Biography of George Cook Spigener

Memorial record of Alabama

George Cook Spigener, sheriff of Autauga county, Alabama, was born in Robinson Springs, in what is now Elmore county, in 1849. His father, Llewellyn Spigener, was born near Columbia, South Carolina, in 1812, and married Mary Elvira Ramsey, who was born near LaGrange, Georgia. Llewellyn Spigener served an apprenticeship of four years to a wheelwright at Columbia, South Carolina, and soon after reaching his majority came to Alabama and engaged at his business in Washington, Autauga county, where he lived until Prattville was founded, when he removed to the new town, and in conjunction with his trade carried on farming, … Read more

Biography of Merrill E. Pratt

Memorial record of Alabama

Merrill E. Pratt, deceased, a nephew of Daniel Pratt, also a native of Temple, New Hampshire, was born February 23, 1828, a son of Edward and Dorcas (Pevey) Pratt, the former a brother of Daniel. The father died when Merrill E. was a little boy, but the mother survived until a few years ago, when she died in New Hampshire. Merrill E. received a sound, but somewhat limited education at the north, and when about fourteen years old came south and made his home with his uncle, with whom he later became associated in the cotton-gin works. On the demise … Read more

Biography of Hon. Daniel Pratt

Memorial record of Alabama

Hon. Daniel Pratt (deceased), the founder of the Pratt Gin factory at Prattville, Alabama, was born at Temple, New Hampshire, July 20, 1799. His father, Edward Pratt, was a son of Daniel Pratt, a native of Reading, Massachusetts, whose wife was Asenith, daughter of Ebenezer Flint, of Wilton, New Hampshire. Hon. Daniel Pratt was educated at the common schools of his section, and at the age of sixteen was apprenticed to learn the carpenter’s trade. At the end of his apprenticeship of three years, in 1819, he went to Savannah, Georgia, thence to Milledgeville, and worked at his trade in … Read more

Biography of William T. Northington

Memorial record of Alabama

William T. Northington, president of the Prattville Cotton Mill & Banking company, Autauga county, and also president of the Northington-Mungen-Pratt company, of Birmingham, Alabama, is a native of Prattville, Alabama, and was born in 1851. His parents, William H. and Rachel M. (Gholson) Northington, were born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia., and in Autauga county, Alabama, about the years 1818 and 1828 respectively. William H. Northington was a ripe scholar, came to Alabama about the year 1840, and settled in Prattville, where he married, and practiced his profession, that of the law, until his death, September 10, 1880. He took an … Read more