51st Alabama Partisan
Rangers, Company - D
Co. "D" (Calhoun) -- Robert W. Draper
(resigned, 7 May 63); William White
(wounded, Sequatchee Raid, Bentonville)

Draper, Robert Captain
White, William Captain
Burton, W.D. 1ST Lieutenant
Cross, A.J 2nd Lieutenant
Morgan, S 2nd Lieutenant
Black, Daniel S Sergeant
Howle, Henry Sergeant
Johnson, Wm Sergeant
Morgan, T.J Sergeant
Ross, J.D. Sergeant
Thompson, Morgan Sergeant
Darby, Samuel Corporal
Dickie, Jackson Corporal
Lowe, James Corporal
Scoggins, Lafayette Corporal
Weston, W.R Corporal
Johnson, Wm T Corporal

Allen, Lucius L
Anderson, J.D
Atkinson, B.A
Bagwell, J.D
Bane/Bain, C.C
Barner, J.L
Bailey, J.S
Beason, Richard J [Widow filed for
pension in Cleburne County]
Bell, G.W
Blair, Wm
Borden, John D
Bowman, W.H
Bryant, James Daniel [Filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Bryant, Joseph
Burgess, Joshua
Burns, George W
Burson, R.J
Caldwell, F.M
Calvert, E.J
Calvert, J.A
Canada, Henry
Castley, R.H.P
Chriswell, J.M
Clark, Elisha H [Filed for pension
in Calhoun County]
Clark, J.M
Cleveland, James Smith
Cobb, Joshua [Died during the war]
Cochran, George
Cochran, James M
Cole, George Henry
Compton, John V
Cox, S.D
Coyle, Henry
Coyle, George
Criswell, Joseph M
Cummings, E.T
Cunningham, John B
Curry, J.H
Curry, J.H
Curry, John R
Daniel, K.F
Daniel R.T
Darn, W
Davis, J
Dearman, H.D
Dearman, Isham D
Dodson, William C [Died during the
war, buried Rock Island Cemetery]
Dulaney, Daniel [Filed for pension
in Calhoun County]
Edge, Alexander
Eidson, J.H
Fits, A.J
Fits, Solon C
Ford, J.A.C
Fry, S.N
Gannaway, J.B [Filed for pension
in Calhoun County]
Gannaway, S.S.
Gay, William
Gibson, James
Glover, Wiley
Goings, John C
Gray, W.G
Gray, W.J
Ham, George S
Hanna, J.W
Hanna, W.V
Harper, James [Widow filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Harrison, Aaron [Widow filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Harrison, George
Harrison, S.D
Harrison, W.M
Hays, William
Helfner, Martin
Henderson, David
Hilton, John F [Widow filed for
pension in Jefferson County]
Howle, Peter M [Filed for pension
in Cleburne County]
Hughes, William
Hyatt, E
Ingram, John B [Filed for pension
in St Clair County]
Ingram, Wm
Jenkins, J.W
Jennings, David [Jennings, David
born 1838, died 1908 buried Rabbit Town
Cemetery Calhoun
Jennings, Wm [Filed for pension in
Etowah County]
Johnson, A.B
Lackey, W.M
Lanford, Berryman
Langley, G.W
Langley, J.W
Lester, F.C
Lipcomb, Joel
Lipcomb, W.O
Little, John C [List of Prisoners
that died at Camp Morton and buried in
Crown Hill Cemetery]
Littlejohn, Chester [Died in Camp
Littlejohn, Daniel [Died during
the war]
Littlejohn, Robertson [Died during
the war]
Littlejohn, Wm [Fort Delaware,
Died While A Prisoner]
Logan, George
Love, A.W
Lowe, James
Lowellen, Andrew
Mackey, James
Mager, J.C
Mayes, John
McBlair, W
McCay, J
McDonald, W.P
McKenzie, J.M
Miller, Robert
Mohaffey, A
Montgomery, Charles
Moore, S. John
Morgan, B.F
Morgan, Clark [Morgan, Clark born
1845, died 1912, buried Zion Hill
Calhoun County]
Morgan, Irby
Morris, G.W
Patterson, Milton
Presley, L
Presley, S
Reagan, M.A
Riddle, W.H.H
Robertson, E.G
Robertson, Elias
Sanford, Berryman
Schuck, John
Scoggins, M
Scoggins, S.D
Sherbet, Aaron
Shipley, Benjamin
Skinner, W.P
Smith, D.D
Smith, M.O
Snow, James
Spain, Joseph
Spradlin, J.M
Stanley, John [Stanley, John F.
born 1835, died 1887, buried Stanley
Cemetery Calhoun
Stephens, Wm M
Stewart, W.C
Stewart, W.E
Stiplin, Wm
Thompson, W.D
Turner, Robert [Filed for pension
in Talladega County]
Vanderlice, J.A
Wade, James P
Walker, J.W
Webster, B
Webster, Wm M
Whitesant, Joseph
Whiteside, J.W [Whiteside, Josiah
W. born 1820, died 1888, buried Rabbit
town Cemetery Calhoun County]
Wilder, R.D
Wilkins, D.D.
Wilkins, M.J
Wilson, J.A
Wilson, J.F
Wilson, J.H
Wilson, James A
Womack, Obadiah Russell
Woodward, E.L
Wyatt, Jeremiah

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