Biography of Edward Brodbeck

Edward Brodbeck, merchant and fruit grower of Point Clear, Baldwin county, and junior partner in the firm of Charles F. Zundel & Co., was born in Baden, Germany, in 1853 – the son of Christian and Barbara (Derr) Brodbeck. The father was a butcher of considerable wealth, who came to America in 1873 with his family, landing at New Orleans, whence he moved directly to Point Clear, where he bade farewell to earth in 1891 at the ripe age of eighty-one years. His wife was also a native of Baden, was married in her nineteenth year, and became the mother of twelve children, of whom six still survive. Early in life she united with the Lutheran church, and faithfully lived according to its tenets, until her death in 1866, in her fifty-third year. Edward Brodbeck attended school in his native land until fourteen years of age, when he was apprenticed to a tailor. Shortly after his arrival at Point Clear he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, Charles F. Zundel, for the purpose of trading and of fruit and vegetable growing, under the firm name of Charles F. Zundel & Co., who now carry a stock of goods valued at $3,000 to $5,000 and who do an average business of $10,000 to $15,000 per annum. The marriage of Mr. Brodbeck took place in 1875 to Miss Rosina Jenne, daughter of Jacob M. Jenne. This lady was born in Baden in 1852, was married at the age of twenty-three, and has borne her husband four children, viz.: Edward C., born in 1876; Emil, born in 1878 and died in 1881; Arnold M., born in 1881; Carolina R., born in 1883. Mrs. Brodbeck and family are members of the Lutheran church, and the children have been highly educated. Messrs. Charles F. Zundel & Co. own in their own right between one and two thousand acres of land and a number of tenant houses; they own their large store buildings, with their residences ad-joining, and have their surrounding grounds laid out in convenient and picturesque fruit and vegetable plats. Mr. Brodbeck turns much of his attention to horticulture and has his gardens planted with all kinds of fruits and nuts, including the orange, of which he has a large number of all sizes; 200 pear trees, 75 pecan trees, and grapes of all varieties, as well as figs. He also raises Irish and sweet potatoes and (kehager) cabbage, and all garden vegetables for the early spring market. He is also a lumber and wood dealer, and has a schooner that transports all freights from Mobile and elsewhere to the wharf near the store. He farms on a small scale and has his land well fenced and enriched by proper cultivation and fertilization. He is one of Baldwin county’s stanch business men, is a democrat, and a member of the Lutheran church. He came to his present location with little or no means, and by careful and well-directed efforts has gradually built his business up from a small scale to its present proportions. Mr. Brodbeck raises his cabbage in the winter and harvests it in January; then raises a crop of Irish potatoes and two crops of hay off the same ground in one season. He is highly respected.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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