Biography of David C. Turnipseed

Memorial record of Alabama

This article provides a brief biography of David C. Turnipseed, a successful planter and fruit grower from Flora, Alabama who has passed away. He was born in 1846 and received his education at home and at the state university before the Civil War broke out. He married Orleania E. in 1877 and started his business with about $1,200 given by his father. Over time, he acquired over 5,000 acres and was known for his fruit-growing, experimenting with many varieties of fruits and vegetables. He was a thorough horticulturist and was well qualified for making a success of his undertaking. He was preparing to add a canning factory to his enterprise. David C. Turnipseed and his wife were members of the Methodist church and had four children.

Biography of Louis Bodenheimer

Memorial record of Alabama

The article is a biographical account of Louis Bodenheimer, a German-born merchant and businessman who settled in Montgomery, Alabama in the late 1800s. The article provides details about his family background, education, and professional career, including his business ventures in merchandising, cotton commission, and plantation management. It also highlights his involvement in various secret societies and his reputation as a trusted member of the community. Additionally, the article mentions his marriage to Rosa Gerson, a native of Montgomery.

1859-60 City Directory of Montgomery Alabama

1859-60 City Directory of Montgomery Alabama title page

Prior to the Civil War, a partnership called Mears & Turnbull compiled a directory for the city of Montgomery, Alabama and had it printed in 1859 by the Advertiser Book and Job Printing Office in Montgomery. The Montgomery Advertiser started publication in Montgomery in 1858 and still publishes a daily newspaper today. This city directory then would be one of the earliest examples of non-newspaper items published by this division of the company. Table of Contents Abbreviations, p. 21 Additions, Changes, &c., p. 101 Bible Society, p. 107 Business Directory, p. 83-98 Chess Club, p. 108 Churches, p. 106 City … Read more

1866 Directory of the city of Montgomery

1866 City Directory of Montgomery Title Page

Perry & Smith Company at Montgomery Alabama printed in 1866 a directory of the city of Montgomery including “historical sketches of Alabama soldiers.” The historical sketches were actually of their units, not individual soldiers and the names mentioned comprised mostly officers and higher enlisted men. The directory itself can be found on pages 3-28 interspersed with various advertisements from Montgomery businesses who sponsored the publishing. I expect that all of the people listed in the directory are white. Table of Contents Alphabetical Directory of Inhabitants of Montgomery, p. 3-28 Government of Alabama, p. 29 City Government, p. 29 Supreme Court … Read more

1862 Alabama Salt List

Lower Salt Works in Clarke Alabama

To understand the Alabama Salt Lists, one must first grasp the significance of Salt as a factor in the Civil War. To do this, the reader must transport himself back in time. Back to the period of the Civil War. Back to a time when life was much simpler and Salt was a definite necessity. To impoverished individuals and families, salt, a basic necessity of life, was extremely difficult to come by cheaply beginning in 1862. Alabama developed a system by which they purchased salt and distributed it to the poor directly, and others who could distribute it to the poor, in order that the people of Alabama would have sufficient salt for their usage. While doing this, Alabama developed lists of people who received the salt. This is such a list.

Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery, Montgomery, Alabama

Beulah Knight   born September 13, 1893 died March 25-1969 Joanne K. Wilson   born June 14, 1950 died December 2, 1983 Sarah E. M. Goodman   born July 14, 1920   died March 18, 1977 Daisy Goodman   born December 27, 1900   died May 11, 1985 Malinda Sharp    died January 9, 1962 Allen Sharpe SR.  Born October 4, 1877   died January 22, 1981 Alice Hamilton   born July 12, 1907   died August 30, 1967 Will Evans   born December 25, 1901 died March 11,1961 Sopia Williams   died January 12, 1926 Lizzie Malone   died July 6, 1947 (buried in the same grave as Sopia) Rose Collins   Born … Read more