Index to the Tuskaloosa Gazette 1875-1876

Genealogists and local historians will find a wealth of information in old newspapers. The weekly “gossip” columns, wedding and death announcements, court and legal documents, and even the classified advertisements are filled with the names of old Tuscaloosa area residents. The names can be compared with census records and can help family historians document the lives of their relatives. The local businesses, clubs, schools and churches of post-Reconstruction Tuscaloosa were especially important social services, and the newspaper accounts of their activities and memberships are invaluable research sources.

The usefulness of a Gazette item to genealogists can vary from zero to invaluable, depending upon a researcher’s needs. In some cases, it may only be a “dead letter” listing from the Postmaster, while in others it might be a legal note containing names of heirs and exact property descriptions. Even incidental mention, however, can be used to prove or establish personal details or locations for questionable relatives.

Issues included in this Index

Nov. 4, 1875 [4-9]
Nov. 18, 1875 [4-11]
Nov. 25, 1875 [4-12]
Dec. 2, 1875 [4-13]
Dec. 9, 1875 [4-14]
Dec. 16, 1875 [4-15]
Dec. 23, 1875 [4-16]
Dec. 30, 1875 [4-17]
Jan. 6, 1876 [4-18]
Jan. 13, 1876 [4-19]
Jan. 20, 1876 [4-20]
Jan. 27, 1876 [4-21]
Feb. 3, 1876 [4-22]
Feb. 10, 1876 [4-23]
Feb. 17, 1876 [4-24]
Feb. 24, 1876 [4-25]

Complete Index


Adams, Emmie 4-18
Adkins, ? 4-9
Adkins, Joseph 4-9
Adkins, Lewis 4-9
Adkins, Robert 4-9
Adkins, Susan 4-9
Alabama & Chattanooga Railroad 4-9, 4-11, 4-17(2)
Alabama Central Female College 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-15(2), 4-16(2), 4-17(2), 4-23, 4-24
Alabama Corps of Cadets 4-16
Alabama Insane Hospital 4-12, 4-19, 4-24(2), 4-28
Alabama University Monthly 4-14
Alabamian, The 4-22
Alexander, John, 4-19
Allday, Chas. A. 4-12
Allen, Joseph 4-9
Allen, Tom 4-9
Alexander, David Jr. 4-24
Allston, D.L.L. 4-20
Allston, Mary C. 4-20
Alston, Kennedy 4-9, 4-13
Alston, Maggie 4-14, 4-19
Andrews, Rev. J.E. 4-24
Anthony, Rev. J.D. 4-12
Archer, John 4-19
Armstrong, Col. Anthony 4-27
Armstrong, Rev. Thos. K. 4-26
Ashley, Mr. 4-15
Ashley, Charles 4-20
Asylum, The 4-23
Atlanta Medical College 4-27
Atlanta Store 4-9
Audis, James 4-22
Autrey, John M. 4-9
Auxford, Annie 4-20
Auxford, F.M. 4-20


Bacon, R.A. 4-22, 4-25
Bacon, W.A. 4-23
Bagbee, Judge Francis 4-15
Bagbee, Martha Lavinia 4-15
Bagby, The 4-24
Bailey, John 4-19, 4-27
Baily, B.P. 4-24
Baily, Henderson 4-17
Baker, C.C. 4-27
Baker, John 4-27
Baker, W.H.H. 4-27
Ball, Col. Chas. P. 4-22(2), 4-25
Ball, Mrs. S.A. 4-15
Ball, Superintendent 4-23
Bankes, Calvin 4-9
Banks, Emma Christian 4-9
Banks, Marion 4-19
Banks, Major M. 4-18
Baptist College 4-16
Barber, Robert 4-23
Bard, Gov. 4-23
Barker, John 4-22
Barnes, Dr. J.P. 4-15
Barnes, Jno. D. 4-11
Barnes, John 4-14
Barnes, Johnny 4-13
Barnes, Jullie 4-11
Barnett, J.R. 4-9
Barrenger, L.A. 4-9
Barrow, Sabina A. 4-20
Bartlett, Wm. A. 4-9, 4-11, 4-28
Basham, Rev. G.W. 4-27
Bass, Rachel M. 4-25
Bassell, W.D. 4-26
Bassett, W.D. 4-24
Bassey & Co. 4-9
Bassinger, A.J. 4-19
Bates, Frank A. 4-18
Battle, Willie 4-13
Baugh, Kennedy & Co. 4-11
Beard, Rev. Thos. J. 4-24
Beasley, W.W. 4-25
Beatty, Dr. W.H. 4-23
Beck, H. 4-19
Belk, Mr. 4-15
Bell, Col. [Coroner] 4-18
Bell, J.G. 4-9
Bell, J.R. 4-9
Bell’s, Mrs. 4-9
Benagh, Mrs. 4-11
Bennett, H.H. 4-27
Bennett, T.R. 4-17, 4-25
Benson, James M. 4-22
Berry, Hugh P. 4-12
Berry, O. 4-14
Berry, Wm. 4-23, 4-24
Betts, E.C. 4-11, 4-19
Beuschler, Prof. C.A. 4-22
Bibler, Joseph 4-25
Big Gully, The 4-17
Big Sandy Grange 4-20
Billups, J.A. 4-11
Black, Daniel 4-9
Blackwell, J.M. 4-15
Blackwell, R.L. 4-27
Blake, R. 4-18
Blankenship, David 4-15
Bledsoe, E.P. 4-27
Blocker, John D. 4-9, 4-20
Blocker, Squire 4-9
Blue, Mrs. Maria 4-28
Board of Aldermen 4-19, 4-20
Board of Industrial Resources 4-23
Boland, Rev. Mr. 4-14, 4-16, 4-17
Boland, Mr. 4-12
Bolden, Miss Mary 4-9
Bonchillon, J.T. 4-22
Bond, Mat. 4-17
Bone, Deputy U.S. Marshal 4-28(2)
Borden, Elizabeth M. 4-11
Borden, J.P. 4-11
Borvey, Col. 4-9
Bounds, Mrs. Sophia 4-28
Bowars, Mrs. M.E. 4-23
Bowen, Cecelia 4-22
Bowers, Ella 4-26
Boyd, Frank Jr. 4-18
Boyd, Rufus K. 4-14
Boynton, Ella 4-20
Bozman, J.A. 4-22
Bradford, Rep. Paul 4-13
Bradley, Jennie 4-19
Brady & Friedman 4-28
Brady, Mrs. 4-15
Brady, J.T. 4-22
Brady, P.T. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-17(2), 4-18, 4-19
Brady’s Old Stand 4-9, 4-14
Bragg, Gen. 4-12
Bragg, W.L. 4-9
Brand, ? 4-9
Brandon, Mrs. F.T.J. 4-16, 4-22
Brandon, Rev. F.T.J. 4-12, 4-14, 4-16(2), 4-19, 4-20
Brandon, S.S. 4-25
Brann, A. 4-19
Brazeall, Harvy 4-27
Brewster, Sheriff 4-24
Bridges, John J. 4-22
Bridgeway, Ed. 4-11
Bright, John 4-22
Bristow, Prof. F.L. 4-27
Brock, Miss L.C. 4-20
Bromberg, Mr. 4-23
Brooks, Charley 4-13
Brooks, Fielding 4-11
Brooks, Mark 4-9, 4-11, 4-13
Brooks, Nannie 4-19
Brown, Archie 4-17
Brown, Hon. H.H. 4-9, 4-15, 4-17, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-27, 4-28
Brown, Jerry 4-12
Brown, John W. 4-9
Brown, Mary 4-27
Brown, S.D. 4-16
Brown, Toyer 4-11
Browne, C.S. 4-23
Browne, E.A. 4-27
Browne, L.D. 4-9, 4-18, 4-23
Browne, Newberne H. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-14, 4-16, 4-17, 4-20, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25
Browning, Rev. Mr. 4-20
Bruner, Meady 4-27
Bryan, Ed. F. 4-9, 4-11
Bryant, Mrs. A.M. 4-24
Bryce, Dr. 4-12, 4-18, 4-23
Bryer, Abel 4-11
Buck-eye Minstrels 4-9, 4-14, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20, 4-23, 4-24
Bulger, Hon. W.D. 4-11
Burchfield, Ed. 4-9
Burchfield, G.B. 4-27
Burks, B. 4-14
Burkes, Mrs. Celia 4-22
Burn & Norman 4-25
Burns, W.M. 4-27
Burroughs, Mrs. S. E. 4-27
Burton, Arthur Corbin 4-11
Burton, Sheriff E.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-16(2), 4-18(2), 4-19, 4-20, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25
Burton, F.H. 4-20
Burton, Mont. I. [Masthead, each issue] 4-22(3), 4-26, 4-27
Bussey, Rev. B. W. 4-12, 4-13
Butler, B.F. 4-26
Butts, D.D. 4-18


