51st Alabama Partisan Rangers, Company A

Co. "A"(Calhoun) -- Daniel P.
Forney; William H. [M.?] Hames
(resigned, 5
Dec 62); Hy. T. Snow;
"B", Thompson's Artillery [assigned
to 51st AL Partisan Rangers, 14
July 62; acting as artillery] (Pike) --
Henry B. Thompson (promoted,
Major); Lee W. Battle (wounded, east TN
and near Fayetteville)
Co. "C"(Talladega) -- James T. Dye
(promoted, Major); Thomas W. Curry
"D" (Calhoun) -- Robert W. Draper
(resigned, 7 May 63); William White
(wounded, Sequatchee Raid, Bentonville)
Co. "E" (St. Clair) -- William A.
Edwards (resigned, 29 April 63);
Charles F. Force (captured,
Shelbyville); 1st Lt. J. W. Lapsley
Co. "F" (Talladega) -- Nelson D.
Johnson (captured, Shelbyville); 1st Lt.
Amos Moss [Augustine Mose?]
Co. "G", First Partisan Rangers
(Tuscaloosa) -- Hampton S. Whitfield
(resigned, 9 Dec 62); Daniel T. Palmer
(resigned, 3 Aug 63); William R.Walker
Co. "H" (Montgomery) -- Milton L.
Kirkpatrick (promoted, Lt. Col.);
Sydenham W. Cowling (captured); 2nd Lt.
Joseph G. Allen (wounded,
Farmington, Fayetteville)
Co. "I" (Dallas, Perry) -- John Robbins
(resigned, 7 May 63); Joseph J.
Seawell [Sewell?](Wounded, Farmington);
2nd Lt. H. C. Reynolds; 2nd Lt.
B. C. Harrison
Co. "K" (Mobile) -- L. R. Smoot
(resigned, 14 Aug 62); Walter H.
Company A [Calhoun]
Forney, Daniel Captain
Hames, Wm Mark Captain [Filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Snow, Henry T 1st Lieutenant/Captain
[Died OK]
Pelham, Wm Lieutenant
Fain, William Sergeant/1st Lieutenant
Mohan, Jesse 2nd Lieutenant
Weaver, David F Sergeant
Scott, William Jason Sergeant
Bush, William D Corp/Sergeant
[Listed at a prisoner at Fort Delaware]
Hendrickson, David H Corporal

Adams, George [Filed for pension
in Calhoun County]
Adams, John T [Filed for pension
in Etowah County]
Allen, John
Allsup, Robert
Allsup, Thomas H [Filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Anderson, Charles C
Austin, Thorn
Baugh, J.N [Widow filed for
pension in Talladega County]
Baugh, Noah
Baugh, Thomas J [Died during the
Bonds, Richard A [Captured sent to
Fort Delaware, no other record]
Booker, J.P
Boozer, Gilliam S [Filed for
pension in Calhoun County]
Boozer, Henry
Boozer, Jesse C
Bowen, Thomas S
Bowman, William
Boxley, Cains M
Boyd, George H
Brenton, J.M
Brewster, J.M
Brewton, James M
Browning, Andrew J [Filed for pension in
Calhoun County]
Browning, George A
Browning, John L
Browning, W.H
Browning, William B
Browning, Young H
Bullard, George
Bush, A.C
Bush, Albin
Cannon, James F
Clark, Andrew J
Clarke, James A
Cook, Amaziah R
Cook, C.C
Copeland, George
Couch, W.A
Crow, Andrew J
Cupp, W.S
Dawson, Henry
Dodson, Charles C
Dodson, George
Dugger, James
Dunlap, Thomas
Easley, Benjamin
Ellis, Gideon C
Elston, John H
Fain, Joshua
Fain, Newton
Farmer, Andrew J
Faughender, William
Finley, G.W
Fleming, George M
Ford, J.W [Filed for pension in
Calhoun County]
Frances, Joseph S
Garner, L.J
Gassaway, J.G
Gidley, Richard
Giles, Benjamin F
Giles, Henry H
Giles, Williamson [Died during the
Goodlett, Wm L
Goodwin, Francis
Graham, G.A [Died during the war]
Gulliver, John A
Haines, Baker
Hames, Arthur [Listed as a
prisoner in Fort Delaware last record]
Hanson, Franklin
Harner, A.B
Harness, H.B
Harrison, Elisha P [Died during
the war]
Harrison, Frank [Filed for pension
in St. Clair County]
Harrison, R.P
Hayden, Samuel R
Hayer, C.C
Haynes, A.B
Heflin, James
Hill, J.D
Hollingsworth, J.B
Hollingsworth, Thomas
Hoke, John A [Filed for pension in
Colbert County]
Hudson, Edward
Hughes, John W [Listed as a
prisoner at Fort Delaware]
Idsen, J.T [Edison]
Ingram, Arthur
Johnson, I
Johnson, Robert C
Jordan, Wm A
Keith, W.M
King, Jonas B
Knowles, H.W
Lackey, Christopher C
Leach, Archibald
Ledbetter, David S
Lester, George
Lester, Wm
Lindsey, Wm W
Maddox, B.F [Filed for pension in
Talladega County]
Maddox, C.B
Maize, Jesse M
Mathews, John
Mayes, Jesse
Mayfield, Phillip
Mays, J.E
McAplin, Robert E
McBee, D.B.F
McBee, Jacob P [Died in Texas]
McBee, Jesse A
McBee, John H [Died in Texas]
McCollom, Irby B
McDaniel, M.L
McDaniel, Monroe
McFarland, Andrew N
Miller, E.G
Mohan, James
Morrison, John N
Nabors, Burl
Nixon, A.M
Nunnelly, Andrew
Nunnelly, C.T
Nunnelly, S.F
Nunnelly, T.L
Owen, John J
Pace, Isaac N
Pace, J.N
Pace, J.U
Pace, J.W
Page, Benjamin
Patterson, Thomas A.B
Pelham, Samuel
Phillips, Columbus
Pope, William J
Powell, Patterson
Prayton, John B
Pritchard, James B
Privatt, David
Privett, J.T
Privett, Jacob N
Privett, John D
Pruitt, M.A
Richardson, James L
Roberts, Richard D.R
Roberts, Wm J
Robertson, James
Robertson, Thomas
Roden, Epps
Roden, James W
Roundtree, George W
Rowden, J.W
Sharp, Calvin
Sherbet, J.W
Sherbet, John
Sherbet, S.P
Shields, Burl
Shockley, R.W
Skelton, Wm H
Skipper John W
Smiley, W.W.
Snow, James
Stanley, James
Stewart, Clark B [Died in TX]
Sublett, H.T
Sublett, Thomas
Swafford, G.W
Thomason, J.A
Thomason, John C
Tilley, John W
Thompson, J.L
Thompson, W.O
Truss, T.W
Turner, Benjamin R
Turnaville, Tapley
Vernon, E.L
Wallace, William J
Wier, Vincent
Wildman, A.M
Wilkins, D.B
Wilkinson, Wm W
Williams, Eugene O
Williams, Green W.S
Wright, M.T
Wright, Nathaniel F
Wynn, M.A
You, John
Young, W.A
Talladega County
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