Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Estate of James M. Barber

Talladega County, Alabama)
Probate Book B., Page 537    ) This day came Martha A. Barber widow of James M. Barber deceased, and filed her petition in Court for an order to have the homestead of her dec'd husband appraised that the same may be allowed to said widow and deceased's children, exempt from
sale as provided for which said petitions is as follows viz.

To the Honorable Wm. H. Thornton Judge of Probate Talladega County Alabama.
The petition of Martha A. Barber, widow of James M. Barber dec'd and as administrator with Allen Barber adm of said deceased estate, showeth unto Your honor that her late husband died seized and possessed of Ten acres of land off of the south end of that portion lying west of the Antral plank Road, of the E 1/2 of the WP Sec. 10, Township 21, Range 4 in county of Talladega, upon which said 10 acres of land the said James M. Barber reside at the time of his death, that being all the land or Real Estate that was owned by the said James M. at the time of his death as far as petitioner is informed and believes.

Your petitioner further states that is will ____ the whole of the personal estate of said dec'd, to pay the debts of his estate and that to provision of said estate will, or can be made for the support of the petitioner and her two small children by her said husband, and his two children by a former wife, and that be as such widow and adm, as foresaid has selected the said ten acres of land as a homestead for herself and the children of her deceased husband, but in as much as the value of the same has not been affixed, Your petitioner prays that upon the coming in of such appraisement, if the same should not exceed the sum of Five Hundred dollars, that the said Ten acres of land with the tenements and appertenances therunto belonging may be taken and held an confirmde by your honor Court as the estate of this petitioner and Wiley C., Joshua H., Margaret F., and James M. Barber children of said deceased, according to the statute in such cases made and founded.

Martha A. Barber

Wm. H. Thornton, Judge
25 Oct. 1856

Judgment was made in favor of Martha A. Barber and the children of James M. Barber, and they were allowed to keep the land.

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