1810 Taxable Property in Madison County, Alabama

Taxable Property in Madison County, Mississippi Territory 19 July 1810

The following is an index to individuals who were taxed in Madison County (Alabama) in 1810. Use this information as evidence on whether your ancestor resided in the territory of Madison County. Unfortunately it is just a list of names, and no further information was provided.

Abernathy, David
Acklin, Joseph
Acklin, Samuel
Adams, Joseph
Adams, Littleberry
Adams, Thomas
Adan, William
Adkins, Daniel
Adkins, Reed
Albright, John
Allen, John
Allen, Samuel
Allen, Samuel A.
Allen, William S.
Allford, David
Allison, John
Allison, Lewis
Ammonett, John
Anderson, Joseph
Anyan, George
Arbow, Jacob
Austen, Thomas
Babb, Esail
Badger, William
Bailey, David
Bailey, James
Bailey, Martin
Bailey, Robert
Bailey, William
Baker, John
Baker, William
Baldwin, Jacob
Ball, Joseph
Barless, Hezekiah, Jr.
Barnett, Brazillah
Bartley, Joseph
Barton, James
Bass, Frederick
Bass, Peter
Bawlwin, Jacob
Baxter, Alexander
Baxter, James
Baxter, John
Bayless, Daniel
Bayless, George
Bayless, Hezekiah, Sr.
Bayless, John
Beathel, Green
Beavers, Joseph
Belas, Eli
Bell, Calentine
Bell, Edward
Bell, Francis
Bell, James
Bell, Spencer
Bell, Valentine
Benson, James
Berry, Enoch
Bevel, Woodleff
Bevil, Woodliff
Bibb, Thomas
Binnion, John
Bird, David
Bird, John
Bird, Michael
Birdwell, John
Birdwell, Myles
Black, David
Black, William
Blackburn, George
Blair, Andrew
Blair, Jonathan
Blankenship, Edmund
Blaylock, Jeremiah
Bledso, Lewis
Blevens, Gatewood
Blevens, Joseph
Bloodworth, Hardy
Bloodworth, William
Bloomer, William
Boggs, Samuel
Boiles, James
Boiles, John
Bollar, John
Bond, Banister
Bones, William
Box, Michael
Brandon, Thomas
Brayhan, _____
Brazelton, Henry
Brock, Isaac
Brock, Reuben
Brooks, William
Broom, Miles
Bryant, John
Bules, George
Bunch, John
Burns, Patrick
Burrel, Peter
Burris, Charles
Burton, Isaac
Burton, James
Busey, Benjamin
Bushart, David
Bushart, Randolph
Byram, Alden
Byram, Ebenezar
Byram, Levy
Byram, Samuel
Byrd, David
Byrd, John
Byremon, Burrel
Byrleson, James
Byrleson, John
Cabiness, Charles
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, John
Campbell, William
Cannon, David
Canterberry, John
Canterberry, Zacheriah
Carlisle, Laurence
Carlisle, Lawrence
Carmichael, Daniel
Carnes, James
Carrel, Stephen
Carrell, Charles
Carrell, William
Carroll, Stephen
Carter, John
Carvutt, William
Cash, Benjamin
Casthaw, David
Chester, Nathaniel
Childers, David
Childers, James
Childers, Jessee
Childers, John
Chisholm, John
Christian, Allen
Christian, James
Christian, Nathaniel
Clarke, Gillum
Clarke, Samuel
Class, Ludowich
Clay, Clemont C.
Cleghorn, John
Clements, Joseph
Clemonts, Edmund
Cloud, Jeremiah
Clunn, William
Cobb, David
Coil, Marven
Coil, Michael
Cole, Marten
Coley, James
Collengin, Jonathan
Collett, Abraham
Colley, Zacheriah
Collier, John
Collier, Moses
Colwell, Absalum
Conley, David
Conley, John
Connway, Thomas
Cook, John
Cooksey, Vincent
Cornelius, Absalum
Cornelius, Iry
Cornelius, Rowland
Cosby, John
Cosby, William
Cotton, Abner
Cotton, James
Cotton, Peter
Cottrell, Richard
Couch, Henry
Couch, Jessee
Couch, John
Couch, Nicholas
Couch, Thomas
Coudren, John
Cox, George & Co.
