Edwards Cemetery, Bullock County, Alabama

The Edwards Cemetery “Aunt Genie’s Cemetery”

The following is a listing of the graves in the Edwards Cemetary of Bullock thanks to Lisa Wilson who transcribed the following information.

The Edwards Cemetery on High Ridge Road, Bullock County, was last owned by the late Mrs. Walter Cogdell of Union Springs, Alabama. Mrs. Cogdell is the beloved Aunt Genie to the younger members of her family.

When Martha Alabama Edwards, infant daughter of Benjamin Edwards, died in 1851, a small grave was prepared for the tiny body in the father’s garden near his home. This was the beginning of the Edwards Cemetery, originally on land owned by Benjamin Edwards.

Graves are listed in the order in which they are located in the cemetery, not by date of burial. This list was carefully and lovingly compiled by Miss Jean Franklin of Union Springs in 1961. Jean is a great granddaughter of Benjamin Edwards.

Information in ( ) supplied by the compiler, not on tombstones.

1. ROBERT JAMES GHOLSTON December 3, 1886 December 9, 1940 (Husband of Ethel Bristow, daughter of Joel Cummings Bristow)

2. JOEL CLIFFORD GRISWOLD, M.D. November 9, 1880 August 25, 1929 (Son of Martha “Mattie” Ann (Bristow) Griswold)

3. JOHN OLIN GRISWOLD February 12, 1851 March 25, 1923 (Husband of Martha “Mattie” Ann (Bristow) Griswold)

4. MATTIE BRISTOW Wife of J. O. Griswold November 26, 1857 November 5, 1936 (Martha “Mattie” Ann Bristow, daughter of Rebecca (Edwards) Bristow)

5. VICTOR FLEMING GRISWOLD December 10, 1882 August 8, 1957 (Son of Martha “Mattie” Ann (Bristow) Griswold)

6. ENOLA MERIWETHER Wife of V. F. Griswold April 2, 1891 February 15, 1923 (Victor F. Griswold was son of Joel Olin Griswold)

Two Graves Under One Tomb 7. SUSAN JOHNSON BRISTOW JOEL CUMMINGS January 29, 1861 November 8, 1860 June 25, 1944 February 16, 1944 (Joel, son of John T. & Rebecca (Edwards) Bristow)

8. Infant Daughter of JOEL C & SUSAN J. BRISTOW April 10, 1892 May 11, 1892

9. JOHN T. BRISTOW Born in Taliaferro Co., Ga. August 7, 1818 Died May 25, 1891 Aged 72 years – 7 months and 18 days “Our Father” (Married 1st Mary Ward Edwards, 2nd Rebecca Edwards)

10. REBECCA Wife of John T. Bristow Born Taliaferro Co., Ga. February 25, 1818 Died December 4, 1912 “Our Mother” (Oldest daughter of Old Thomas Edwards; 2nd wife of John T. Bristow)

11. Sacred to the Memory of MARTHA ALABAMA Infant Daughter of Benjamin & Susan A. Edwards Who was born in Talladega Co., Ala July 6, 1850 And Departed to this Life March 12, 1851 Aged 8 months and 5 days “This lovely bud so young and fair Called hence by early doom Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise might bloom.” (First Edwards child to be born in Alabama. First person buried in Edwards Cemetery)

12. Sacred to the Memory of PIKE Infant Daughter of John & Susan J. Edwards Who was born July 15, 1851 And Departed this life June 18, 1852 Aged 10 months and 3 days “So fades the lovely blooming flower Frail smiling solace of an hour So soon our earthly comforts fly An pleasures only bloom and die.” (First Edwards child to be born in Pike [now Bullock] County, Alabama)

13. Sacred to the Memory of THOMAS EDWARDS A native of N.C. Who died in Pike [now Bullock] County, Ala. October 17, 1853 In the 68th year of his life “When those we love are snatched away By deaths resistless hand Our heats the mournful tribute pay Which friendship must demand.” (Old Thomas, son of Benjamin and Mary Edwards)

14. Sacred to the Memory of MARY W. BRISTOW Wife of John T. Bristow Daughter of Thomas & Martha W. Edwards Who was born in Taliaferro Co., Ga. March 7, 1820 And Departed this life July 27, 1856 Aged 36 years – 4 months and 20 days “She has gone to the grave as tenderly loved As any that ever from earth were removed And when the last loud trump shall be given Oh! May we be ready to meet her in Heaven” (Youngest daughter of Old Thomas Edwards and 1st wife of John T. Bristow)

15. In Memory of SUSAN A. Wife of Benjamin Edwards And daughter of George & Sarah Tilley Deceased in Taliaferro Co., Ga. Who was born November 7, 1820 And departed this life July 4, 1858 Aged 37 years – 6 months and 28 days “She was a tender Mother here And in her life the Lord did fear; We trust our loss will be her gain And that with Christ she’s gone to reign”

16. In memory of GEORGE P. Son of J.R.M. & A.D. Reid Who was born Crawfordville, Taliaferro Co., Ga. May 6, 1847 And died May 28, 1857 “Fate gave the word, the arrow sped And pierced my darling’s heart And with him all the joys are fled Life can to me impart Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled Then in heaven with joy to greet thee When no farewell tear is shed” (Neighbors of the Edwards on High Ridge Road)

17. In Memory of ARAMINTA D. Consort of J.R.M. Reid She was born in Hancock Co., Ga. December 2, 1825 And Died October 19, 1859 “Her Christian life well accorded With her dying words- For we know that if our earthly House of this tabernacle were dissolved We have a building of God, a house not Made of hands, eternal in the heavens” (Soon after the death of Araminta, the Reids left for Texas and the Edwards heard of them no more.)