Caffee, Jno. R. 4-21
Cahill & McAvoy 4-19
Cain, A. 4-19
Caldwell, John S. 4-13, 4-14
Caldwell, Rep. John H. 4-13
Caldwell, S. Syd. 4-14, 4-15
Caldwell, Sallie Lillie 4-14, 4-15
Caldwell, Sarah L. 4-13, 4-14, 4-15
Calhoun Institute 4-17
Calis, Jim (“colored”) 4-26
Cameron, Louisa 4-15
Cameron, M.A. 4-15
Campbell House 4-9
Campbell, Archie 4-13
Campbell, J.W. 4-9, 4-11
“Can’t Get Away Club” 4-22
Carpenter, Mr. 4-18
Carroll, Dan 4-27
Carter, Elsie 4-28
Carter, James O. 4-27
Carter, John M. 4-27
Carver, Joseph M. 4-20
Catholic Church, Ladies of the 4-19
Catholic Fair, The 4-15(2), 4-16, 4-17, 4-18
Catholic Total Abstinence Society of Tuskaloosa 4-13, 4-15, 4-24
Centennial Exposition 4-16
Centennial University for Ladies, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18(2), 4-19(2), 4-20(3), 4-21, 4-24, 4-25
Chaffin, E.G. 4-20
Chamberlin’s Old Mills 4-20
Chambers, Hon. W.H. 4-11
Chapman, Rev. Alfred 4-18
Chappel, Fountaine 4-26
Childress, Calhoun 4-22
Childress, Jonathan 4-26
Childress, Lou 4-24
Childress, Robert A. 4-27
Childress, Sarah A. 4-27
Chisholm’s Orchestra 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-16, 4-20, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25(2), 4-26, 4-27
Chisholm, Dr. E.S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-16, 4-17
Chisholm, Dr. L.C. 4-13
Chism, Reuben 4-27
Christian, Aberiller 4-9
Christian, Alexander 4-9
Christian, Andrew 4-24
Christian, Betsey 4-9, 4-11
Christian, J. Madison 4-9
Christian, J.C. 4-9
Christian, Mary 4-9
Christian, Richard 4-9
Christian, William W. 4-9
Clanton, G. 4-27
Clark’s Old Stand 4-14, 4-17
Clark, Miss A.E. 4-20
Clark, F.B. 4-11
Clark, J.T. 4-25
Clark, Hon. W.E. 4-11
Clark, W.G. 4-19
Clarke, R.H. 4-19
Cleaveland, Julius 4-11, 4-22
Clements & Clements 4-26
Clements, Dr. Alsey 4-16(3), 4-20
Clements, Hon. Col. N.N. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18(2), 4-20, 4-21, 4-22, 4-26(2), 4-28
Clements, G.W. 4-18
Clements, George 4-26
Clements, Hardy 4-15
Clements, L.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-16, 4-17, 4-26
Clements, Luther M. 4-9
Clements, Dr. Morgan 4-16(3), 4-20
Clements, Miss N. 4-9, 4-11
Clements, Rufus H[argrove] 4-13, 4-15, 4-16(2), 4-20
Clements, Sampson 4-27
Clements, Sarah 4-11
Clements, William 4-12
Clements’ Place, The Rufus 4-16
Clements’ Station 4-16
Cleveland, Geo. 4-21
Clifton, Justice 4-24
Clifton, Wm. 4-22
Clower, Jennie 4-26
Cobb, Hon. R.W. 4-11
Cochran, Mrs. Matilda W. 4-24
Cochrane, Mrs. S.S.L. 4-12
Cochrane, Dr. W.A. 4-14, 4-16, 4-22
Cochrane, W.C. 4-9, 4-11
Cochrane, W[illiam] G. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18, 4-24, 4-25
Coker, Johanus 4-20
Cole, George David 4-11
Cole, Isaac 4-18(2), 4-22
Cole, Mary 4-11
Coleman, Dr. 4-12
Coleman, Daniel 4-19
Coleman, Jack 4-21
Coleman, Rev. Dr. Jas. L. 4-9, 4-11
Coleman, William 4-15
Colen, Henry 4-27
College of the Propaganda 4-22
Collier, Prof. Daniel 4-18
Collier, Mary Ann 4-15
Collins, Owen 4-9
Cook, Mollie 4-19
Cooper, Nelson 4-20
Copeland, J.S. 4-20
Corbin, Maj. W.L. (“Duke”) 4-24
Cory, Miss M. Alice 4-18
Cowdery, Jay W. 4-16, 4-18, 4-19, 4-25
Cox, Charles 4-9
Cox, Mary E. 4-24
Crabb, Edward 4-15
Craig, Walter 4-20
Crawford, Mrs. Permelia 4-27
Cribbs, D.E. 4-9
Cribbs, Fred. 4-20
Crist, Miss Minnie 4-21
Cronier, J.H. 4-18
Crook, Catherine 4-24
Crook, James 4-19
Cross, N.B. 4-27
Cummings, Mrs. Dolly 4-21
Cummins, R.L. 4-9
Cutis, Drewry 4-27
Cutis, John 4-27
Cycle, The 4-18, 4-19


