Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Talladega Camp of Instruction, Surname M

Talladega was one of two camps of instruction established in Alabama for collecting recruits. The Confederacy was faced with a serious manpower shortage in the winter of 1862, and Congress determined on a compulsory military service law which went into effect in April 1862. Most men between the ages of 18 and 35 would be obliged to enroll, with exceptions for certain professions and other situations. Talladega and Notasulga were selected as camp sites to collect recruits, which had been volunteers up to this time. Enrolling officers in each county collected men and took them to camp, where they were enrolled and eventually assigned to a front-line unit.

Note: Some of these men were transferred to other Regiments, and some were unfit for service and never served in the war, and some were Indian Wars soldiers who were called upon to train the men.


Machen, R.K
Maddox, M.J
Maddox, Raymond
Major, B
Malone, George
Malone, J.C
Mann, James
Mann, Whitfield
Manning, Wm S
Mansfield, Charles H
Marable, Jno H
Mardis, Jesse J
Marion, Harvey
Marion, Thomas
Markel, John
Marlon, Richard
Marsh, D.G
Marsh, Joseph
Martin, H
Martin, J.M
Martin, J.N
Martin, J.W
Martin, Jas
Martin, L.A
Martin, T.S
Martin, William
Mason, Jas R
Massey, J.A
Massey, J.B
Mathews, B.F
Mathews, D.G
Mathews, G.H
Mathews, G.W
Mathews, James
Mathis, M.R
Matlock, J
Maston, A.L
May, D.W
May, J.A
May, John
May, William
Mayfield, R.J
Mayo, D.C
McAlpin, R.A
McBee, W.C
McBrayer, Samuel
McBrayer, Wm B
McClellan, Andrew
McClellan, Henry J
McClellan, Thomas M
McClellan, Samuel
McClellan, W.W.
McClendon, L
McClendon, John
McClendon, S.A
McClendon, Samuel
McClintock, Mathew F
McClintock, Thomas W
McClung, W.R
McCollum, W.P
McCombs, D.A
McCombs, Jas
McCombs, John
McConnell, D.J
McConnell, Samuel
McCord, James
McCoy, Joseph
McCrary, G.W
McCrary, J.J.
McCrary, John A
McCrary, H.L
McCrary, W.J
McCurry, L
McCurry, S.M
McDaniel John M
McDaniel, Robert
McDaniel, Samuel
McDaniel, Wm J
McDonald, D.D
McDonald, F.M
McDonald, James D
McDonald, James M
McDonald, James T
McDonald, M.M
McDonald, Simeon
McDowell, Daniel
McDuff, W.M
McElroy, J.J
McElroy, J.R
McElroy, Wm
McErwin, Jas M
McGaha, W.C
McGaha, Wm T
McGee, Albert
McGee, James A
McGraw, Joel P
McKee, A.F
McKee, B.L
McKee, D.L
McKee, F
McKee, Jonathan
McKee, R.L
McKee, Robert
McKee, W.FM
McKeller, E.D
McKenzie, W
McKey, David L
McKinley, Silas A
McKenney, J.S
McKenney, Thomas S
McLane, James F
McLaughlin, A.C
McLean, John
McLean, N.W
McLean, S.M
McMurray, H
McNorton, William R
McPherson, Wm
McQueen, John M
McRee, Thomas C
McReynolds, C.W
McSwain, F.T
McTyler, John
McVey, John
Meadors, H.A
Meek, W.B
Meggs, J.L
Melton, L.W
Melton, Thomas M
Meredith, B.C
Merrell, Amos
Merrell, D
Merrell, Jonathan
Merrell, N
Merrell, Wiley
Merrell, Wm
Merrick, H.C
Messer, J
Milam, Willoughby
Miles, C
Miles, W.D [sergeant]
Miller, A.J
Miller, C.W
Miller, E.S
Miller, F.M
Miller, John M
Miller, Joseph
Miller, L.A
Miller, W.M
Milling, Robert
Mills, G.W
Mills, J.E
Mills, John
Mills, L.F
Mills, W.F
Millwood, Jno
Mims, A.F
Minter, H.R
Minter, R.F
Mitchell, A.A
Mitchell, Archibald
Mitchell, D.E
Mitchell, Enoch
Mitchell, Henry
Mitchell, J.A
Mitchell, J.C
Mitchell, Samuel
Mitchell, T.A
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, Wm T
Mitchem, D
Mize, D
Mize, James
Mizzell, J.C
Mizzell, Marion
Monday, J.F
Monk, M
Monroe, C.J.C
Monroe, R.J
Monroe, Rapheal
Montgomery, C.N
Montgomery, J.A
Montgomery, J.C
Montgomery, James
Montgomery, Jno A
Montgomery, Wm C
Moon, G.F
Moon, J.P
Moon, T.L
Moore, A.J
Moore, Aaron
Moore, D.C
Moore, E
Moore, G.F
Moore, J.M
Moore, J.W
Moore, John
Moore, Pleasant
Moore, R.J
Moore, Sam
Moore, William
Moore, Wooton A
Morehead, M.M
Morgan, A.T
Morgan, Houston
Morgan, M.B
Morgan, Marion
Morris, A.F
Morris, F
Morris, G.W
Morris, J.G
Morris, J.M
Morris, John
Morris, Wm A
Morrison, Charles S
Morrison, J
Morrison, J.H
Morrison, Wm
Morrow, D.J
Morrow, D.W
Morrow, T.A
Morton, Joel
Moses, Robert
Mosley, B.F
Mosley, W.W.
Motes, Richard
Motes, T.J
Motes, Wm
Mullins, Gabriel
Mullins, H.L
Mullins, W.J
Munroe, Calvin J.C
Munroe, F.M
Munroe, W.W.
Murner, Jesse
Murphree, H.M
Murphree, Jesse B
Murphree, S.B
Murphree, Wm
Murray, B
Murray, Jasper
Murray, John
Myers, A.L
Myers, Alex
Myers, Henry
Myers, James
Myers, W.D
McCain, Jefferson [Buried Olive Branch Clay County]
McDaniel, Napoleon B [Buried Ashland City Cemetery Clay County]
Medders, Washington [Died of Disease during the war]
Morrison, R.C [Robert C. Morrison, buried Macedonia Clay County]
Motes, Mathew [Buried Valley Grove Randolph County?]
Mullally, William J [Buried Bethel or Union-D Clay County]



Talladega County

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