These are obituaries of Autauga County, Alabama residents with the last name of Debardelaben. When a clipping can be made of the actual obituary it is included with the listing. Most of these were extracted from The Prattville Progress, but some more recent ones, were culled from online obituaries of local funeral homes.
Table of Contents
Obituary for Mrs. Blanche G. DeBardelaben, 1949
Mrs. Blanche DeBardelaben
Died Tuesday Night
Mrs. Blanche G. DeBardelaben, 80, died Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Jones in Autaugaville after a short illness.
Survivors include three daughters. Mrs. Raymond Jones, Autaugaville; Mrs. Ruby Baughn, Montgomery; Mrs. O P. Reese, Clio; three brothers, Frank Gissendanner, Vida; John, Autaugaville: Jay, Prattville; one sister, Mrs. Emma Motley, Autaugaville: eight grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren.
Graveside services were held at Rocky Hill Cemetery Wednesday at 4:30 p. m. with Rev. R. J. Mills officiating. Spigener Funeral Home was in charge.
Active pallbearers were: O. H. Jones, M. F. Davis, W. R. Thompson, E. H. Pearson, J. Ravmond Jones and C. A. Motley.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, May 12, 1949, Page 1

Obituaries for Cecil Debardelaben, 1918
Cecil Debardelaben Dead.
Mr. Cecil Debordelaben, who died in Atlanta and was buried in Autaugaville last week, was the son of Mr. R. P. Debarelaben. He was a native of Autauga and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He died from an attack of influenza.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Oct 17, 1918, Page 1

Cecil C. DeBardelaben
Died After Influenza
Members of the local lodge of Elks held impressive funeral services at Wann’s chapel over the body of Cecil C. DeBardelaben, well-known Chattanoogan, who died at Erlanger hospital yesterday morning, after a brief illness of influenza followed by pneumonia. The body was sent to Montgomery, Ala., former home of the deceased, for burial. It was accompanied by R. P. DeBardelaben, aged father of the deceased, and Mrs. Ruby Vaughn, a sister, who were called from their home in Montgomery to Chattanooga by news of the illness of their son and brother.
Attorney W. H. Cummings paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of the deceased. He said in part: “Our deceased brother was charitable to the core; he was kind and gentle and lovable. All who were so fortunate to know him loved him. We will miss him from our lodge. There were no dull moments when he was around. He scattered sunshine along life’s pathway, preferring roses to the thorns. My humble tribute to his memory finds its source in a sad heart that is swollen with grief at his untimely demise. We will all miss him in our home, but we will never forget him.”
Cecil C. DeBardelaben, affectionately known to Chattanoogans as “Deep Springs,” was 39 years old, having been born at Autaugaville, Ala., where his father, R. P. DeBardelaben, still resides. His youth and early manhood were spent at Montgomery, Ala. In 1906 he moved to Chattanooga. For a number of years Mr. DeBardelaben was connected with the J. W. Kelly company, and from this business association arose the nickname of “Deep Springs.” During the entire time Mr. DeBardelaben had lived in this city, he had been prominent in social and charitable work of the Elks lodge and at all minstrel entertainments he excelled in black-face comedy.
During the last twelve months Mr. DeBardelaben had been a business partner of T. A. Pickett in the gents’ furnishings business at No. 7 East Eighth Street.
Two sisters, Mrs. F. E. Vaughn, of Montgomery, Ala., and Mrs. Callie Pearl Reese, of Clio, Ala., and two brothers, Woody Waldo DeBardelaben, of Wetumpka, Fla., and D. H. DeBardelaben, of El Paso, Tex., survive. Three cousins, H. L. DeBardelaben, Mrs. Lee Dearing, and Eugene O’Conner, are residents of Chattanooga.
Chattanooga Daily Times, Chattanooga, Tennessee • Fri, Oct 11, 1918, Page 3