Daniel, Francis 4-27
Daniel, John 4-9
Danvis, Dr. T.S. 4-12
Darden, Burch 4-15
Darden, Con. 4-15
Darwin, A.P. 4-15
Dassett, Moses 4-24
Daughdrill, Elizabeth 4-20
Daughtry, W.T. 4-21
Davenport, Mrs. M. 4-20
Davidson, Mr. 4-9
Davis, J.R. 4-20
Davis, Dr. N. 4-24
Davis, Willis 4-19, 4-26
Dawson, N.H.R. 4-19
Dawson, Henry 4-21
Dearing, Alex. B. 4-12, 4-14
Dearing estate 4-16
Deason, Mrs. C.T. 4-26
Deason, John 4-9
Dement, J.J. 4-21
Dennis, Ada 4-18
Dennis, Maria 4-11
Derham, D.C. 4-11
Dew & Kirksey, 4-12
Deweese, J.H. 4-9
Dibble, Oscar 4-22
Dickey, Joseph W. 4-18
Dill, Jos. M. 4-9, 4-11
Dill, Prof. 4-23, 4-24
Dillard, A.W. 4-9, 4-11
Dobbins, J. Pitts 4-9, 4-11
Dobbins, Washington 4-27
Dockery, Marion 4-12
Dodson, George 4-17
Dodson, W.R. 4-9, 4-11, 4-15
Dollar Store, The 4-26
Donner, Mrs. E. 4-20
Donoho, Banks 4-17, 4-21
Donoho, Ed. 4-25
Donoho, M.B. 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-27
Dollar Store 4-9, 4-17
Dowdell, L.R. 4-19
Dossett, Moses 4-14
Dougherty, Martha 4-27
Dreyspring, Adolph 4-21
Drish, Mrs. S.R. 4-28
Driskell, Rev. A. 4-27
Driskell, T.J. 4-18
Dryden & Nuly 4-20
Druid City Literary Club 4-11, 4-12
Duncan, Bettie 4-25
Duncan, Elizabeth 4-26
Duncan, Rev. G.W.G. 4-21
Dunn, Mrs. E. 4-25
Dunn, E.S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-26
Dunn, Wm. D. 4-22
Dupliss Hall 4-9
Dupuy, Maj. 4-20
Dupuy, J. W. 4-11
Dupuy’s, J.W. 4-17
Durrett & Tidwell 4-16
Durrett, D.D. 4-9
Durrett, N.B. 4-9
Durrett, Mrs. P. 4-16
Durrett, Mrs. Penelope 4-24
Durrett, Thos. J. 4-9, 4-18, 4-19
Dustan, Gen. 4-23
Dutton, Benj. Z. 4-19


E. Snow & Co. 4-26
Eager, Mrs. Sallie 4-16
Eason, Mrs. Car. 4-20
Eatman, Sedgu S. 4-20
Eddins, Mrs. 4-18
Eddins, Billy 4-26
Eddins, Harvey 4-17
Eddins, Miss Johness B. 4-14, 4-15
Eddins, Mrs. M.J. 4-14, 4-15
Eddins, Miss Nannie 4-15
Eddins, Capt. Patrick H. 4-20
Eddins, Miss Pattie 4-18
Eddins, P.H. 4-9, 4-18
Edings, Mrs. Charity 4-21
Edmonds, Ben [“colored”] 4-27
Edmonds, J.W. 4-21
Edmondson, T. J. 4-28
Edmunds, Aquilla 4-21
Edwards, Cardina 4-25
Edwards, Stephen 4-26
Edwards, William 4-9
Elas, R.F. 4-14
Elias, Captain 4-12
Elliott, A[lonzo] S. 4-16, 4-27, 4-28
Ellsworth, Russel & Cunningham 4-19
Emma No. 2 4-13, 4-14
Emma, The 4-12, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18, 4-20, 4-21, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27, 4-28
Enoch, E.G. 4-22
Ernest, L.W. 4-27
Eutaw Whig 4-11


