Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Obituary Files

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Ansel C. Cunningham

Obituary from Alabama Reporter, Talladega, Alabama, issue of Thursday, October 15, 1863.

DIED--on the 10th inst. at his father's residence in this county, ANSEL C. CUNNINGHAM, in the 27th year of his age.

He was one of the noble army of martyrs who have laid down their lives in defense of their country. He entered the service under the late Col. Woodward, then Capt. of the Talladega Blues--was wounded in both arms at the battle of Williamsburg,--returned home for a few weeks, but before his wounds were healed, hurried back to his company just in time to participate in the battles near Richmond. On 27th June at Malvern Hill he was wounded mortally. After lingering three months in Richmond his father succeeded in bringing him home. He was placed upon his couch from which after twelve months more of helplessness and pain his Savior came to release him. He was a dutiful and devoted son, a good soldier and a lovely and consistent Christian. For 10 years he had been a member of the Presbyterian Church {text missing} of the army and during his long and painful affliction.--All is now well with him forever.
Talladega, Oct. 1863

Death of Josiah Terry

Mr. Josiah Terry one of our oldest and best citizens died at his residence near this place on Sunday morning last the 4th inst.

Mr. Terry was one of the earliest settlers in this portion of Talladega County, having moved from Madison County and settled about three miles from this place, in the then Creek Nation about the year 1831. He has served as Sheriff of this County and was known to most of our citizens--Those who knew him best were his warmest friends. He was a true and honest man, open, frank, and manly in all his dealings. Warm hearted and generous, his open handed liberality and kindness to the needy and destitute, have kept him poor, while many possessed of less energy and industry have grown right all around him. He was a man who during seasons of great scarcity, would refuse to sell grain at his Mill for high prices, to parties able to procure breadstuffs elsewhere, and retain his to sell in small quantities to poor families at reduced prices. He has instructed his {text missing} grain of poor widows and unfortunate families free of toil. He was one against whom no man could raise the cry of extortion.

His name should be honored and his kindly acts remembered. His family and the community in which he lived will mourn his death and all feel that a good man is gone from amongst us.

Obituary printed in Alabama Reporter issue of Thursday, October 15, 1863.

DIED--at his residence in this County on 4th inst. JOSIAH TERRY, in the 64th year of his age.

Mr. Terry was born in Roane Co., Tenn., but moved in early manhood to N. Ala. where he resided until 1832, when he settled in this County. He was extensively and favorably known, having at one time served the County most faithfully as Sheriff; and all agree that he leaves a reputation for unsullied integrity, large-hearted generosity and kindness, inflexible devotion to his friends, and an affectionate and courteous deportment towards all.

About 15 years since he became a member of the Presbyterian Church and was afterward elected a Ruling Elder in the Church of Mardisville. During his long illness he had that strong consolation which is imparted only to the true Christian. Our community mourns the death of a good man.
Talladega, Oct. 186

Sidney S. McGehee

Obituary from Alabama Reporter, Talladega, Alabama, issue of Thursday, October 15, 1863.

DIED--at the residence of Dr. A. Pelham in Calhoun County, Ala., at 2 o'clock on Saturday morning 10th inst. of congestion of the brain, SIDNEY S. McGEHEE, in the fifty-fifth year of his age.

Mr. McGehee was born in Person Co., North Carolina, and emigrated to Ala. twenty years ago. For several years he has been a resident of Talladega and was a member of Capt. Hardie's company of Cavalry. He was on his return from the seat of war in Northwestern Ga. where he had been with his company to meet his country's enemies when he was suddenly stricken with disease and died after fourteen hours. He was brave-- generous and true.

Florida Hudson Audas Lane

Mrs. Florida H. Lane, wife of Rev. James S. Lane, and daughter of T. H. and Henrietta Audas, of Sparta, Ga., died near Talladega, Ala., Jan 28th, 1859.

Sister L lived and died an exemplary Christian. If her quiet, gentle manner – her placid, cheerful countenance, and mild, unobtrusive temper were but the reflections of the sunshine within, then must the inner sanctum of her heart have been what deep piety and close communion with God could alone have produced. The writer knew her well from a child – has often led her in class, and visited her when sick. The same unmistakable lineaments of the true Christian always shone out in the filial, conjugal, and parental relations of life. For more than two years she was a great sufferer, but murmured not. A long visit to her native home and sympathizing kindred the past summer did not improve her shattered and nervous system. She returned, as she entreated to do in a letter to her husband, to be buried by the side of her blue-eyed babe, till the resurrection trumpet shall call them forth again into glorious and unending life.  E. M. Pendleto

Florida Hudson Audas Lane was born in 1826 in Sparta, Hancock County, Georgia to Tuttle Hudson Audas (1795-1868) and Henrietta Washington Turner (1800-1864).

In 1850 Florida was a governess for William Walls family in Hancock County, Georgia. Florida was the second wife of Rev. James Sterling Lane, a Methodist minister.

His first wife, Annie H. J. Clayborn Jones, died in February of 1851, and he and Florida were married November 2, 1852 in Audaston, Sparta, Hancock County.

They moved from Georgia to Chacoloco Creek, near Talladega, Talladega County, Alabama in 1845 or 1846.

They had four children: William, Charles C., H. Egbert, and Florida.

Florida died January 28, 1859 in Talladega, Talladega County, Alabama, and is buried there. The "blue-eyed babe" mentioned in her obituary could be any of her three children, William, Charles or Florida, all who died in infancy.

After her death her husband James married Florida's youngest sister, Sophronia Jacob Audas.

Contributed by: Michele Holland Mills

Talladega Cemeteries

Talladega Obituaries and Funeral Parlors

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