Families of Marshall County, Alabama

Please consider submitting your site or family tree, photos, bios or anything you would like to share. Perhaps it would bring about a contact with ‘cousins’. -Thank you.


The following links are to pages onsite. The information has been submitted to us about their Marshall County family ties. They are all great resources!!


These are photos that have been submitted to this site.


I hope you will add your websites here. If you know of a website with Marshall County ties, please use the comments form below and share it with all.

  • Family Twigs
    My research covers the surnames; Alexander, Beard, Brock, Bush, Sandlin and Janes/Jaynes and associated surnames. Most of the information that is on this site is not written in stone. I will be placing my sources up as I have time. If you find an error, or want to add someone, there are several ways listed on this page to contact me. I would love to hear from you!



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