Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Talladega Camp of Instruction, Surname U - Z

Talladega was one of two camps of instruction established in Alabama for collecting recruits. The Confederacy was faced with a serious manpower shortage in the winter of 1862, and Congress determined on a compulsory military service law which went into effect in April 1862. Most men between the ages of 18 and 35 would be obliged to enroll, with exceptions for certain professions and other situations. Talladega and Notasulga were selected as camp sites to collect recruits, which had been volunteers up to this time. Enrolling officers in each county collected men and took them to camp, where they were enrolled and eventually assigned to a front-line unit.

Note: Some of these men were transferred to other Regiments, and some were unfit for service and never served in the war, and some were Indian Wars soldiers who were called upon to train the men.


Ulmer, J.J
Underwood, Daniel J
Ussery, Thomas J
Ussery, Wm

Vail, W
Vanderford, Thomas
Vandriver, J.L
Vann, J.B
Vann, Jasper L.C
Vann, Robert J
Vardaman, Sanford
Varden, William M
Varnon, Alonzo
Vaughan, Henry W
Vaughan, R.D
Venable, James C
Venable, Oliver
Vernon, Thomas
Vick, A.M
Vick, George
Vines, Willoughby
Vineyard, J.L
Vining, Jehu S
Vogel, Jacob
Vowell, Joseph C

Wade, James
Wade, James P
Wade, Joel
Wade, Thomas H
Wade, Wm H
Wadkins, A.D
Wadsworth, John
Wakefield, Wm J
Walden, C
Walden, J.G
Waldrop, A.B
Waldrop, James L
Walgrave, Leo
Walker, E.A
Walker, F.M
Walker, J.L
Walker, John
Walker, John C
Walker, Vincent V
Walker, W
Wallace, James
Wallace, Joseph J
Wallace, T.J
Wallace, Wm
Wallace, Wm J
Walls, Ellis
Walls, James K.P
Walls, John
Walls, V
Walters, John
Walthall, W.J
Ward, C.H
Ward, C.N
Ward, Calvin N
Ward, J.A
Ward, J.J
Ward, J.P
Ward, James
Ward, James A
Ware, E.S
Ware, John H
Ware, J.M
Warren, C
Warren, W.P
Warren, Wm M
Warrick, P.C
Warrick, W.O
Warwick, J
Waters, W.J
Watson, J.H.A
Watson, J.M
Watson, John
Watson, Major
Watson, N.S
Watson, Thomas A
Watson, Tobias
Watson, W
Watts, Levi
Watts, M.H
Watts, W.A
Weaver, E.V
Weaver, Henry
Weaver, W.W
Webb, A.B
Webb, J.B
Webb, J.L
Webb, J.S
Webb, John S
Webb, R.H
Webb, Thomas
Webb, W.T
Webb, Warren D
Webber, S.H
Webster, S.H
Webster, W.E
Weems, J.G
Weems, M.W
Weems, T.J
Welch, W.W.
Weldon, David
Weldon, J
Weldon, William
West, B.W
West, I.P
West, W.L
West, William C
West, Westbrooks
Wharton, John P
Wharton, Thomas J
Whatley, J.D
Wheat, T.S
Wheatley, B.C
Wheeler, J,M
Wheeler, R.J
White, D.C
White, F.M
White, Francis
White, H.E
White, J.D
White, R.C
White, R.W
White, Richard
White, Smith
White, Thomas
White, W.G
White, W.N
White, Wm A
Whited, W.F
Whitfield, A.H
Whitfield, J.M
Whitley, A.H
Whitley, Jas
Whitley, John H
Whitlow, J.W
Whitworth, M.P
Whorton, A.W.R
Wicker, David
Wier, James D
Wier, John A
Wiggins, M.N.B
Wiggins, Thomas J
Wiggins, Wm M
Wilcox, James
Wilcox, W.R
Wilder, Wm F
Wiley, L.F
Wiley, Thomas W
Wilkerson, Jasper
Wilkerson, P.P
Wilkerson, Richard
Wilkerson, Thomas J
Wilkes, J.C
Willbanks, L.G
Williams, A.H
Williams, B.P
Williams, C.L
Williams, D.B
Williams, D.D
Williams, Frances L
Williams, G.E
Williams, H.G
Williams, J.G
Williams, J.N
Williams, J.T
Williams, Joseph R
Williams, L.D
Williams, L.F
Williams, O.K
Williams, Stephen
Williams, Thomas E
Williams, W.W.
Williams, Wyatt
Williamson, L.K
Williamson, R.S
Williamson, W.M
Williamson, Wm W
Williford, R.C
Willingham, E.C
Willingham, Elijah
Willingham, George
Willingham, Isaac
Willingham, T.C
Willingham, W
Willis, George
Willis, John
Wilson, A
Wilson, Anderson
Wilson, Elisha
Wilson, J
Wilson, J.W
Wilson, James
Wilson, James A
Wilson, Jasper
Wilson, John T
Wilson, N.B
Wilson, R.E
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, W.E.S
Wilson, W.H
Wilson, Wm H
Wilson, Wm T
Windle, Joseph H
Windle, Robert
Winfield, Hartwell
Winterich, J.M
Wise, H.H
Wise, J.O
Wiston, Jasper N
Witt, J.M
Witt, Robert H
Witt, Silas
Wood, A.F
Wood, George R
Wood, J.A
Wood, J.M
Wood, James B
Wood, John A
Wood, W.C
Woodruff, G.L
Woodruff, G.W
Woods, David
Woods, James W
Woods, John
Woods, Nathaniel
Woodward, James
Woodward, S
Woodward, T.B
Woolley, A.S
Woolley, G.W
Woodley, Wm
Wooten, Benjamin
Wooten, James M
Worthy, H.B
Wright, A.J
Wright, James M
Wright, John H
Wright, P.G
Wright, Turner
Wyatt, L

Yager, Chapley A
Yancey, A.W
Yancey, John
Yarbrough, T.J
Yates, Joel
Yeager, E.E
Yeager, Hiram C
Yeager, J.C
Yearta, W.L
York, G.S
York, Thomas S
 Young, Amos A
Young, Asa
Young, D.G
Young, J.L
Young, J.M
Young, James W
Young, Willis
Young, Wm J

Zenia, Thomas
Vice, Memory [Buried Wise Chapel Cleburne County]
Williams, Jasper [Buried Millerville Cemetery Clay County]
Young, A.A [Allen A. Young, buried McDaniels Chapel Clay County]
Young, Carson [Died during the war]



Talladega County

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