Madison County Queries

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Thank you, Dennis

Schrimsher, Hamilton, Schmalr, Cowan, and Grimmett – 27 May 2010 I am searching for information about my great-great grandmother and her 4 husbands: Sarah Catherine (Kitty) Schrimsher, Joseph Hamilton, Joseph Schmalr, Jason Cowan, and Thomas Benton Grimmett. I’m told that the Schrimshers are one of the first families of Northern Alabama. My brother and I were adopted out of the family and we’re trying to put together some idea of what our ancestors were like. I found Joseph Hamilton on the 1870 census and the record of his marriage to Kitty, but can’t figure out what happened to him. Did he die,run off, what? Same with Joseph Schmalr, who is my great-great grandfather. I can’t even locate the birth record of my great-grandfather, Daniel Austin (11/16/1882). Kitty married Schmalr in Tenn. in 1881, so what happened between 1875 when she married Hamilton and 1881 when she married Schmalr. Schmalr susposedly died, but is there a death certificate? She married ! Cowan in 1887. Was it even legal? She supposedly divorced him and married Grimmett in 1903. In fact, I don’t know when or where Kitty died. Four husbands in a relatively short period of time is quite curious to me for the time period in history. It wasn’t the norm, if you know what I mean. If you can help us with any of this, we would be eternally grateful. Rhoades, Deborah

Landman, William and Frances – 15 April 2010 Looking for other descendents of William and Frances Landman who lived in Madison County, Alabama. They are buried in the Landman Cemetery on Redstone Arsenal. Any descendents of this line or those of Samuel Landman, please email me. Kaye Sass

Lock(e) Family – 15 April 2010 Looking for descendents from these lines; John H Locke, Sr., Hinton Ebert Locke, Clarence Locke, Jacob Edward Locke, Nancy Locke, Mary Locke, John Locke, Jr who married Rosa, William W. Locke, James T. Locke, Berry Locke, Pearl Locke Stewart. Kaye Sass

Ray, William Henry – 29 March 2010 We are searching for information about William Henry Ray who, according to oral family history, was b. ca. 1822 in Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama. His parents are unknown, but the oral history is that he was orphaned at a young age, and he went to Mississippi. Any information will be welcome. Helen McClendon


Smith, Joseph & Rebecca19 Feb 2010 I am seeking information on the history and founders of the church called Ebenezer at Hobbs Island. I was told that in the 1830’s Joseph & Rebecca Smith (brother & sister) were instrumental in the founding of this church. Author Frances A Nalls wrote a book The Church Called Ebenezer: Madison Alabama. There may be info in this book, but it is out of print and so far, I have been unable to locate a copy. If anyone would have any resource to this info or know of a source I could contact, I would greatly appreciate your sharing of info.

Dorothy Smith


Manson, Isaac – 26 Jan 2010 There is an Isaac A. Manson shown in 1840 in Huntsville. There is an Isaac D. Manson shown in 1850. Of course, my suspicion is that these are the same person, but this is not yet proven.

Myself and several other researchers are seeking info on how Isaac, who says he is from SC, fits into the larger Manson family in the US. Anyone with info on Isaac or his family please contact me.

My page with all of the info I currently have on him is here: Plenge/Manson Family Tree.

My current email address should always be found on that page.

Karl Plenge


Hanna, James A. – 26 Jan 2010 Looking for information on James A. Hanna (1835-1910) from Madison County, AL. I want to find out who his father’s name and place of origin.

James Hanna


Stone, Bennett, Jacob and Elizabeth  –  17 Jan 2010 Searching for parents of Bennett, Jacob and Elizabeth Stone, supposed to have been b. in Tennessee or Alabama.

  1. Bennett Stone b. abt. 1811, married Mary Bankhead, dau. of Thos. & Martha Bankhead, in Madison County, AL 2 Oct. 1833.
  2. Jacob Stone b. abt. Aug. 1818, married Mary Jane Williams in Fayette Co. TN 30 May 1842.
  3. Elizabeth Stone b. abt. 1821, married James Woolsey possibly in DeSoto Co., MS Dec. 1842.