Fair & Norman 4-9
Fair, Carroll 4-9
Fair, J.H. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Fair, John 4-20
Falconer, Miss Willie 4-17
Falkner, Bro. J.M. 4-25, 4-27(2), 4-28
Falkner, T.M. 4-9
Falls, W.R. 4-28
Farley, Jabez 4-19
Farmer, Carrie 4-20
Farmer, D.M. 4-20
Farmer, J.H. 4-20
Farmer, W.C. 4-9
Farrell, A.J. 4-27
Farrell, Pat. 4-13, 4-18, 4-20, 4-26
Farrington, W.C. 4-25
Faugh, Kennedy & Co. 4-9
Fauner, Miss Carrie 4-12
Faust, Willis J. 4-12
Feagan, Capt. N.B. 4-24
Ferguson, Miss 4-19
Ferguson, Mr. 4-19
Ferguson, F.S. 4-19
Figh, George 4-11
Findley, Wm. 4-9
Fiquet, Kate E. 4-24
Fisher, Isidora 4-27
Fisher, Mrs. P.F. 4-19
Fitts & Co., J.H. 4-9, 4-11
Fitts, J[ames] H. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-17
Fitts, Miss Lizzie 4-16, 4-19
Fitts, Maxwell & Jesper 4-9, 4-11, 4-15(2), 4-17
Fitts, Mrs. P.A. 4-12
Fitts, Rev. Phillip A. 4-9
Fitts, William Faulcon 4-24
Fitts?, Little Phil. 4-9
Fitzpatrick, E.J. 4-21
Fleming, Miss 4-18
Fleming, Mrs. 4-27
Fontaine, A.B. 4-9, 4-11
Fontaine, John B. 4-11
Ford, Joseph 4-18
Forney & Bradford 4-22
Forney, Rep. Wm. H. 4-13
Forrester, P.H. 4-24
Foster, Cornile 4-22
Foster, Edward 4-18
Foster, Gaddi 4-17
Foster, Ann 4-21
Foster, Rev. J.C. 4-22
Foster, John A. 4-19
Foster, John C. 4-11
Foster, John S. 4-9
Foster, Joshua H. 4-9
Foster, Prof. Joshua H. 4-11
Foster, R.H. 4-9
Foster, Robert 4-21
Foster, Mrs. W.S. 4-14
Foster, Wm. S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-19, 4-20, 4-28
Foster, Y.H. 4-22
Fowler, Miss 4-27
Fowler’s Battery 4-27
Frazer, Dan 4-22
Frazier, Mr. 4-18
Freedman, Rev. J.F. 4-20
Freeman, J.H. 4-16, 4-27
Freeman, Josiah H. 4-28
Friedman, Mr. 4-22
Friedman & Brady 4-11, 4-14, 4-19, 4-22(2), 4-25
Friedman & Loveman 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Frierson, Thos. H. 4-9
Fritz, John & Co. 4-27
Frost, [Dr.] S. B. 4-22, 4-26
Fry, R.M. 4-18
Furman, Benny 4-20


Gaines, Cole & Co. 4-11
Gardner, Emma Louise 4-21
Garland, Prof. Claib. 4-16, 4-17
Garner & Co., J.T. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14
Garner’s, C.C. 4-9
Garner, [Marshal] Mack 4-14, 4-15, 4-19(3), 4-20(2), 4-22, 4-23(2), 4-24, 4-26
Garner, Reuben A. [“Old Reub”] 4-23
Garner, Tom. 4-15
Garvin, John S. 4-15
Garvin, Martha M. 4-15
Gass, Neal 4-19
Gee, Maj. N.A. 4-18
Gibbons, L. 4-22
Gilbert Sisters, The 4-9
Gilbert, Parker & Co. 4-9, 4-11
Gilchrist, Lee 4-16
Gilmore, Bettie 4-22
Glascock, J. 4-18(2)
Glascock, J.H. 4-23
Glascock, John 4-21, 4-27
Glascock, Mrs. John 4-21, 4-27
Glascock’s Auction House 4-15, 4-17
Glasscock, Minnie 4-14, 4-26
Glasscock, Mrs. 4-14
Globe Bar, The 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-17
Glover, Logan R. 4-19
Glover, Miss Tennie 4-22
Goldsby, Thornton B. 4-24
Goldthwaite, Sen. Geo. 4-13
Gooch, Mattie 4-14
Gooch, Mrs. 4-14
Good Templars 4-21, 4-23
Goodin, John 4-16
Gordon, A.C. 4-21
Graham, Mr. 4-15
Graham, A.H. 4-21
Grange Line Steamers 4-23
Grant, Col. Fred. Grant, Maj. M. 4-25
Grant, M. 4-9, 4-11
Grass, Mrs. J.B. 4-9, 4-11
Grass, Prof. 4-9, 4-11, 4-16
Gray, Martha 4-27
Gray, Nellie 4-21
Gray, Dr. W.H. 4-21
Gregory, John B. 4-12
Green, M.F. 4-28
Green, Miss Mary 4-15
Greensboro Beacon, The 4-19, 4-22
Griffin, Louis [“colored”] 4-27
Guild, Dr. 4-17, 4-20
Guild, Jo. C. 4-9, 4-11
Guin, Jason 4-22
Gulf City Hotel 4-9, 4-17, 4-25
Gunnison, Capt. V.B. 4-12, 4-14


