Biography of Richard H. Moore

Richard H. Moore, planter and stockraiser, of Baldwin county, was born at Claiborne, Monroe county, Ala., March 17, 1835, a son of Richard S. and Mary F. (Davis) Moore. Richard S. was a native of South Carolina and was brought to Alabama when a boy by his parents, who located in Monroe county. In 1830 he moved to Baldwin county, and in 1832 was there married. He became a substantial planter, owned many slaves, was popular and influential and was a sound Democrat. In 1848 he was elected to the state legislature and served two terms, 1840-1843. His death occurred in 1854, from yellow fever. Mrs. Mary F. was also born in South Carolina, but was a little girl when brought to Alabama by her parents, who settled in Baldwin county. She was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, was married at eighteen years of age, and died in 1852.

Richard H. Moore grew up on his father’s plantation and took an active interest in the management of the place as he advanced in years, but, being still young when his father died, made a temporary home with his maternal grandfather, Harry Davis, who was one of the pioneers of Baldwin county, and died, in 1862, at the ripe age of eighty-nine years. Richard H., however, was not more than eighteen when he began planting on his own account, and to planting he added stock raising. In 1858 he married Miss Carrie Earle, only child of John Earle, a pioneer planter of Baldwin county, and a soldier of the Creek war, and whose death occurred in 1865. Mrs. Carrie Moore was born in Baldwin county, was educated at the Female college of Summerfield, Ala., and was married in her eighteenth year. She has borne her husband four children, in the following order : Duke G., born September 10, 1860, and married to Anna Starke; Mary L., born in February, 1862, and now the wife of John Davis; Carrie A., born in February, 1865; Theodore S., born in September, 1870, married to Miss Annette Watts.

After peace had been restored he resumed planting and stock raising, and subsequently engaged in the manufacture of naval stores and timber, but has since sold his turpentine still. He erected his fine residence in 1876 and surrounded it with good fencing and comfortable out-buildings for horses and kine, and has embellished his grounds with flowers, vines and fruit trees. Mr. Moore is a democrat, and in 1890 was elected to the general assembly, and for two terms has proved to be worthy of his constituency. He was made a Mason in 1856, just as he became of age to become eligible. Always enterprising, he was the prime mover in organizing the Dixie Mill company in 1889, but has since disposed of his interest therein. He has done much in aid of school and church and is never backward in work of a charitable nature or for the public good. He is fond of his dog and gun and is one of the most noted huntsmen of Baldwin county. His lands comprise between 5,000 and 6,000 acres, much of it being rich river bottom land. He and family affiliate with the Methodist Episcopal church, and they all enjoy the full respect of Baldwin county’s citizens.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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