Biography of Howell W. Slaughter

Howell W. Slaughter, sheriff of Baldwin county, Ala., is one of its most progressive young planters and citizens. He is a native of Baldwin county and was born near his present plantation, June 11, 1857, a son of Dr. William H. and Harriet (Hays) Slaughter. He was reared on his father’s place and early began to assist in its management. He developed good business traits, when quite young, and passed much of his spare time in study at home, his only schooling consisting of a nine months’ course, in 1872. He became an expert bookkeeper, and for a number of years kept his father’s accounts in most excellent condition, and conducted the plantation on the strictest business principles. He also turned his attention to the accumulation of realty in connection with his father’s business, and bought the beautiful property he now occupies and formerly known as the old Booth estate. He married Miss Eliza Belt, daughter of Dr. T. W. and Eliza (Booth) Belt, the former of whom was a native of North Carolina, but was a young man when he settled in Baldwin county, Ala., a graduate of Chapel Hill, N. C. He began the practice of medicine soon after his arrival, and met with success as a practitioner, and was married to Miss Eliza Booth, one of Baldwin county’s fairest daughters. The doctor was a democrat, affiliating with the Missionary Baptist church, and was a highly esteemed citizen. His death took place in 1865, after which his family removed to Texas, where they still reside, and where Howell W. Slaughter was married. The mother of Mrs. Slaughter was born in Baldwin county, Ala., and was a member of one of its best families. Mrs. Slaughter was married in her twenty-second year, and is the mother of four children, born in the following order: William, September 2, 1886; Wright B., December, 1888; Howell, April 21, 1890, and Morton, August 19, 1891. Mrs. Slaughter united with the Missionary Baptist church early in life and has ever since adhered strictly to its teachings; she is a lady of culture and is an admired member of the society of the neighborhood. Sheriff Slaughter is the owner of 2,000 acres of choice land, mostly composed of river bottom. In 1890, he erected the handsome residence he now occupies, and has put the grounds immediately surrounding it under cultivation in all kinds of fruit trees and vines, and his family is surrounded with all the comforts and luxuries of life. Mr. Slaughter was elected sheriff of Bald-win county, in August, 1892, with little or no opposition. He has always taken reasonably active interest in politics, but never to the detriment of his private business, and the democratic party has always placed implicit reliance on his active support. He has freely assisted in. building up the schools and churches of the county, although he is not of any religious denomination. He is, however, a bright Mason.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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