William Stone


Jones, Moses  –  Jan 1 2010 Looking for Moses Jones (~1802-1873) who was in MS Territory before Jackson County was established. Census lists him as being b. in TN. Was there a Moses, Sr.? who is listed as a soldier in the War of 1812 as from North AL? Any help is appreciated. See more: Moses Jones Family of Madison County, 1802?-1873

Lucy Miller


Lancaster, Josiah – Jan 1 2010 Looking for information on Josiah and Lucy Ann (Hudson) Lancaster of Madison & Jackson counties, AL; Josiah d. abt 1829 & Lucy married T.M. Rector of Jackson Co. Haven’t been able to find a trace of Josiah who was reported to have land in Madison County. See more

Lucy Miller

12 thoughts on “Madison County Queries”

  1. RE Schrimsher, Hamilton, Schmalr Cowan & Grimmet – Joseph Hamilton began divorce proceedings in 1879 against his wife Kitty C. Hamilton (Schrimsher) for adultery with his brother, Alexander C. Hamilton, who testified on his brother’s behalf. The 22 page record can be found free online at this link,1078548201,1078548677. I believe Joseph and Alexander were my great great grandfather William Lacy Hamilton’s brothers. The divorce papers say there were no children in the marriage. Although proceedings began 1879, the divorce was not finalized until July 16, 1881. I noticed some other Schrimshers listed under other dates. It is possible that Joseph moved to Prentiss or Alcorn County MS around 1880. William Lacy Hamilton married there in 1881. I believe these Hamiltons in Madison County are he and his family but cannot yet PROVE the connection between 1870 and 1881. The father was Alexander Hamilton and the mother was Elizabeth Lacy. Good luck in your search.

  2. Nancy Ann Campbell Pilant Jones- I’ve found her all the way up to 1880 when she was in Madison Co. Alabama census.
    Name Nancy Jones
    Age 55
    Birth Year abt 1825
    Birthplace Tennessee
    Home in 1880 Beat 10, Madison, Alabama
    Race White
    Gender Female
    Relation to Head of House Self
    Marital Status Widowed
    Father’s Birthplace Virginia
    Mother’s Birthplace Tennessee
    Occupation Farmer
    Household Members
    Name Age
    Nancy Jones 55 self
    Virginia Pilant 14 daughter
    Ellen Russen 14 granddaughter
    David Jones 45 step-son

    Her family seemed to bounce back and forth from Madison, Alabama and Lincoln, Tennessee. So since the 1890 census is lost, trying to figure out what happened to Nancy if she died and who Virginia aka Jennie Pilant might have married. Found a marriage licenses issued for her in 1879 but it was returned not endorsed. So figure the marriage did not take place.


    Iverson Knott, one of Huntsville’s eldest and most respected citizen died last week

    Looking for the cemetery he might be buried in or any other information about him or his family, JANE E. KNOTT, wife and FOUNTAIN PITTS KNOTT, son.

    Thank you

  4. I am researching Anne Tucker, who died Dec 2001 in Huntsville.
    Her obituary was in the Huntsville Times on 30 Dec 2001.
    Does anyone know how to get a copy? Local genealogy society? Newspaper?
    RAK? Any assistance very appreciated.
    Janet in San Antonio

  5. Looking for information on John “Blind John” Chisholm, Revolutionary War soldier who,is buried in Madison County.

  6. Looking for infomation on William Gormly, long-time Madison resident. He was born in 1805 and died in 1877. He emigrated from Ireland in 1817 and I’m particularly seeking information about his Irish family.

  7. I am researching Phillip Roberts, his wife Lucy Ann Barnes Roberts and their family. I tracked them from their home in Tennessee to Madison County up to 1880 using the census and then they just disappear. Lucy is supposedly buried in Arkansas. Please let me know if you have any information about this family.

  8. Looking for any info on this man when he was living in Madison County. Thank you!

    Iverson Knott
    BIRTH 14 JUL 1821 • North Carolina, USA

    DEATH 20 JUN 1889 • Madison County, Alabama, USA

  9. Looking for any information for Dicey Vincent Helms, born abt 1810 to 1814 in North Carolina. She married Denman/Denmon Helms born abt 1799 to 1802 in North Carolina. (There are several Denman Helms’ and they are related to him.) My 2nd great grandfather, Denman/Denmon Helms, born 1799 to 1802, died in 1871 outside of Huntsville, Alabama. I know the cemetery where Denman is buried, but have never been able to find anything on Dicey after that. They were both in the 1870 census. Don’t know anything about Dicey. Have been trying to find her date of birth and place (positively) and also her place and date of death. I’ve been researching this for over 40 years and would appreciate any knowledge that anyone might have on this family.
    Rebecca Deal Van Cleve


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