Biography of Charles H. Franklin

Charles H Franklin

Dr. Charles H. Franklin. — This eminent physician of Union Springs, Ala., is a native of Albany, Ga., born in 1838, and a son of Talbert H., and Mary (Adams) Franklin, also native of Georgia, in which state Mrs. Franklin passed away when Charles H. was but two years of age. In 1846 Talbert H. Franklin removed to Coffee County, Ala., there married a Miss Jones, and passed the remainder of his life, dying in 1866 — a life-long and successful planter and an upright and useful citizen. He served in the Creek war and was ever ready to perform faithfully every duty, public or private, that devolved upon him. His father was Easom Franklin, a South Carolinian by birth and descended from an old English family. Easom was a patriot of the Revolution, and after that heroic struggle was over settled in Georgia, where he reared a large family and pursued planting as a vocation until the end of his days. Dr. Charles H. Franklin was the only child of his parents that attained even to adolescence. His primary education was received at the subscription schools of Coffee County, Ala., and his literary instruction at Elba, in the same county. On reaching his majority he entered the medical department of the university of Nashville, Tenn., and was there engaged in his studies when the civil clash of arms smote his ear. After the fall of Forts Donelson and Henry, he returned to his home and was soon appointed assistant surgeon in the )camp of instruction at Camp Watts, and was thus employed until the war closed, after which he entered the department of the university of Louisiana at New Orleans. Here he was graduated in 1866 and at once settled down to practice in Union Springs, where he has met with marked success professionally and financially. In addition to attending to his medical duties the doctor is largely interested in planting and fruit growing, owning, for the latter purpose, a farm of 150 acres, near Union Springs, and possessing, also, large tracts in Florida. The doctor was one of the projectors and promoters of the Union Springs cotton-mills and has been president of the company that operates them ever since its organization. He is prompt to assist in any undertaking that tends to the upbuilding of the community and to advance its material interests. The doctor has been an active member of the State Medical association since its reorganization in 1873, was its president in 1889 and 1890, and for ten years has been and is still a member of the state board of health. In 1870 he married Miss Sallie Banks, daughter of J. B. Banks — the latter a native of Georgia, who came to Alabama when a young man, here married, and here passed the rest of his life as a progressive planter. He was a man of great natural ability was held in high esteem, and died near Hurtsboro in January, 1892. Mrs. Franklin was called to her final rest in 1879, and of her four children two survive. In 1880 the doctor led to the altar Miss Lulu, a sister of his first wife, and to this union have been born seven children. Mrs. Franklin is a highly cultured lady of queenlike demeanor and graceful bearing.


Memorial record of Alabama : a concise account of the state’s political, military, professional and industrial progress, together with the personal memoirs of many of its people.. Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893.

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