Hagans, Jennious 4-23
Hagood, Dora 4-22
Hale, Colonel S.R. 4-11
Hale, Mrs. M.E. 4-11
Hale, Stephen 4-11
Hale, The 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-15
Haley, James [estate] 4-22
Hall, Miss A.G. 4-20
Hall, Abram 4-17
Hall, Miss Lou 4-19
Hall, O.J. 4-9
Hall, Sallie 4-17
Hall, Sarah 4-27
Hallman, Wm. 4-12
Halsey, Charles F. 4-25
Hamilton, Rev. Dr. Jefferson 4-16, 4-28
Hamilton, Mrs. Jefferson 4-28
Hamler, Jeff. 4-20
Hamner, Samuel M. 4-13, 4-15, 4-16, 4-19, 4-20
Hamner, Robert 4-27
Hamner, W.T. 4-27
Hampton, Lafayette 4-27
Hamshire, John 4-16
Handley, Capt. R.H. 4-19
Hanley’s Livery Stable 4-9
Hanly, John 4-26
Hanna, Capt. 4-26
Hannon, Maj. 4-29
Haralson, Rep. Jerry 4-13, 4-23(2)
Hardin, Rev. Mr. 4-26
Harding, Col. 4-13
Harding, E. 4-9, 4-11
Hardy, Nannie 4-22
Hargrove, A.C. 4-9, 4-11, 4-22, 4-24
Hargrove, A.F. 4-9
Hargrove, Battle 4-15
Hargrove, F.M. 4-16
Hargrove, Dr. R.K. 4-15
Hargrove, T.A. 4-20
Harkins, Mr. 4-12
Harkins, Walter 4-9
Harless, D.M. 4-27
Harrington, A.H. 4-25
Harris, Bruce 4-12
Harris, Celia 4-12
Harris, J.J. 4-11, 4-14, 4-21, 4-26, 4-27
Harris, John J. 4-11, 4-12, 4-13
Harris, Jordan 4-25
Harris, Minnie E. 4-23
Harris, Mrs. Mahala 4-16
Harrison, Ada 4-14, 4-21, 4-26
Harrison, J.C. 4-21
Harrison, Mary 4-14
Harrison, Mrs. 4-9
Hart, Vallie 4-15
Harten, Burrell 4-11, 4-15
Hartin, J.L. 4-9
Harvill, Miss A.J. 4-26
Hastings, M.S. 4-9
Hatten, Robert 4-14, 4-18(2), 4-20
Hatter, James 4-26
Hausman, Chris 4-15, 4-17
Hausman, Josh. 4-15(3), 4-17
Hawkins & May 4-9, 4-11
Hawkins, Samuel P. 4-27
Hays, Rep. Charles 4-13
Hays, Israel 4-23
Hays, John A. 4-27
Hays, J.B. 4-19
Hays, Mrs. W.H. 4-19
Hays, Wm. H. 4-14, 4-18(2)
Healy, R.W. 4-17
Heard, Mary E. 4-21
Hearn, J.S. 4-14
Hearn, Rev. W.C. 4-12, 4-14, 4-17
Hearn, Will. D. 4-13
Heflin, Hon John T. 4-11
Hemlick, F.W. 4-22
Hemphill, Miss 4-24
Hemphill, F.B. 4-9, 4-11
Hemphill, F.F. 4-17(2), 4-18(2)
Hemphill, Frank 4-9
Hemphill, Jerusha 4-22
Hendrix, Mary 4-14
Hendrix, Mary A. 4-24
Henley, John C. 4-22
Henry, Miss M.A. 4-22
Herbert, H.A. 4-19
Herring, Geo. 4-26
Herring, Joseph 4-25
Hester and Hays [drugstore] 4-21
Hester, Dr. 4-24
Hester, Maj. J.T. 4-20
Hewitt, Francis W. 4-12
Hewitt, Rep. Goldsmith H. 4-13
Hewlett, T[homas] J. 4-22, 4-25
Hickman Lodge 4-25
Hickman, P.A. 4-9, 4-11, 4-24, 4-27
Hickman, T.J. 4-9
Hill, Prof. Alonzo 4-17
Hill, Eliza Christian 4-9
Hindrick, Annie L. 4-20
Hinds, Capt. P.J. 4-18
Hinkle, A. 4-25
Hinton, George 4-11
Hinton, S.W. 4-27
Hinton, W.T. 4-18(2)
Hinton, W. Troy 4-9
Hodo, James B. 4-19
Hoey, W. 4-20
Hogan, A.P. 4-9, 4-14(2), 4-23(2)
Hogan, James 4-19
Hogan, Mary 4-22
Hogan, Mary S. 4-24
Hoge, Ellen 4-16
Hogg, Mrs. Christina S. 4-24
Holbrook, A.M. 4-19
Holcombe, Mrs. Maggie 4-23
Holcombe, W. Thomas 4-18
Holender, M. 4-21
Holliday, Mr. 4-14
Hollyhan, John 4-20
Holly, Lucinda 4-11
Holmes, Mary 4-26
Home Insurance Company 4-18
Hooper, Yancey 4-15
Hopkins, Mrs. Gus 4-28
Horn, Bro. 4-24
Horn, Mollie 4-18
Horner, J.R. 4-11, 4-18
Hornet, The 4-25
Hosmer, S.W. 4-27
“Hotel de Thompson” [jail] 4-28
Hougton, W.R. 4-19
Houston, Gov. Geo. S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-18, 4-21
Houston, Miss M.M. 4-21
Howard, J.A. 4-9
Howard, Rhoda 4-9
Huckabee, Rev. J.C. 4-12
Hudson, W.F. 4-27
Hugee, Dr. Richard P. 4-20
Hughes, W.R. 4-9
Hulburt, E. 4-23
Hull, Mrs. Ella Eddins 4-12
Hume, Capt. 4-15
Hunley & Co., R.R. 4-9, 4-14
Hunnicutt, Dicie 4-19
Hurt, Sallie 4-21


Independent University Brass Band 4-16
“Infant Mystics” 4-24
Inge, Mrs. A.S. 4-16
Inge, Miss R.E. 4-9, 4-11
Inge, Dr. Z.M.P. 4-20
Inzer, Miss M.A.E. 4-19
Iron Age, The 4-25
Irving, J.B. 4-11
Ivey, Wm. 4-19
Ivy, John Curtis 4-24, 4-28
Ivy, Sarah Malinda 4-24, 4-28


Jack, Capt. James 4-14, 4-19
Jackson, Anderson 4-17
James, M.P. 4-18
Jarrat, W.R. 4-14
Jemison, Andrew 4-17
Jemison Place 4-16
Jemison, Robert [‘Bob’] 4-19, 4-26
Jemison, Virginia 4-9, 4-11
Jennings, G.W. 4-9
Jesper, Mr. 4-15
John Robinson’s Great World’s Exposition 4-13, 4-15
Johnson, Curtis 4-23
Johnson, David 4-13, 4-15, 4-19, 4-20
Johnson, Mrs. Ellen 4-24
Johnson, M.E. 4-26
Johnson, Miss Nora 4-15
Johnson, Sam 4-11
Johnson, W.A. 4-12, 4-28
Johnson, W.C. 4-27
Johnson, W.H. 4-25
Johnson, Wm. A. 4-25
Johnston, Carrie F. 4-26
Johnston, Gen. George D. 4-11, 4-18(2), 4-20, 4-23
Johnston, Capt. Joe 4-23
Johnston, Joseph E. 4-21
Jones, Mrs. 4-28
Jones, Annie 4-22
Jones, Billie [Billy] 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-17, 4-18, 4-28
Jones, Burgoyne 4-14
Jones, David 4-22
Jones, H.C. 4-19
Jones, H.W. 4-22
Jones, J.S. 4-20
Jones, J.S.B. 4-9
Jones, James W. 4-12
Jones, John 4-20
Jones, John W. 4-26
Jones, Miss 4-16
Jones, Osburn 4-26
Jones, R.C. 4-19
Jones, T.B. 4-22
Jones, T.G. 4-21
Jones, Thomas 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-17, 4-20
Jones, W.I. 4-25
Jones, Willie 4-27
Journal of Progress, The 4-23
Judge, J.L. 4-19
Julian, A.M. 4-20


