Biography of John Hadley

John Hadley, stock grower of South Baldwin county, with post-office at Swift, was born in Baldwin county, Ala., in 1820. He was early employed as a farm hand and while yet a young man rode United States express for nine years, under Ward Taylor, after which he gradually went into the stock business in company with his brother, and in that manner did business for a number of years. He took part in the late war, after which he continued to grow various kinds of stock. In 1882 he bought a section of land where he now lives (Section sixteen, township six, range four, east) and a tract of 160 acres laying on Blackwater river in southeast Baldwin county. He moved his family to this place shortly after purchasing and brought 1,400 head of sheep with him, and now owns a flock of 5,000 to 7,000. He also has a fine herd of 320 cattle. He raises hogs, cows and some horses, and also has a herd of tame deer, on his premises; he has a number of different wool-growing sheep, amongst which may be found the Merino, the Cotswold, the Southdown and the native sheep. Mr. Hadley was united in marriage September 15, 1848, to Miss Nellie Johnson, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Johnson. She was born in Georgia in 1820, and was young when brought to Baldwin county, Alabama, where she grew up, becoming proficient in all domestic pursuits of usefulness. She was married in her twenty-fifth year and became the mother of six children. all of whom are now deceased, born in the following order: Elizabeth, Thomas, Mary, John, Joseph, and Otis. John reached maturity and married Miss Sarah Cruit, whose four children were born in the following order: J. Cruit, John T., Sarah E., and Joseph W., all of whom find a comfortable home with Mr. Hadley, their grandfather, and are also receiving a liberal education. Early in life the wife of Mr. Hadley united with the Missionary Baptist church, and has lived a good and consistent life ever since. In coming to her present home she left many kind friends and church going people with whom she was loath to part. She is now in her seventy-third year, and enjoys comparatively good health. Mr. Hadley is a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Kenelson) Hadley. Benjamin was a native of North Carolina and took part in the war of 1812. He was a farmer by occupation. He was married in North Carolina and emigrated south in 1818 and settled in Florida, which was later taken in as Baldwin county, Ala., and subsequently moved to north Baldwin county, near Montgomery Hill. He there bought a farm and became one of Baldwin county’s progressive farmers and stock growers, and prominent as a Whig. His death occurred in 1826. His father was killed by the Tories in Revolutionary times. The mother of Mr. Hadley was a native of Mississippi, where she spent the early part of her life. She was married in her twenty-fifth year and was Mr. Hadley’s second wife and had seven children, five boys and two girls, five of whom still survive. The mother’s death occurred in 1822. John Hadley was thrown upon his own resources early in life and has made all that he now owns by careful investments and good management; his mode of life is primitive, yet he is surrounded by plenty and has everything to supply his few wants. His home is in the great sheep range of Alabama in the heart of the forest, with neighbors few and far between.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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