18. MATTIE B. Daughter of W.A. & M.R. Battle Born in Montgomery County, Ala. November 6, 1861 And Died October 6, 1862 Aged 11 months “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Her mother, Martha Rebecca Edwards, daughter of John Edwards)

19. FRANK F. Son of W.A. & M.R. Battle Born November 8, 1862 Died September 4, 1866 “He took thee from a world of care In everlasting bliss to share” (His mother, Martha Rebecca Edwards, daughter of John Edwards)

20. Sacred to the Memory of BENJAMIN EDWARDS Who was born in Taliaferro Co., Ga. March 17, 1816 And Departed this life September 23, 1863 Aged 47 years – 6 months and 6 days “Farewell my children, friends and all From you a Father Christ doth call Mourn not for me, it is in vain To call me to your sight again” (Second son of Old Thomas Edwards and brother of John Edwards; evidently an error in his birth dates, as his Brother John was born August 15, 1815 according to John’s Family Bible.)

21. SUSAN JANE Wife of John Edwards Died October 30, 1888 Aged 62 years – 8 months and 15 days “Our Mother” (Susan Jane Morris, daughter of George G. and Frances (Morriss) Morris, remembered as “Muzza” in the Edwards Family)

22. Sacred to the memory of JOHN EDWARDS Born in Taliaferro Co., Ga. August 15, 1815 And Died January 16, 1865 Aged 49 years – 5 months and 2 days “Affliction sore for years I bore Physicians were in vain. At length God pleased to Give me ease And freed me from my pain. My dying flesh shall rest in hope And rise at thy command” (Oldest son of Old Thomas Edwards, 1785-1853, and father of another Thomas Edwards, 1853-1925)

23. In Memory of F.L. EDWARDS Who was born October 20, 1845 And fell asleep April 18, 1866 “Remember you that’s left behind, That you must occupy a tomb like mine, So in life when you fall asleep Prepare to meet at Jesus’ feet” (Frances Lyne Edwards, daughter of John Edwards)

24. No Marker on Grave MARY ELIZABETH EDWARDS Daughter of John & Susan Edwards (Mary was blinded by scarlet fever in childhood; lived with her sister, Martha Rebecca (Edwards) Battle) 25. WILLIAM A. BATTLE Died October 16, 1894 Aged 58 years – 9 months and 5 days “Peace, happiness and joy are his reward For having served so faithfully his Lord” (Husband of Martha Rebecca Edwards, daughter of John Edwards)

26. In Memory of MARTHA R. Wife of W. A. Battle Born January 8, 1843 Died October 9, 1902

“We trust our loss will be her gain And that with Christ she’s gone to reign” (Martha Rebecca Edwards, oldest child of John Edwards)

27. In Loving Remembrance of ELLA IRENE Wife of F. A. Battle Born January 19, 1869 Died August 23, 1895 “She died as she lived Trusting in God” (Her husband, son of W. A. Battle)

28. No Marker on Grave MARY THIGPEN (Aunt of Ella Irene Battle, no kin of Edwards Family; unmarried)

29. ARAMINTA E. COLLINS 1858 – 1911 “The law of truth was in her mouth And she walked with God in peace” (Daughter of Benjamin Edwards and wife of W.B. Collins)

30. MARIAH LATICIA Wife of N. W. (Nicholas Williams) Pitts Died October 12, 1874 Aged 60 years “Seek the Lord in His Strength” (Stepmother of Noel and A.J. Pitts, who married Rebecca & Susan Edwards. Daughters of Benjamin Edwards. Second wife of N. W. Pitts)

31. N.W. PITTS (Nicholas Williams Pitts) Died May 16, 1871 Aged 75 “Search the Scriptures.” (Father of Noel & A.J. Pitts who married Rebecca & Susan, Daughters of Benjamin Edwards)

32. NOEL PITTS Died June 30, 1897 In the 64th year of is age “His toils are past, his work is done He fought the fight, his victory won” (Son of N.W. Pitts his first wife, Martha Jones Pitts. Husband of Rebecca Edwards, daughter of Benjamin Edwards)

33. REBEKAH EDWARDS Wife of Noel Pitts February 8, 1844 June 18, 1905 “Grieve not for me my children dear I am not dead – but sleeping here I was not yours but Christs alone He loved me best and took me home” (Daughter of Benjamin Edwards)

34. NOEL B. (Benjamin) Son of Noel and Rebecca Pitts Died September 17, 1900 Aged 14 years “A sunbeam from the world has vanished”

35. A.J. PITTS (Adonirum Judson) December 25, 1835 May 22, 1907 (Husband of Susan Edwards, daughter of Benjamin Edwards)

36. SUSAN EDWARDS Wife of A. J. Pitts Born January 24, 1852 Died June 22, 1913 “Weep not; she is not dead, But sleepth.” (Daughter of Benjamin Edwards)

37. UZECAR Infant daughter of A.J. & Susan Pitts Died October 14, 1871 1 year – 9 months and 16 days “Of such id the Kingdom of Heaven.”

38. A.M. PITTS, M.D. Born October 3, 1871 Died May 11, 1914 (Son of A.J. & Susan Pitts)

39. FORREST BATTLE 1901 – 1905

40. ETNA EVANS BATTLE 1863 – 1927


42. No Marker on Grave First wife of Franklin Battle

43. No Marker on Grave Child of Franklin Battle

44. No Marker on Grave Child of Franklin Battle

45. No Marker on Grave Child of Franklin Battle

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