Alabama Land and Property Records

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Alabama Land Records
The patentee was the first owner of property after the initial survey. Once the patent was issued, the land became private property and was then sold with a deed. The townships, the six-mile-square land blocks which were the original divisions of land from the federal land grants, were then divided into 36 one-mile squares. The township numbering was the north-south numbering, starting from the center line. The range numbering was the east-west numbering, starting from the center line. The section is the one-mile-square portion (approximately 640 acres) of a township. That was also generally divided into 36 equal squares (each of which might be divided another 36 times). (Requires Ancestry Membership) Get 14 Days Free Access!!!

Bureau of Land Management

Dale Co, Alabama Land Patents Index

The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands  – Research related to the Southern States, mid 1800s

ALGenWeb Archives Land and Deed Records

1 thought on “Alabama Land and Property Records”

  1. we are trying to find James Johnson abt 1825 in Etowah County Alabama families are…He was born Arkansas and died England Civil War.
    Can you help us to find families of Johnson children and James and wife Orpha or Orphe (Hendrix) Johnson B. 1832 South Carolina. Let me know about it so hard to find it.
    Sarah Treuer


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