Obituary for Elizabeth McAdory DeBardelaben, 1959
Funeral Services Monday
For Mrs. DeBardelaben
Mrs. Elizabeth McAdovy DeBardelaben, 51, died Saturday following a long illness. Funeral services were held Monday at 3 p.m. from Gates Funeral Home with the Rev. Max Hale and Rev. Jerry Smith, officiating. Burial was in Rocky Hill Cemetery at Autaugaville with Gates Funeral Home directing.
Surviving are the husband, Warren L. DeBardelaben, Autaugaville; one daughter, Mrs. Betty Broadway, Fort Walton Beach, Fla.; one son, Kennon DeBardelaben, Autaugaville, and the father, Walter K. McAdory of Montgomery.
Active pallbearers were Hal Dodson, Frank McFaden, Robert Shackelford, Earl Jones, Jr., Doug Russen and W. K. Tebworth.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Oct 22, 1959, Page 1

Obituary for Mr. J. G. DeBardelaben, 1933
Mr. J. G. DeBardelaben, 68. died in a Selma hospital Thursday morning of last week. He had been in failing health for some time and was carried to the hospital a week before his death.
Funeral services were held from the Episcopal church in Selma Friday afternoon at 2:30, with Dr. Gamble, the rector in charge. Interment was in the New Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, with Griffin in charge, and four sons, a brother and son-in-law of the deceased were pall bearers.
Mr. DeBardelaben had been a resident of the Burnsville section for many years. He is survived by the widow, four sons, a daughter and a brother.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Dec 28, 1933, Page 1

Obituary for Pierce DeBardelaben, 1880
Mr. P. H. DeBardelaben, of Autaugaville, who was so badly cut by a negro just before our last court died at his home yesterday, we learn, in consequence of his wounds.
The Autauga Citizen, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Nov 25, 1880, Page 3
Buried in the Whetstone-DeBardaleaden Cemetery

Obituary for Sarah Emma DeBardelaben, 1938
Mrs. Sarah DeBardelaben
Died Last Saturday
Mrs. Sarah Emma DeBardelaben, 68, of beat, 10, died Saturday morning after three months illness. Mrs. DeBardelaben was a native of beat 10, being Miss Sarah Fuller before her marriage to Mr. Orbit Ruff. Following the death of her first husband, she was married to W. W. DeBardelaben, who survives her. Surviving her also are two brothers, John, of Pine Flat, and Jim, of Birmingham, and a sister, Mrs. John Wallace, of Georgia.
Funeral services and burial were at Mt. Zion Church near Deatsville Sunday afternoon at one o’clock.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Jan 13, 1938, Page 1

Obituary for Warren Lewis DeBardelaben, 1941
Warren L. DeBardelaben
Warren Lewis DeBardelaben, 61, died in Autaugaville Sunday at 9:30 a.m. following several months of ill health. Funeral services were held at the Rock Hill Cemetery Monday at 2 p.m. Surviving are his widow; one son, Warren, Jr., and two grandchildren, Elizabeth and Warren Kennon DeBardelaben, of Montgomery.
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Feb 20, 1941, Page 5

Obituary for Mrs. W. L. DeBardelaben, 1927
Mrs. Warren L. DeBardelaben of Autaugaville, died at a Montgomery infirmary Saturday morning of last week after an extended illness.
Mrs. Debardelaben was the daughter of Mr. W. H. Holmes, who resides near Mulberry, several miles below Autaugaville. She was 41 years of age, and her life had been spent among the whom she had hundreds of people of that section, hundreds of whom were her friends. She was a member of the Methodist church.
The deceased is survived by her husband, her father, W. H. Holmes, one son, Warren L DeBardelaben, of Autaugaville, two brothers, Pierson and Frank Holmes, both of Birmingham; and two sisters, Mrs. S. E. Briggs, of Montgomery, and Mrs. David McWilliams of Oak Hill.
The funeral services were held at Autaugaville Sunday afternoon at five o’clock and the remains were interred in the Autaugaville cemetery [Rocky Hill Cemetery].
The Prattville Progress, Prattville, Alabama • Thu, Jul 14, 1927, Page 6