Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Talladega Camp of Instruction, Surname B

Talladega was one of two camps of instruction established in Alabama for collecting recruits. The Confederacy was faced with a serious manpower shortage in the winter of 1862, and Congress determined on a compulsory military service law which went into effect in April 1862. Most men between the ages of 18 and 35 would be obliged to enroll, with exceptions for certain professions and other situations. Talladega and Notasulga were selected as camp sites to collect recruits, which had been volunteers up to this time. Enrolling officers in each county collected men and took them to camp, where they were enrolled and eventually assigned to a front-line unit.

Note: Some of these men were transferred to other Regiments, and some were unfit for service and never served in the war, and some were Indian Wars soldiers who were called upon to train the men.


Badgett, James M
Badgett, Posey
Bagley, Joseph
Bagley, Wm M
Bailey, A.W
Bailey, F.M
Bailey, Jas W
Baker, A.R
Baker, B
Baker, C.W
Baker, E.S
Baker, J.C
Baker, James B
Baker, Patrick M
Baldwin, J.G
Baldwin, R.G
Ballinger, Albert
[Buried in Cleburne County AL]
Ballinger, Martin
Ball, B.J
Ball, J.N
Ball, J.W
Ballard, James W
Ballard, W.H
Bancom, John W
Banister, Wm A
Bakers, Ewrill
Banks, Samuel
Barber, F.M
Barber, W.J
Barber, Thomas
Barker, James N
Barnes, Elbert
Barnes, Harrison
Barnes, J.N
Barnes, John
Barnes, Robert
Barnes, Wiley
Barnett, Francis
Barnett, John T
Barnett, William
Barrett, W.R
Barron, John D
Barrow, D.O
Barton, H.C
Barton, W.D
Basham, Nathan
Bass, A.J
Bass, Edmond E
Bass, J.W
Bass, M.W
Bass, S.M
Bassett, N.R
Bates, Jas
Batey, Jesse
Batson, Calvin
Batson, Jacob
Battle Berry
Battle, James
Battle, P
Battle, Richard
Baugh, J.A
Baxley, H.A
Bayles, A.J
Beacham, F
Beal, Wm R
Beams, Wm
Bean, David M [Died in Texas]
Beard, J.J
Bearden, Z
Bearden, Wm
Beasley, B.M
Beasley, Wm
Beason, Jasper M
Beatty, W.M
Beck, Henry
Beckham, T.B
Belcher, A.M
Belcher, John H
Belcher, N
Belcher, O
Bell, J.W
Bell, M.H
Bentley, A
Benton, C.N
Benton, F
Berry, John
Berry, Thomas
Berryhill, C.J
Best, L.A
Beverly, J.R
Bews, Wm
Bibb, Wm
Bice, G
Bice, Lafayette
Bice, W
Bice, W.C
Bigbee, O.N
Billingsley, F.M
Birden, V.Y
Bishop, James
Black, J.G
Black, J. T
Black, James G
Blackburn, T.C
Blackman, F.F
Blair, Daniel
Blair, Wm
Blakley, W.M
Blalock, Wm J
Blevins, Wm
Blissit, James
Blythe, W.A
Boak, B.H [Benjamin Harrison Boak,
buried Pleasant Hill Clay County]
Boak, R.Y [Richard Young Boak
buried Mt. Gilead Clay County]
Boatwright, J.B
Boggs, Joseph M
Bohan, Ebenezer
Bolton, Madison
Bonds, John C
Bonds, Richard
Bonds, Warren
Bonner, J.W
Bonner, Virgil T [Buried Wedowee City Cemetery, Randolph County]
Boone, J.C
Booth, Jno
Booth, Wm
Boozer, Frederick
Borden, Eli
Borden, W.J
Boss, W.C
Bowen, J.N
Bowers, C.C.
Bowling, John
Bowling, R
Bowling, Wm
Box, Caleb G
Boyd, Archibald
Boyd, F.M
Boyd, George R
Boyd, George W
Boyd, John
Boyd, Samuel
Boyd, William
Boyle, Patrick
Boyle, Wm L
Bradford, J.M
Bradford, John F
[Buried Sweetwater Randolph County?]
Bradford, W.H
Bradley, James J [Died during the war]
Bradley, Thomas
Brake, Jacob
Brannon, W.R
Brantley, G.R
Brantley, James A
Braswell, B.B
Braswell, Miles C
Braune, C.H
Brazer, C
Breed, J.F
Breed, J.F
Breed, R.J
Brener, Media
Brewer, Alex
Brewer, J
Brewer, James A
Brewer, Sirens
Brewer, Stephen
Brice, Wm W
Brickhouse, James
Bridges, J.N
Briggs, G.W
Briggs, W.B
Brinker, A.J
Brinker, Albert J
Britt, Berry
Britt, O
Britt, William
Britton, G.A
Broadhead, J.W
Broadhead, Lindsey
Brock, C
Brock, J.W
Brock, Wm
Bromlow, J.E
Brooks, Elijah
Brooks, James L
Brooks, M.T
Brooks, P.L
Brooks, Wm M
Brothers J.N [Corp]
Brown, D
Brown, Daniel B
Brown, J
Brown, J.A
Brown, J.O.A
Brown, J.W
Brown, James H
Brown, John
Brown, R.L
Brown, R.M.
Brown, S.D
Brown, T.W
Brown, W.H
Brown, William
Brown, W.K
Browning, J.O
Brownlow, James E
Brunson, A.C
Brunson, D.A
Brunson, W. H
Bryant, B
Bryant, E.E
Bryant, J.D
Bryles, B.F
Buchanan, Francis
Buckaloo, Joseph
Buckelew, E
Buckelew, J
Buckelew, J.W
Buckelew, S.P
Bucker, Levi
Bulger, J
Burdett, James
Burdine, James M
Burford, James H
Burgess, J.J.O
Burgess, Robert
Burgin, Thomas J
Burke, David
Burke, E
Burke, Monroe
Burke, William
Burkett, Francis
Burks, Elijah
Burnes, Charles
Burnes, J
Burnett, J.J
Burns, A.J
Burrell, E.C
Burrell, J.M
Burrell, Martin
Burrell, Modern
Burrell, Peter
Burroughs, E.B
Burse, WM
Burton, A.R
Burton, John
Burton, Wm
Busby, James M
Busby, John T
Busby, W.J.S
Busby, William J
Bush, Jasper
Butler, B.C
Butler, Anderson
Butler, C
Butler, James
Butler, John
Butler, John W
Butler, Richard
Butler, Thomas A
Butler, W.H
Buttersworth, S.A.
Byers, Edward
Byers, Jonas W
Byers, Wm
Bynum, Jasper E
Bynum, Jesse
Bynum, L



Talladega County

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