Karsner, Capt. 4-9, 4-17
Keaton, W.B. 4-11
Keene, Frank 4-9
Keene, Oliver 4-20(2)
Kehoe, J.P. 4-19
Kellog, H. 4-9
Kellogg & Spencer 4-23(3)
Kellogg, H. 4-11, 4-25
Kelly, Mr. 4-14
Kelly, Alice 4-27
Kennedale 4-18
Kennedale, Duke of 4-16
Kennedale Factory 4-9, 4-11
Kennedy, E.J. 4-19
Kennedy, Capt. E.W. 4-12
Kennedy, D. Patton 4-19
Kennedy, Capt. John S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-14, 4-17(2), 4-18(2), 4-22, 4-25
Kennedy, L.P. 4-12
Kennedy, Miss M. 4-19
Kennedy, R.M. 4-17
Kennedy, W. 4-12
Kiernan, Miss M.A. 4-25
Kile, Mr. 4-23
Kilgore, J.R. 4-20
King, Beale 4-23
King Bee, The [Thomas Maxwell] 4-11, 4-19
King Bee’s Dream, The 4-15
King, John 4-26
King, M.A. 4-19, 4-20
Kirk, Mrs. Julia 4-28
Kirkham, Mr. 4-14
Kirkman, Mrs. 4-15
Kirkman, [Capt.] Hugh 4-9, 4-13, 4-14, 4-16(2), 4-19, 4-20
Kirkman, S. 4-11
Kirwan, Rev. Father 4-15, 4-26
Kiziah, Wm. 4-9, 4-11
Knight, Ada 4-24
Knight, L.D. 4-23
Knights of Pleasure 4-16
Knowles, Mr. 4-23
Knowles, O.J. 4-22
Knox, Katie 4-20
Krauth, Ferguson & Co. 4-12
Ku Klux Klan 4-22, 4-28
Kyle, R.B. 4-21
Kyle, Rufus 4-23


Ladies’ Centennial University Society 4-22(2), 4-23, 4-24
Lafoy, F.A. 4-27
Landers, J.F. 4-24
Landon, Nancy 4-27
Lane, Dr. W.H.H. 4-28
Lanier, W.L. 4-11
Lanneau, Mrs. J.F. 4-9, 4-11
Lanneau, Prof. Jonathan F. 4-9, 4-11, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17, 4-22, 4-24
Lanneau, Thomas Cox 4-15
Lansden, Mrs. Mattie N. 4-25
Larrabee, Rev. B.F. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16(2), 4-18(2), 4-19(3), 4-20, 4-21, 4-22
Lassiter, G.M. 4-27
Lawrence, S. Syd. 4-13
Lawrence, Sallie Lillie 4-13
Law, Brig. Gen. E.M. 4-25
Lawrence, Mrs. I. L. 4-27
Lawson, L.J. 4-21
Leach & Sons 4-14
Leach, Dr. 4-16
Leach, S.J. 4-14
Leach, Dr. Tom. 4-14
Ledbetter, G.W. 4-16
Lee, A.P. 4-19
Lee, A.V. 4-19
Lee, Col. H. 4-18
Lee, James R. 4-19
Lee, John A. 4-11
Lee Memorial Association 4-24
Lee, Mrs. S.J. 4-11
Leeper, Jennie 4-21
Leftwich, Col. 4-17
Leftwich, Maj. 4-18(2)
Leftwich, Mrs. J.G.W. 4-19, 4-22
Leftwich, Velma 4-16
Lehman, Durr & Co. 4-21
Leland, Dr. 4-9, 4-11
Leland, Willie 4-26
Leroe, Harry Jean 4-12
Levet, E.F. 4-11
Lewin, Jesse 4-12
Lewin, Peter 4-12, 4-15
Lewis, ex-Gov. 4-9
Lewis, [Hon.] B. B. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18(2), 4-19, 4-21, 4-23, 4-26, 4-27
Lewis, [Rep.] Burwell R. 4-13
Lewis, H.C. 4-27
Lewis, Mary 4-14, 4-26
Lewis, T.P. 4-14, 4-18(4)
Lewis, Tom 4-18, 4-19, 4-20, 4-24
Lewis, W.T. 4-24
Lewthon, Enock 4-15
Lide, Thos. E. 4-20
Ligon, Nellie 4-21
Lightsy, Annie 4-27
Lindsay, Robert 4-14
Link, Miss Sarah 4-18
Lisha, Jim 4-12
Little’s Drug Store 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16
Little, James 4-27
Little, Dr. John & Son 4-9, 4-11, 4-16, 4-17
Little, Hon W.G. 4-11
Littlefield, Matilda 4-27
Lo, Mr. [“the poor Indian”] 4-21
Logan, Mrs. Annie 4-27
Logan, Freeman 4-17
Logan, Lander 4-12
Lomax, Thomas S. 4-26
Long, Henry Whitfield 4-24
Lookout Mills 4-18
Louflesser, Henline 4-15
Louisville Furniture Store 4-9, 4-11
Love, Preston Bonner 4-24
Lowlow, John 4-13
Lowry, Rev. Dr. W.J. 4-19
“Lulu D,” The 4-20
Lunceford, D.A. 4-9
Lyerla, W.A. 4-18(2), 4-21, 4-22
Lyler, Fannie I. 4-20
Lyles, Mary Jane 4-22


