Contributions of genealogical and historical information is the backbone of any county website. It is people like you, who have data on specific individuals, and would like to see that information placed online for posterity, which makes a county site successful. So if you have some data to share or just want to say hi, feel free to leave me a comment.
The design of this site has changed, so let me point out that the links to the data now appear to the right side in the navigational section, unless the data is “new” and that will always appear towards the bottom of the index page for the site.
Madison County was named in honor of James Madison who at the time of the county’s creation was secretary of state, later becoming President of the United States. It was created by proclamation of Gov. Robert Williams, of the Mississippi Territory, December 13, 1808. The territory originally included in the county the Indian titles of which had been extinguished, began on the north bank of the Tennessee River, on the Cherokee boundary line, thence northerly along this boundary to the southern boundary of Tennessee, thence west with this boundary until it struck the Chickasaw boundary, then southward along the Chickasaw line, crossing the Tennessee river twice, to its beginning. By act of the Territorial legislature of Alabama, February 8, 1818, the dimensions of the county were enlarged by its being bounded on the west by the western boundary of range number two, west of the basis meridian of the county, extending from the southern part of the boundary of the state of Tennessee to the Tennessee River and bounded on the south by the river. By act of the Alabama legislature December 13, 1819, all the tract of country lying between the east Madison County line, and Flint River were added to the county. The territory east of Flint River, belonging to Decatur County was added to Madison County on the abolition of Decatur in 1824, thus giving Madison its final shape and dimensions.
What’s New at Madison County Alabama Genealogy
Ferner Family Photograph
Shelley Cardiel has recovered an old photograph of the Ferner family of Madison County AL that she would like to return to a descendant.
Madison County Alabama Obituaries
The Heritage Room at the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library has currently indexed 75182 obituaries from 32 local newspapers.
Taxable Property in Madison County
The following is an index to individuals who were taxed in Madison County (Alabama) in 1810. Use this information as evidence on whether your ancestor resided in the territory of Madison County. Unfortunately it is just a list of names, and no further information was provided.
Madison County Court Data
The Madison County, Alabama court records pages have been updated with fresh links.
Madison County Alabama Marriage Records, 1809-1973
This collection of records at FamilySearch consists of marriage records from Madison County Alabama. While the index provides records up to 1973, the actual marriage records only go to 1951. To help users better understand and access these free records, I have created this page.
Madison County, Alabama Queries
The queries page was updated with three new queries concerning the Landman and Lock(e) families, and William Henry Ray.
Madison County, Alabama Biographies
I have added some new biographies of past Madison County residents: Lawrence W. Crakes, Andrew J. Grayson, Dr. Nathan Miller, and Shelby S. Pleasants.
1809 Madison County, Mississippi Territory Census
I have transcribed the 1809 census for Madison County. This census gives a reasonably accurate portrait of the families residing in Madison County at its earliest point in history.
Madison County, Native American History
A brief history of the three Native American tribes who resided in and around what later became Madison County.
Cemeteries of Madison County
A compilation of a variety of cemeteries from Madison County, generously submitted by Steve Scott. Listed by surnames:
A’s, Ba’s, Be’s-Bl’s , Bo’s, Br’s, Bu’s-Bz’s, Ca’s, Ce’s, Co’s, Cr’s-Cz’s, D’s, E’s, F’s, Ga-Go’s, Gr-Gw’s, Ha’s, He – Ho’s, Hu – Hy’s, I’s, Ja-Jona’s, Jone-Ju’s, K’s, La’s, Le’s, Li-Lo’s, Lu-Ly’s, Ma’s, Mc’s, Me-Mi’s, Mo’s, Mr-My’s, N’s, O’s, Pa-Pe’s, Ph-Py’s, Q’s, Ra-Ri’s, Ro-Ry’s, Sa-Sc’s, Se-Sl’s, Sm-Sp’s, Sr-St’s, Su-Sz’s, Ta-Th’s, Ti-Ty’s, U-V’s, Wa-We’s, Wh-Wi’s, Wl-Wu’s, X-Z’s
The goal of this website is to freely provide you with as much genealogical and historical information concerning Madison County, Alabama as is practical. Since I do not reside in the county, I cannot provide onsite genealogical assistance but can provide guidance and online assistance to your genealogical research. If you don’t ask a question, then I definitely cannot help you… so please ask!
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If you would like to contribute data to this website please contact me, using the comment form!