The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol 4

The Alabama Historical Quarterly Spring Issue 1942

This is volume 4 of The Alabama Historical Quarterly published quarterly in 1942 by the Alabama State Department of Archives and History. You can freely read this manuscript online, search the manuscript, or download a PDF copy for offline reading. This edition provides histories of several Alabama counties: Chambers, Coosa, and Randolph. It also provides an historical sketch of the town of LaFayette, Alabama and cemetery records transcriptions in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol 1

The Alabama Historical Quarterly Spring Issue 1930

This is volume 1 of The Alabama Historical Quarterly published quarterly in 1930 by the Alabama State Department of Archives and History. You can freely read this manuscript online, search the manuscript, or download a PDF copy for offline reading.

Index to the Tuskaloosa Gazette 1875-1876

Genealogists and local historians will find a wealth of information in old newspapers. The weekly “gossip” columns, wedding and death announcements, court and legal documents, and even the classified advertisements are filled with the names of old Tuscaloosa area residents. The names can be compared with census records and can … Read more

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