Biography of Merrill E. Pratt

Merrill E Pratt
Merrill E Pratt

Merrill E. Pratt, deceased, a nephew of Daniel Pratt, also a native of Temple, New Hampshire, was born February 23, 1828, a son of Edward and Dorcas (Pevey) Pratt, the former a brother of Daniel. The father died when Merrill E. was a little boy, but the mother survived until a few years ago, when she died in New Hampshire. Merrill E. received a sound, but somewhat limited education at the north, and when about fourteen years old came south and made his home with his uncle, with whom he later became associated in the cotton-gin works. On the demise of Daniel Pratt he fell heir to half the estate at Prattville, and assumed charge of the gin factory, later purchasing the interest of Mrs. DeBardeleben therein and becoming sole proprietor, which he continued to successfully conduct until his death in 1889. He, like his uncle, was a man of extraordinary business ability. He once served in the state legislature and was a Knight Templar, advanced degree. He married Miss Julia Smith, a daughter of Dr. S. P. and Adelaide, natives of North Carolina and Connecticut respectively. Dr. Smith was brought to the county about 1817, when but two or three years of age. He became a very successful physician, amassed, a fine property and retired some years before his death in 1891. Mrs. Pratt is a refined and highly cultivated lady and the mother of five children, viz.: Daniel; Mary, wife of J. B. Bell; Dora, Gussie and Henry.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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