Alabama Genealogy Databases


3 thoughts on “Alabama Genealogy Databases”

  1. I am searching for information on my gggrandfather John Montgomery born 1821 in Alabama…I have not been successful in any way in finding his siblings or parents…do you have a researcher I can contract with to search the many records you have to see if this information exist…..

  2. Looking for 2 marriage license. #1 Minnie Pearl Dobbs and David Harris Walker Williams #2 Lillie S Best and David Harris Walker Williams marriage about 1910 Can you help?

  3. I have been searching for a few years now , I knew my Great Grandmother and she told us stories, but as children we did not know what she was telling us her name is Matilda Saunders , born 1888. I found out a lot on her side. my great grandfather is the problem I am having. Louis Jones born April 1883, I know the 1890 census was destroyed so I could not see him as a child, I see him in 1900 no parents. I spoke to a gentleman on line and I found this name as his possible Mother. He sent me this Louis possible parents names as Apron and Dapmly Chosul he stated the translation might be wrong he said the document was not in great shape I could not open it up . Do you have any suggestions . greatly appreciated.


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