Biography of Samuel K. Reynolds

Samuel K. Reynolds, physician and surgeon of Battles, Baldwin county, Ala., and resident physician of Hotel Grand, Point Clear, in the same county, was born in Philadelphia in 1836. He received a thorough literary education ins his native city and then began the study of medicine under Prof. Mutter, of Jefferson Medical college, and after an attendance of six years graduated, in 1857, with first honors. The year following he was engaged in private practice, and then engaged on a line of merchant vessels as surgeon-passing six months in Europe. In 1859 he came to Alabama and practiced at Livingston, Sumter county, until the spring of 1860, when he located in Mobile, conducting private practice until the opening of the Civil war, when he was placed in charge of all the Catholic institutions of the city as medical director, and until the close of hostilities rendered very efficient service. He then resumed his private practice in Mobile and so continued until 1889. He next located at his summer residence in Battles, where he has since continued profession, in conjunction with his position as resident physician at the Hotel Grand. He is recognized as one of the most experienced and skillful practitioners in the county, and stands equally high socially and professionally. The doctor was married in 1861 to Miss Irma Amelia Herpin, daughter of John B. Herpin, a prominent dry goods merchant of Mobile. Mrs. Reynolds was born in 1838, enjoyed excellent educational advantages, and graduated from the convent of the Visitation. She has borne her husband one child, now deceased. The doctor is himself the third of seven children born to John and Marion W. (Stuart) Reynolds. The early days of the father were passed in his native Ireland as clerk for a mercantile house, but he was yet young when he came to America and settled in Philadelphia, where he became one of that staid city’s most prosperous merchants and where he was summoned to his final rest in 1858. He was a Free Mason and in religion was a Presbyterian. Mrs. Marion W. Reynolds was a native of Philadelphia, was highly educated, and was married in the eighteenth year of her age. She became the mother of seven children, all of whom reached maturity, but of whom two now survive-the doctor and his sister, now Mrs. Joseph M. Pile, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Reynolds was of Scottish parentage, was also a member of the Presbyterian church, and died in its faith in 1871. Dr. S. K. Reynolds and wife have been identified with many charitable works at Mobile, and their generosity is not at all stinted at their present place of residence. Both are devout members of the Roman Catholic church, and stand very high socially.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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