Biography of Harvey Owen Sargent


In the same year and just a few days later in the same month in which Prof. Luther Noble Duncan was born, another boy baby who has become a nationally known educator first saw the light of day in Franklin County. That boy was Harvey Owen Sargent, now Dr. Sargent. The exact date of his birth was October 24, 1875. He is one of five children born to Harvey Gholson and Rebecca (Harris) Sargent, deceased, who lived on Cedar Creek southeast of Russellville. He is a brother of Hon. B. H. Sargent of Russellville, and of Mrs. Tidwell, wife of R. E. Tidwell, State Superintendent of Education in Alabama. Dr. Sargent is descended from some of the oldest and most prominent families in Franklin County. His paternal grand-parents were Oran and Mary (Gholson) Sargent, the former a son of Temple Sargent and his wife was a daughter of Major William Russell, the pioneer settler of Franklin County; the later, a daughter of Francis Gholson who settled in Russell’s Valley in the earliest days of Franklin’s history. His maternal grand-parents were Benjamin and Mary (Crocker) Harris, the former a pioneer settler of the county and one of the county’s largest planters and slave owners.

Dr. Sargent was educated in the schools of Franklin County, the Polytechnic Institute at Auburn where he graduated with the degree of B. S., in 1901, and with the degree of M. S. for post graduate work, and the same year he took a special course in chemistry at that institution.

He has had wide experience as a teacher since graduating at Auburn. He taught for some time in the Ninth District Agricultural School at Jackson, Alabama, and was president of the agricultural school at Hamilton, Alabama for a long period of time. He did a great work while at Hamilton, that school having turned out a large number of graduates, many of whom went on to college.

Dr. Sargent also chose his life’s companion from a prominent family of Marion County. On October 17, 1906, he was married to Miss Minnie Jack Pearce, a daughter of Judge Mack Pearce. Several brilliant children have blessed this union.

At present Dr. Sargent is one of the directors of the Board of Vocational Education at Washington, D. C. He is regarded as a specialist in this field. He is also considered one of the best informed lecturers on the subject having delivered many addresses in various cities throughout the Union. He is a Baptist, Democrat, Knight of Pythias, and an Odd Fellow.

Mrs. Sargent is prominent in the social affairs of the Capital City. She is a member of the Alabama State Society at Washington having charge always of one or more committees which have their part in making the various functions of the society the marked success they have been for a number of years. She is also a member of the Eastern Star, being affiliated with the Washington Chapter.

Source: Source: James, R. L. Distinguished Men, Women and Families of Franklin County, Alabama. Russellville, Ala., Private Publication, 1928. 111 p.

1 thought on “Biography of Harvey Owen Sargent”

  1. I am a Great Granddaughter of Samuel Sargent (Ella Hamilton), Granddaughter of Flynn and Esther Hamilton. Great niece of Dr. Harvey Sargent, Brother of Samuel Sargent. I have connected with two Cousins who are Descendants of the Sargent side of my Family. I am looking to connect with more Family members of the Sargent side of my Family.
    -KL Hamilton


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