DeBardelaben Obituaries, Autauga County, Alabama

Obituary for Sarah Emma DeBardelaben, 1938

These are obituaries of Autauga County, Alabama residents with the last name of Debardelaben. When a clipping can be made of the actual obituary it is included with the listing. Most of these were extracted from The Prattville Progress, but some more recent ones, were culled from online obituaries of local funeral homes.

Apperson Obituaries, Autauga County, Alabama

Obituary of J H Apperson, 1934

The following are obituaries of Autauga County, Alabama, residents with the last name of Apperson. When a clipping can be made of the actual obituary it is included with the listing. Most of these were extracted from The Prattville Progress, but some more recent ones, were culled from online obituaries of local funeral homes.

Biography of Judge William F. Wilkinson

Memorial record of Alabama

Judge William F. Wilkinson, of Prattville, was born in Autauga County, Ala., in October 1849. His father, Joseph B. Wilkinson, was a native of Blount County, Tenn., born in 1813, and came to Autauga when a youth. Here he married Miss Elizabeth A. Nicholson, a native of the county, born … Read more

Biography of Washington L. Ellis

Memorial record of Alabama

Washington L. Ellis, contractor, etc., for the Pratt Gin company, was born near Prattville, Alabama, October 22. 1834, the son of Elisha and Mary (Blackwell) Ellis, born, respectively, in North Carolina in 1803 and in South Carolina in 1812. Elisha Ellis came to Alabama in 1827, a single man, the … Read more

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