Cox, Henry
Cox, Payton
Cox, Reese
Cox, William
Craft, Archiles
Craft, Ezekiel
Cranch, David
Crawford, William
Crawson, Richard
Creach, Enoch
Crisp, William
Criss, James
Crowder, Greenhaw
Cummins, Levy
Cunningham, John
Dailey, Micheal
Dalson, Armsted
Davidson, Andrew
Davis, Andrew
Davis, Robert
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Samuel, Jr.
Davis, Samuel, Sr.
Davis, William
Dawson, John
Day, David
Deaton, James
Debowe, Stephen
Deermon, William
Defore, James
Derrick, Jacob
Derrick, John
Derrick, William
Devan, Barnard
Dial, Robert
Dickey, David
Dickey, John
Dickson, D.
Dickson, Hugh
Dikes, Parker
Dilworth, George
Dodd, David
Dodd, Thomas
Doherty, Joseph
Dohorty, Joseph
Donalson, Willis
Dotrey, William
Douglas, James
Drake, Andrew
Drake, James
Dublen, James
Dublen, John
Dugan, Samuel
Dun, Micheal C.
Duncan, John
Dunnahoo, Henry
Dunnahoo, John
Dunnahoo, Samuel
Dunsmore, James
Dupree, William
Earp, Cullen
East, William
Easter, William
Eckford, John
Eddy, Horatio
Eddy, Levy
Eddy, Loid
Edminson, William
Edmunds, William
Edwards, James
Elder, Andrew
Eldridge, Thomas
Elleson, John
Ellett, Amos
Ellett, Richard
Ellett, Willis
Ellington, Garland
Elliot, Francis
Ellis, James
Ellis, John
Ellison, John
Ellison, Uriah
Embrey, Joseph
English, James
Erwin, William
Estell, Isaac
Estell, Jame
Estell, John
Estell, Wallace
Evans, Stephen
Evans, Thomas
Evans, William
Faris, Robert B.
Fay, Samuel
Fearn, Thomas
Felps, Littleton
Fielder, Enus
Fields, Enos
Fields, Isaac
Fields, Samuel
Fields, William
Findley, Samuel
Fine, William
Fitzjarreld, Francis
Fitzjarrell, Garrett
Fitzjarrell, John
Fletcher, John
Folk, Robert
Foster, John
Fowler, Joseph
French, Amos
Frost, Edward
Frost, John
Fultch, Samuel
Fuqua, Silas
Furgason, Henry
Galaspy, James
Galaspy, Jeremiah
Galbreath, Alexander
Gallaspie, Robert
Garen, Solomon
Garner, John
Gelles, Daniel
Gepson, John
Gilbreath, Alexander
Gilbreath, Nicholas
Gilmore, William
Glass, Vincent
Gompson, James
Gorden, James
Gordon, James
Gore, Bledso
Grammer, John
Gray, David
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Leven
Gray, Thomas
Gray, William
Grayham, Nimrod
Grayson, Benjamin
Grayson, John
Green, Berry
Greenham, Claudesbery
Greenhaw, Jonathan
Greenhaw, William
Griffith, Pleasant
Griffith, Stephen
Grimes, John
Grizzard, Edmund
Grizzard, James
Grizzell, George
Gunn, William
Gwinn, Charles
Gwinn, Henry
Haden, Robert
Hager, John
Hallmark, George
Hallmark, Richard
Hallmark, William
Ham, James
Hambleton, Isaiah
Hambleton, James
Hambleton, John C.
Hancock, Joel
Hancock, Robert
Hancock, William
Hannar, John
Harden, John
Hardy, John
Hardy, Jonathan
Hargrove, James
Harland, James
Harland, Samuel
Harless, David
Harless, Henry
Harless, John
Harper, Edward
Harper, Robert
Harris, Francis E.
Harris, John
Harris, Richard
Harris, William
Harrison, Daniel
Harrison, Gideon
Harrison, Joseph
Harrison, Michael
Harrison, Micheal
Hart, Warren
Hathcock, Denton
Hawkins, John P.
Haynes, Henry
Haynes, I.
