [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Ingram, John J
James, David G
Jones, J.M
Jones, James
Jordan, James B
King, Andrew J
King, Wiley B
Lawler, Levi R [Died in Randolph County?]
Ledbetter, George W
Mahurg, James S [Died 1891 Talladega County]
Malone, John H
Manning, William S
Martin, Martin M
Maxwell, Henry
May, Jacob
McDaniel, Berdine
Myers, James
Nails, James G
Nails, R.L
Ogles, Moses
Pearce, Joseph N
Phillips, James K.P
Phillips, Whitnell [Filed for pension in Clay County]
Phillips, William R [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Pittman, Wm R
Prickett, Joseph L
Prickett, William T
Reaves, I.J
Russell, John L [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Russell, Wilson W
Self, Daniel R
Smith, George R
Smith, H.E
Smith, John B
Solley, Andrew J [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Solley, James M [Witnessed, Wm Gilchrist's pension record in DeKalb County Alabama]
Solley, William J
South Henry J
Spurell, Samuel R
Spurell, W.B
Street, Andrew J [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Striplin, Wm
Taylor, Harrington P
Thompson, James R
Towns, James W
Ware, John B
Ware, Wm P
Waters, T.H
Watson, Wm
Webb, James
Webb, Mathew
White, Austin R
Wildman, Jasper N
Williams, J.P
Williams, Joseph T
Williams, R.S
Wilson, Robert B.

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