Mabry, [W.] Kelly 4-15, 4-16, 4-18, 4-27
Mabry, W.K. 4-18(2)
Maddox, Jane 4-27
Male High School 4-11
Manderson, G.W. 4-27
Manly & Co. 4-9
Manly, Dr. Basil 4-25
Manly, F. 4-18
Manly, Frank 4-22
Manly, R. Fuller 4-22
Manly, Wood 4-16
Marks, Felix L. 4-24
Marlowe, Dr. 4-20
Marlowe Place, The 4-27
Marny, G.L. 4-18
Marr, Hon R.H. 4-12
Marr, Nancy 4-14
Marrast Jr., John 4-11
Marrast [III?], John 4-11
Marrast, Clara Lee 4-11
Marrast, Dr. John 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Marrast, Edwin King 4-11
Marrast, Ida 4-11
Marrast, J. George 4-11
Marrast, John 4-11, 4-13
Marrast, Laura B. 4-11
Marrast, Mary C. 4-11
Marrast, W.B. 4-11
Marshall, Henry 4-16
Marshall, Limis 4-12, 4-16
Martin, [Hon.][Capt.] J. M. 4-12, 4-14, 4-17, 4-18(2), 4-26(2), 4-27(2)
Martin, J. Wood 4-23
Martin, Jackson 4-21
Martin, James Benson 4-24
Martin, John M. 4-9, 4-13, 4-17, 4-21
Martin, Jos. M. 4-27
Martin, M. Luther 4-24
Marvin, Bishop E.M. 4-12, 4-13
Marvin, Right Rev. Bishop 4-12
Mary Custis Lee Society 4-14
Mason, J.M. 4-23
Mason, Josephine 4-21
Massey, Col. C. 4-23
Massey, Gerald 4-13
Massey, S.I. 4-27
Matthews, Adeline 4-11
Matthews, Mrs. Annie L. 4-22
Matthews, “Brother” 4-11, 4-21, 4-22
Matthews, Eben 4-25
Maxwell, Freeman & Bell 4-13
Maxwell, James R. 4-14, 4-20
Maxwell, John 4-15
Maxwell, Mary Farley 4-18, 4-19
Maxwell, Richard 4-22, 4-24
Maxwell, Robt. 4-19
Maxwell, Sarah Ellen 4-20
Maxwell, T. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14
Maxwell, Thos. 4-24
Maxwell, Thomas 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-17, 4-19, 4-21
Maxwell’s 4-9, 4-11
Maxwell’s Almanac 4-17, 4-21
May, Dr. 4-16
Mayfield, Dick 4-27
Mayfield, J.J. 4-16, 4-18, 4-24
McAdory, Bessie N. 4-21
McAlpine, Jas. A. 4-23
McAlpine, Lizzie 4-21
McCafferty, Elizabeth 4-19
McCalla, Maj. R.C. 4-21
McCallester, Chas. J. 4-19
McCartney, T.A. 4-21
McConnell, John W. 4-23
McCracken, Mr. 4-25
McCracken, H. 4-22
McCracken, J. V. 4-27
McCreery, William 4-20
McCull, Mrs. Jennie 4-28
McDaniel, Mr. 4-21
McDonald, March & Co. 4-19
McDonald, Rev. D.S. 4-12
McDonald, G.B. 4-24
McDonald, John 4-19
McDuff, J.F. 4-17
McEachin, A.B. 4-9, 4-11
McEachin, Mrs. 4-14
McGahey, Joe 4-18(3), 4-25
McGee, John 4-9
McGee, Mrs. Martha 4-27
McGhee, Frances 4-9
McGhee, James 4-9
McGiffert, Mollie 4-19
McGillart, Dan. 4-22
McGilbert, Dan 4-25
McGinnis, Mrs. 4-21
McGraw, Joe 4-23
McKee, Robert 4-16
McKeitiah, Kate 4-26
McKeloy, Leroy Clifton 4-21
McKerall, Fannie E. 4-18
McKlerory, Hon. John M. 4-19, McLendon, John 4-24
McLester, Mrs. 4-25
McLester, Early 4-28
McLester, Hays & Co. 4-13
McLester, Henry 4-26
McLester, J. & R. Coal Beds 4-23
McLester, Joe. 4-12
McLester, R.C. 4-14(2), 4-18(2), 4-28(2)
McMath, W.M. 4-22
McMurray, Sallie S. 4-27
McNeal, M. 4-26
McShan, G.L. 4-27
McVeigh, John 4-22, 4-25
Medlin, W.R. 4-11
Meek, Col. S.M. 4-9, 4-12, 4-13
Meek Place, the 4-18
Meek, Prof. B.F. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-14, 4-18(2), 4-23, 4-24
Mellown, W.M. 4-9
Melver, W.C. 4-19
Merchants’ Exchange Saloon & Restaurant 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Meridian Mercury 4-24, 4-25
Merpher, Charles 4-18
Merrick, Miss 4-9, 4-11
Mervin, Mary F. 4-20
Mestier, Mary M. 4-11
Meteor, The 4-19
Miles, Seaborn 4-24
Miller’s Hall 4-12, 4-14, 4-15(2), 4-16, 4-24
Miller, C.L. 4-16(2)
Miller, James T. 4-12
Miller, Rev. James T. 4-12
Miller, N.M. 4-22
Miller, Stephen 4-22
Miller, Lt. W.H. 4-17
Miller, W.M. [Postmaster] 4-11, 4-21
Miller, Judge Wm. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-17, 4-23
Mills, D.A. 4-27
Mills, Joel 4-22
Mills, Sam 4-19
Mims, W.H. 4-26
Miner, Jennie 4-28
Mitchel, Jerry 4-12
Mitchell, H.P. 4-24
Mitchell, J.M. 4-14
Mitchell, J.W. 4-9
Mitchell, Sallie B. 4-19
Mite, the 4-18
Modoc War 4-17
Monroe, Brother 4-11
Monroe, W.O. 4-9
Montgomery, B.S. 4-27
Montgomery, J.R. 4-15
Moody, F. 4-11
Moody, Frank S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19(2), 4-21, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27
Moody, Sallie 4-19, 4-21
Moody, Judge W. 4-9, 4-11, 4-19, 4-21
Moore, Anderson 4-11
Moore, Edward 4-24
Moore, Ira W. 4-22
Moore, Hon. J.B. 4-11
Moore, John C. 4-19, 4-20
Moore, Mary 4-20
Moore, Oliver H. 4-19
Moore, S.D.J. 4-15
Moore, W.M. 4-17
Moore’s Bridge 4-16, 4-24
Mooston, Elizabeth M. 4-11
Mooston, S.J. 4-11
Morgan, Enoch 4-19
Morgan, Gen. John T. 4-9
Morgan, Martin 4-9, 4-11
Morgan, Mary 4-19
Morrison, Rev. Alfred J. 4-19
Morrow, Mr. Fayette 4-20
Morrow, W.C. 4-9
Mosby, Fannie 4-24
Mosely, B.F. 4-20
Mosely, Mrs. Kate 4-20
Mosely, Silas 4-20
Mudd, Judge Wm. S. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12
Mullins, L.A. 4-21
Murphy, Colonel William 4-12
Murray, J.M. 4-22
Murray, Willie 4-9
Murrell, Prince [“colored”] 4-27
Murrey, J.M. 4-27
Murry, J.M. 4-28