Haynes, John B.
Head, Abraham
Headgepeath, Charles
Hedgepath, William G.
Helms, John
Helms, William
Henderson, David
Henderson, Michael
Hester, John
Hickenbotham, Reuben A.
Hickman & Sercy
Hickman, John H.
Hill, Abel
Hill, Aseph
Hinds, Benjamin
Hinds, Levy
Hodges, Flemming
Hodges, Johnson
Hogan, William
Holingsworth, James
Holland, John
Holland, Thomas
Hooper, Edward
Hopkins, Samuel
Horton, William
Hoskins, William
House, Samuel
Howard, Arrington
Howard, John
Howard, S. Thomas
Howard, Samuel
Howson, John
Howson, William
Hudseth, William
Hughes, David
Hughes, John
Hughes, Rawley
Hughes, Thomas
Hulett, Thomas
Hull, William
Humphreys, John
Hunt, George W.
Hunt, Jeremiah
Husey, Elijah
Hutchinson, Joseph
Ice, John
Ingle, Henry
Ingram, William
Innis, James
Isham, James
Jack, John
Jackson, William
Janes, Lewellen
Jarrett, Micajah
Jobe, Daniel
John, Edmund
Johns, Azell
Johnson, Ambrose
Johnson, Edmund
Johnson, Gavan
Johnson, Grief
Johnson, John
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Samuel, Jr.
Johnson, William
Jones, David
Jones, Frederick
Jones, Freeman
Jones, John
Jones, Lewallen
Jones, Moses
Jones, Obadiah
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Thomas
Jones, W.
Jordan, Andrew
Jordan, Anthony
Jordan, Solomon
Jordan, Stephen
Jordan, Uriah
Jourdan, Andrew
Kee, Terrel
Kemp, Nathaniel
Kendel, Peter
Kennaday, Charles
Kennemur, Samuel
Kennemur, Stephen
Kent, William
Kernsey, James
Kibble, Walter, Jr.
Killingsworth, John
King, Abraham
King, Charles
King, Elijah
King, John
King, William
Kirkpatrick, Edward
Kirksey, John
Kizer, George
Lamberson, John
Lamberson, Richard
Lampkin, William
Landers, Henry
Langham, Solomon
Lanier, William
Lankester, Thomas
Lankford, Thomas
Lanman, William
Lawler, James
Lawler, John
Lawler, Levy
Lawley, Elijah
Lay, George
Lay, Henry
Lay, John
Ledbetter, Ephraim
Ledbetter, Joel
Ledbetter, Joel, Jr.
Lee, Isaac
Lemly, George
Lemon, John
Lennard, John
Lennex, John
Lenox, John
Leslie, William
Lestin, Robert
Levingston, Anthony
Levingston, Samuel
Linch, John
Linch, William
Lincoln, Elijah
Lindsey, David, Jr.
Lindsey, David, Sr.
Lindsey, Elijah
Lindsey, Thomas
Linn, Benjamin
Linston, Robert
Lints, William
Locklayear, Osborn
Locklayer, Osburn
Logan, John
Looney, Absalum
Love, Samuel
Love, Thomas
Lovelady, William
Loyd, Wooddy
Magee, James
Magowan, James
Mahan, James
Malone, Cornelius
Maloy, John
Manning, James
Manson, William
Mardis, Reuben
Mardis, Samuel
Martin, Jeremiah
Martin, John
Martin, Millar
Martin, Royal
Martin, Zachariah
Mashell, Thomas
Massengale, Alfred
Massengale, Allen
Massengale, Kinchen
Massengale, Solomon
Mathew, Walter
Mathews, George
Mathews, James
Mathews, Joseph
Mathews, Robert
Mathews, Walter
Maxwell, David
Maxwell, Francis
Maxwell, Henry
Maxwell, James
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, Robert
Mayson, Joseph
McAdams, Samuel
McAdory, James
McBroom, Thomas
McBroom, William
McCaharn, Neil
McCahern, Neil
McCain, John
McCain, Moses
McCain, Robert
McCarn, Archelas
McCarn, Daniel
McCarn, Hugh
McCarn, James
McCartney, James
McCarty, Jacob
McCinahan, Hugh
McClaurence, Hobert
McClendon, Jessee
McClure, Robert
McCollester, Samuel
McCoy, John
McCrackin, James
McCruchan, William W.
