Native American Records
Native American Records
were mostly spoken records until the Government
decided it was necessary to keep track of the
Indians. This page will provide you with links in
your research for your Native ancestors.
Indian Tribes of Alabama
Indian Tribe
In the latter part of the eighteenth century some Cherokee
worked their way down the Tennessee River as far as Muscle
Shoals, constituting the Chickamauga band. They had settlements
at Turkeytown on the Coosa, Willstown on Wills Creek, and
Coldwater near Tuscumbia, occupied jointly with the Creeks and
destroyed by the Whites in 1787. All of their Alabama territory
was surrendered in treaties made between 1807 and 1835.
Chickasaw Indian Tribe
The Chickasaw had a few settlements in northwestern
Alabama, part of which State was within their
hunting territories. At one time they also had a
town called Ooe-asa (Wi-aca) among the Upper Creeks.
Choctaw Indian Tribe
This tribe hunted over and occupied, at least
temporarily, parts of southwestern Alabama beyond
the Tombigbee.
Creek Indian Tribe
The Creeks were early divided geographically into
two parts, one called Upper Creeks, on the Coosa and
Tallapoosa Rivers; the other, the Lower Creeks, on
the lower Chattahoochee and Ocmulgee. The former
were also divided at times into the Coosa branch or
Abihka and the Tallapoosa branch and the two were
called Upper and Middle Creeks respectively. Bartram
(1792) tends to confuse the student by denominating
all of the true Creeks "Upper Creeks" and the
Seminole "Lower Creeks." The dominant Muskogee
gradually gathered about them, and to a certain
extent under them, the Apalachicola, Hitchiti,
Okmulgee, Sawokli, Chiaha, Osochi, Yuchi, Alabama,
Tawasa, Pawokti, Muklasa, Koasati, Tuskegee, a part
of the Shawnee, and for a time some Yamasee, not
counting broken bands and families from various
Indian Rolls and
Census Records
Alabama Land Patents
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Maps and Land

Talladega County
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