Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

51st Alabama Partisan Rangers, Company - F

Co. "F" (Talladega) -- Nelson D. Johnson (captured, Shelbyville); 1st Lt. Amos Moss [Augustine Mose?]


Johnson, N.D Captain  [Filed for pension in Jefferson County]
Moss, A 1st Lieutenant
Moore, W.D 1st Lieutenant
Asbury, Richard B 2nd Lieutenant
Castleberry, J.R 2nd Lieutenant
McCain, W.A. Sergeant
Cliett, H.J Sergeant
North, Edwin W Sergeant
McKinney, Charles H Corporal
Moss, W.A. Corporal
Morrison, John Corporal
Minson, John Corporal
Wallis, C Corporal


Allen, B.P  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Allen, J.J
Armstrong, W.M  [Filed for pension in Shelby County]
Awtry, Joseph  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Barkley, R.S
Bates, M.E
Bishop, A.J  [Bishop, Andrew Jacob born Jan 21, 1831 died Aug 23, 1897 buried Old Lineville City Cemetery Clay County]
Bishop, John W
Bowden, A.F
Britt, L.R
Bucker, James H
Carlisle, A.E
Carter, Charles H  [Died during the war]
Carter, Joseph N  [Died during the war]
Chaney, J.H
Chaney, W.J
Clark, Ambrose
Copeland, W.W
Cosby, J.F
Cosper, L.H.H.
Cowman James
Culpepper, M
Culpepper, W.S
Cunningham, A.W
Cunningham, H.A.
Cunningham, William
Davis, W.B.U
Dixon, James
Erwin, Joseph L  [Died during the war]
Fant, J.R  [Filed for pension in Shelby County]
Fitz, Daniel C
Frazier, Solomon  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Freeman, G.W
Gann, J.C.L  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Gray, E.M
Gray, M.A
Grissom, F.M  [Died 1890, widow filed for pension in Shelby County]
Hare, Gabriel  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Harmon, N.B
Harper, William
Harrison, L.W
Haynes, W.D
Hays, William
Heath, W.D
Hickman, A.J
Hilliard, G.W
Hogan, Samuel  [Died in Talladega County]
Hull, Absolum
Jackson, John
Johnson, John W  [Filed for pension in Shelby County]
Keith, W.C
Keith, William H
Kirkland, Richard  [Died in Talladega County]
Lawler, Abner J  [Filed for pension in Jefferson County]
Leadford, John
Ledbetter, J
Lester, Rodney
Leslie, Larkin
Linnus, Jesse C
McKeehan, James
McKinney, Hardy  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
McKinney, L.B
Meadows, John
Meadows, W.G
Meadows, Wm D
Merritt, Albert
Merritt, Thomas
Montgomery, T.P
Morgan, Philander
Morris, B.F
Morris, James
Morris, John A
Morris, William A
Morrison, George B
Moss, D.F
Moss, John H
Murphy, T.J
Myers, B.F
Mynatt, J.B
Newsome, Frances M
Newsome, Sterling
Newsome, Thomas W
Norris, Mathew
Oden, J.B  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Oâ^À^ÙNeal, J
Pace, William S
Phillips, W.R
Pitts, Daniel C
Plowman, T.S  [Thomas S. filed for pension in Talladega County]
Powell, T.J
Price, W.N
Priddy, Michael
Rack, A.D
Ravis, Henry
Ray, D.H
Reaves, Coleman  [Died in Talladega County]
Rineheat, J.W
Robinson, James
Rowe, Lewis
Rowe, Willis
Sanson, G.H
Shelley, F
Shelley, Tillman
Short, John  [Short, John Hudson born Feb 21, 1837, died Jun 3,1917 buried Oak Grove
Clay County]
Shultz, H.M
Simmons, C.H
Simms, Jesse
Simms, T.W
Smelly, Hardy
Smith Craftsworth P
Smith, G.W.B  [Filed for pension in Shelby County
Smith, W.F
Smith, William Q.A
Smith, W.T
Sparks, D.M
Steed, W.D  [Filed for pension in Clay County]
Stewart, H.L
Swain, Henry
Swain, J.W
Swain, Robert T
Tanner, William J
Taylor, Wyatt A
Terry, Josiah B  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Thompson, James
Thompson, William
Thweatt, Daniel  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Tompkins, Joseph
Trammell, Lewis D
Truss, J.D
Truss, T.T
Truss, T.W
Tuck, Cicero H  [Filed for pension in Talladega County]
Vaughan, Alonzo
Vaughan, Tillman
Vaughan, W.T
Vessell, Thomas
Wallis, John  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
Womack, William
Watters, Larkin  [Widow filed for pension in Talladega County]
White, J.L
Williamson, Z.R
Wood, A.C
Wooley, B.F
Wyatt, T.W
Yarbrough, S.N 

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