McCullah, Joseph
McCutchen, D. John
McCutchen, John
McDaniel, Archbel
McDowel, Samuel
McFail, John
McGaughey, Aron
McGaughey, Robert
McGuire, James
McKenney, Thomas
McKinney, John
McKinney, Wilson
McKlehaney, William
McKlemon, Presley
McKleroy, Giles
McLemon, Presley
McMahan, John
McMurtrey, Joseph
McVay, Hugh
McVay, Javan
McVay, John
McWhirter, Haunce
McWhirter, John
McWhirter, Moses
McWilliams, John
McWilliams, William
Meland, Jarvas
Mendenall, Elisha
Miggs & Smith
Miller, Abraham
Miller, Garland
Miller, Henry
Miller, Simon, Jr.
Miller, Simon, Sr.
Miller, Thomas
Mills, Gideon
Mitchel, Daniel
Mitchel, Flood
Mitchel, Samuel
Mitchem, Banks
Mitchim, Marke
Mitchum, Henry
Monrowe, David
Montgomery, Michael
Moon, Jasper
Moon, John
Moon, Joseph
Moon, William
Moore, Benjamin
Moore, David
Moore, Ezekiel
Moore, Gabriel
Moore, Henry
Moore, James
Moore, John F.
Moore, Joseph
Moore, Thomas
Morgan, Luther
Morris, Dabney
Morris, Daniel
Morris, John
Morrow, Thomas
Morrow, William
Mosley, William
Mullens, James
Mullens, Thomas
Mullens, William
Mulligan, Robert
Murphey, Elijah
Murphey, Evan
Murphey, John
Murphey, William
Murphrey, Elijah
Murrel, Benjamin
Murrel, Isaac
Murrel, Jeffery
Murrel, Richard
Murry, William O.
Myers, Henry C.
Neel, Stephen
Neeley, James
Neesmith, Isaac
Neesmith, John
Neesmith, William
Neighbours, John
Nelson, John
Nichols, Simon
Nichols, Thomas
Nicholson, John, Jr.
Nicholson, John, Sr.
Niel, Davis
Nighbours, William
Norris, Benjamin
Obanion, Thomas
Owens, G. N.
Parrett, William
Parsons, William
Pate, Stephen
Patterson, Archibel
Patterson, Daniel
Patterson, Thomas
Paxton, David
Pearce, Richard
Peavy, Dial
Pence, Jacob
Pence, John
Pennel, William
Perkins, Abraham
Perkins, Peter
Peters, John
Pettes, John
Philips, Glen
Philips, Joseph
Philips, Nathaniel
Pike, Jacob
Plant, Charles
Pon, James
Pool, Wilchere G.
Pope, Leroy
Posey, Jessee H.
Potts, David
Pounder, Lemuel
Powel, Joseph
Power, James
Power, John
Power, Moses
Power, Nathaniel
Prewett, Isaac
Prewett, Jacob
Prewett, William
Pride, Wilsey
Priest, Samuel
Provence, Thomas
Province, John
Pyrant, Richard
Pyrant, William
Rackley, Abner
Rainbolt, Elijah
Rainey, Zebulon
Randal, Levy
Rather, Daniel
Rather, William
Ray, John
Reede, Elijah
Reede, John
Reede, Reuben
Reedy, Nicholas
Renno, Francis
Renno, William
Rhea, John
Rice, Aron
Rice, Elijah
Rice, Joel
Rice, John
Rice, Laban
Rice, William
Rickembaker, John
Riddle, John
Right, Robert
Right, William
Riley, Andrew
Riley, Isaac
Riley, William
Robens, John
Robens, William
Roberson, Henry
Robertson, William
Rodgers, Andrew
Rodgers, James D.
Rodgers, John
Rodgers, Larkin
Rodgers, Randolph
Rodgers, Robert
Rodgers, Seth
Rogers, Hugh
Rogers, Isaac
Romine, James
Roper, Green
Row, Samuel
Rowan, James
Rowland, Amos
Rowland, Thomas
Rowler, Jacob
Rowler, John
Russell, Benjamin
Russell, John
Sadler, George T.
