Biography of George Cook Spigener

Memorial record of Alabama

George Cook Spigener, sheriff of Autauga county, Alabama, was born in Robinson Springs, in what is now Elmore county, in 1849. His father, Llewellyn Spigener, was born near Columbia, South Carolina, in 1812, and married Mary Elvira Ramsey, who was born near LaGrange, Georgia. Llewellyn Spigener served an apprenticeship of … Read more

Biography of Daniel Pratt

Memorial record of Alabama

Daniel Pratt, the younger, was born in Prattville in 1866, graduated from the state university, and succeeded his father, Merrill E. Pratt as manager of the Pratt Gin company, and is also treasurer of the Prattville cotton mill and banking company, and treasurer of the Worthington-Munger-Pratt company of Birmingham. He … Read more

Biography of William T. Northington

Memorial record of Alabama

William T. Northington, president of the Prattville Cotton Mill & Banking company, Autauga county, and also president of the Northington-Mungen-Pratt company, of Birmingham, Alabama, is a native of Prattville, Alabama, and was born in 1851. His parents, William H. and Rachel M. (Gholson) Northington, were born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia., … Read more

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