Asbury Cemetery, Autaugaville, Alabama

The grave listings for this cemetery were initially taken from two lists at the Alabama Archives & History. The first list of 23 graves have been marked by an asterisk * beside their name and was referred to as Autaugaville cemetery #1 and no location was provided. An additional listing of graves was referenced as a different Autaugaville cemetery located behind Dr. Shank’s old office near Swift Creek. Those 8 graves are marked with a caret ^. The remaining listings still have headstones present at the graveyard. This cemetery is now referred to as the Asbury Cemetery, but in newspaper clippings for obituaries it has been referred to as the “old Autaugaville cemetery”. The earliest known burial was that of Catharine Golson who died 4 Mar 1849, and the last burial was that of Woody Waldo DeBardelaben on 10 Apr 1946.

Directions: This cemetery sits behind an abandoned house/business on N. Pickett St./County Rd 19N, across from Dutch Bend Street. Coordinates: 32.43657, -86.65473

NameDate of BirthDate of DeathNotes
Carew, Sarah GoddardDec 18495 Feb 1851daughter of Ebenezer Goodard Carew and Rebecca Elizabeth Ann Shackelford
Davis, Clarissa Motley3 Dec 18232 Aug 1853daughter of Robt. & Penelope Motley and wife of Benjamin F. Davis
Davis, Dora Ann [Motley]1867wife of Dr. T.A. Davis, aged 34 years.
Davis, Dorianaged 8 months, child of Dr. T.A. Davis and Dora Ann Motley
Davis, Francis HoltFeb 187724 Aug 1884Son of B. F. Davis & Fannie Davis, age 7 years, 5 months, 19 days
Davis, Lavender26 Jul 18529 Aug 1853Only son of Benjamin F. & Clarissa Davis, aged 1 year and 13 days
Davis, Pattieaged 2 years, daughter of Dr. T.A. Davis
and Dora Ann Motley
DeBardelaben, Cecil C.^10 Jan 187610 Oct 1918died in Chattanooga Tennessee
DeBardelaben, Freddie10 Nov 187330 May 1890son of R. P. and Eva DeBardelaben
DeBardelaben, Eva Motley9 Oct 185413 Aug 1892daughter of T. J. & H. E. Motley, married R. P. DeBardelaben 14 Nov 1872
DeBardelaben, Jega^18241893Daughter of T. J. & H. B. Motley
DeBardelaben, Joseph Warren^19 Mar 190127 May 1902
DeBardelaben, Woody W[aldo]28 Oct 188210 Apr 1946son of R. P. and Eva DeBardelaben
Edwards, Jesse R.*15 Sep 182424 Jul 1856
Golsan, Amelia H[arper][Shackelford]*28 Jul 183924 Jan 1884wife of Henry Lewis Golson
Golson, Argyra A. Northington ^25 Mar 18383 Jul 1861wife of P. G. Golson and daughter of M. H. and J. W. S. Northington
born in Mecklenburg County, Va.
Golsan, Catharine*30 Jan 18324 Mar 1849wife of Dr. Jno. W. Colson, aged 17 years, 1 month and 5 days
Golson, Eustace F184318642nd Lieut Co. G 6 Ala. inf.
Golson, Eutie E. [Gates]*8 Aug 1885wife of John B. Golson
Golson, Gasper*10 Jul 179730 Oct 1857
Golsan, J[acob] H[odges]181518 Nov 1870
Golsan, J. Hodges*29 Sep 1863Died Sept. 29.1863, at Shelbyville, Tenn.
of wounds received while defending his native south,
a christian, scholar, and patriot. Age 21 yrs.
Golsan, John N.*11 Dec 182230 May 1895
Golson, J[ohn] W[esley]^14 Aug 182125 Jun 1859
Golsan, Lewis*178424 Sep 1856age 72, member of M.E. Church
Golson, Lewis T.18421862Pvt Co G 6 Ala inf
Golsan, Martha (Mrs.) [Whetstone]*30 Jun 17922 Oct 1851born in South Carolina
Golson, Mary B.[elle] [Broadnax]182028 Oct 1866died in the 46 year of her age
Golson, Capt. Philip G.18301864Co K 1 Ala Inf CSA
Golson, Robert G.18411862Lieut Co G 6 Ala inf
Herrmann, Julia M. [Seaman]12 Jul 18396 Mar 1875wife of J. H. Herrmann
Hollon, J. C.16 Dec 19162 Oct 1917J.C. Son of W.J. & Cora B. Hollon
Lucas, Arthur*9 Nov 18042 Nov 1882
Lucas, Ernest Webster5 Dec 188028 Aug 1882Infant son of John G. & Bella B. Lucas.
Lucas, Mary E[lizabeth] P[ou] Golson16 Jan 181923 May 1901
McKay, Clarence*18721873
McKay, Elizabeth Y[ancey]*184726 May 1879wife of Wm A. McKay
McKay, Lou M. [Davis] ^27 Sep 183630 Aug 1883wife of Donald McKay
McKay, Nancey*18761877
McKay, William A.*14 Oct 184418 Oct 1881Pvt Co B 61 Ala Inf Confederate States Army
Motley, Evieage 10 or 16 years
Motley, Florence30 Jul 185226 Jul 1853Infant daughter of T.J. & H.E. Motley
Motley, Harriet E. Jackson ^29 May 18356 Feb 1905wife of Thos. J. Motley
Motley, Thomas J. ^19 Jan 182923 Jan 1894
Norton, Jane R. (Miss)*5 Jul 182921 Sep 1866
Scott, Elizabeth R.*17 Jul 182818 Jul 1849
Scott, Eliza*27 Jul 1849
Shackelford, Gen. Edmund26 Sep 17861 Mar 1857born in Hancock Co. Georgia, died in Levy Co. Florida
Shackelford, Estelle19 Apr 184419 Apr 1844infant child of Dr. John H. P. & Clarissa Shackelford
Shackelford, Dr. John H. P.22 Oct 18166 Jan 1850born in Putnam Co. Georgia son of Gen. E. & R. P. Shackelford
Shackelford, Robert9 Oct 184811 May 1849infant child of Dr. John H. P. & Clarissa Shackelford
Terry, Sarah Ann*2 Nov 1855age 45 years
Thompson, Virginia C.*23 Jun 183920 Sep 1868wife of J[ames] M[onroe] Thompson
Thompson, infant *21 Nov 18668 Dec 1866daughter of J. M. & V. C. Thompson
_____, JonieAged 1 year
_____, YulaAged 2 years
Asbury Cemetery
Asbury Cemetery

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