Sallion, John
Sanders, B. & Haynes, I.
Sanders, Clabourn
Sanders, Clabourne, & Benge
Sanderson, James
Sanderson, Lewis
Sanderson, Morros
Sandersoon, Elijah
Scallion, Peter
Scott, Isaac W.
Scribnerr, Reuben
Seaton, George
Seaton, Moses
Seeright Andrew
Sellars, James
Serat, Samuel
Sercy & Hickman
Sharp, John
Sharpe, George
Shoemaker, James
Shoemaker, Thomas
Simmons, Charles
Simmons, John
Simmons, Reuben
Simmons, Zachariah
Simmons, Zachariah, Sr.
Simmons, Zachariah. Jr.
Simpson, William
Siratt, Samuel
Sively, Andrew
Sively, Jacob
Slawler, James
Slawler, William
Smith & Miggs
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Edwin
Smith, George
Smith, Isaiah
Smith, John, Sr.
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Nathan
Smith, Patrick
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Wyatt W.
Spain, D. Marshall
Speer, Moses
Sprigs, Thomas
Spring, Nicholas
Sprowl John
Stammer, Henry
Standifer, Abraham
Standifer, Samuel
Steel, Joseph
Stegall, Benjamin
Stegar, John P.
Stewart, Isaac
Stewart, Matthew
Stiars, Henry
Stirgus, William
Stokes, John
Stone, Jessee
Stone, John
Stone, Reuben
Street, Anthony
Street, William
Stringfield, John
Sulcer, Henry
Tacket, George
Tate, Waddy
Tatum, Abner
Tatum, Jonathan
Taylor, James
Taylor, Jeremiah
Taylor, John E.
Teague, Isaac
Teague, Joseph
Teague, Magness
Teague, William
Tedford, Alexander
Teer, Daniel
Teer, James
Teer, Solomon
Therrel, David
Thompson, David
Thompson, Mark
Tindal, John
Titus, George
Titus, James
Tolliver, John
Tomason, George
Tomason, William
Tompson, Allen
Tompson, David
Tompson, Farley
Tompson, John
Tompson, Robert
Tompson, William
Trump, Green H.
Tucker, Robert
Tucker, Rodan
Turner, John
Tyrone, Adam
Valiant, Robert
Vance, William
Vaughn, James
Vaught John
Vincent, Moses
Waddy, Samuel
Wafford Benjamin
Wafford, John
Wafford, Joseph
Wainright, William
Waldrupe, Michael
Walker, Abraham
Walker, Ephraim
Walker, James
Walker, James D.
Walker, John W.
Walker, Robert
Wallace, Joel
Walls, William
Walters, Clabourn
Walters, John
Walters, John, Jr.
Walters, Lemuel
Walters, Moses
Walters, Samuel
Walton, Robert
Ward, E.
Ward, Edward
Ward, William
Wardlow, James
Warrener, Archebel
Watkins, John C.
Watkins, Williams
Weaver, Elijah
Weaver, Jacob
Weaver, Jesse
Weaver, John
Weaver, Mathew
Webb, Dred
Webb, Jacob
Webb, John
Webster, Edward
Webster, John
Webster, Peter
Webster, Shadrick
Welburn, William
Wheat, Benjamin
Wheat, James
Wheat, Jonah
Wheat, William
White, James
White, William
Wilder, John
Wilhelms, Richard
Wilkinson, Merrida
Williams, Duke M.
Williams, John
Williams, Moses
Williams, Thomas
Williams, William
Williamson, John S.
Williamson, Rawley
Wilson, Benjamin
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jessee
Windham, Reuben
Winn, Banister
Winn, Robert
Winston, Anthony & John
Winston, Lewis
Winston, William
Winston, William H.
Withers, John
Wood, Bennett
Wood, Jarrett
Wood, John
Wood, Peter
Woolard, Hugh
Worde, Mathias
Worley, Frances
Worley, George
Wright, Daniel
Wright, James
Wyatt, William
Young, Cobb
Young, John
Young, Peter
Young, William
Younts, Abraham

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