Nabors, Alex. 4-12
Nash, Mattie 4-26
Nave, W.J. 4-11, 4-15
Neal, Ransom 4-12
Neal, S.R. 4-21
Needles, J. H. 4-28
Neilson, Miss 4-19
Neilson, Mrs. J.J. 4-27
Neilson, Dr. Robert 4-14, 4-18
Nelson, Mr. 4-19
Nelson, Sylvester 4-23, 4-24
Nesmith, T.B. 4-19
New Lexington 4-19
Newman, W.J. 4-12
Newton, John 4-22
Nicolson, Miss Mary 4-15
Nixon, T.A. 4-20, 4-22, 4-28
Nobby Seven 4-17
Norah, Monroe 4-26
Norman, J. G. 4-25
Norris, G.W. 4-19, 4-24, 4-28
Norris, Genie 4-25
Norris, J.W. 4-9
Northport Academy 4-9
Novel, John P. 4-27
Nuckols, V.P. 4-9


O’Conor, Charles 4-21
O’Correll, M. 4-11
O’Neal, C.C. 4-12
O’Neal, E.A. Jr. 4-24
Oak City Hotel 4-16, 4-17
Oak City Lodge of Good Templars 4-14, 4-16, 4-17, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26
Old A. & C. Barber Shop 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Old Bee Hive 4-9, 4-17(2)
“Old Billy” 4-27
Oliver, Rev. Dr. C.D. 4-13
Oliver, Mrs. Phillip 4-16
Opal Bar 4-15, 4-18
Oppenheimer, Mrs. Tilly 4-24
Osburn, Jas. W. 4-27
Otis, Capt. 4-11
Owen, B.J. 4-17
Owen, Henry 4-17
Owens, Alberry W. 4-21
Oyster Saloon 4-16


Page, Miss Maria 4-15, 4-16
Palmer, E.R. 4-22
Palmer, R.F. & S.T. 4-13
Palmer, S.T. 4-9, 4-11
Parish, R.C. 4-9, 4-11
Parker, Mrs. Mary 4-12
Parker, Willie 4-25, 4-28
Parker, Wm. 4-23
Parsons, ex-Gov. 4-9
Patrick, Mr. 4-24
Patrick, Z.H. 4-17(3), 4-25
Patrick’s 4-17
Patterson, John P. 4-24
“Peablossom, Miss Polly” 4-25, 4-26, 4-27
Peachwood Nurseries 4-11
Pearce, Josie 4-25
Pearson, A.J. 4-27
Pearson, W.G.B. 4-12, 4-14
Peck, Samuel 4-18
Peek, Sam’l M. 4-24
Pennington, Andrew 4-12, 4-14, 4-16, 4-18, 4-24
Pennington, Martin V. 4-12, 4-14, 4-16, 4-24
Pepper, P.H. 4-19
Perkins, J.C. 4-14, 4-19
Perkins, W.C. 4-19
Perkins, Julian C. 4-20
Perkins, Wilbur 4-18
Perrin, Dr. D. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18(2)
Perrin, Mrs. 4-9, 4-11
Perry, Mr. 4-19
Persinger, A.B. 4-12, 4-13, 4-15, 4-18, 4-23, 4-25
Persinger, Winfield 4-15
Peterson, H.D. 4-14, 4-21, 4-25, 4-27
Peterson, Hiram 4-27
Peterson’s Store 4-22
Pettus, Mrs. 4-26
Pettus, Mrs. Susan 4-22
Pheland & Delemere 4-19
Phillips, Mrs. 4-22
Phillips, Addie L. 4-18
Phillips, Annie 4-24
Phillips, George H. 4-22
Phillips, Mrs. M.J. 4-27
Philyaw, Sim. 4-9
Pi Omega Society 4-9
Pierson, W.H. 4-9
Pinchback 4-12
Pincus, A. 4-19
Pintup, Wm. 4-15
Poe, Wm. T. 4-18
Pollard, C.T. 4-11
Polls, Fanny [“col.”] 4-18
Porter, Henry 4-11
Potts, Mrs. 4-24
Potts, Anna 4-27
Potts, Joseph 4-22
Pounds, Organ 4-17
Powell’s Drugstore, Dr. B.F. 4-9
Powell, A.B. 4-11
Powell, E.A. 4-9, 4-15, 4-19, 4-20
Powell, J.R. 4-11
Powell, William 4-11
Power, Thos. F. 4-25
Pratt, Rev. John W. 4-13
Price, T.H. 4-11
Prichett, J.W. 4-16
Prichett, John 4-9, 4-11, 4-14
Prince, Adaline 4-28
Prince, Anthony 4-23
Prince, James F. 4-23
Prince, Jim 4-17
Prince, Mrs. Lue M. 4-23
Prince, Mary Alberta 4-23
Prince, S.F. 4-21
Prince, William T. 4-13, 4-14
Printz, G.A. 4-25
Probst, Etta 4-25
“Pro Bono Publico” 4-23
Prude, Mary 4-9
Prude, W.W. 4-18
Pugh, Charles 4-23
Pullen, Ms. 4-21
Pumphrey, Miss 4-18
Pumphrey, Mr. 4-18
Pumphrey, Lula 4-20
Pumphrey, E.P. 4-9, 4-11


Quartette Serenaders 4-17


Rabitte, Miss Fannie 4-18
Rabitte, M.B. 4-14, 4-18
Rabitte, R.B. 4-22
Rae, Liza 4-18
Rainey, John 4-26
Ralph, Mrs. 4-27
Ralph, Hester A. 4-18
Randolph, R. 4-9, 4-11
Randolph, Tom 4-26
Randolph, Capt. Victor M. 4-23
Randolph, Wiley 4-23
Rankin, Ordway & Co. 4-14
Ranson, W.H. 4-22
Rawitch, Lewis 4-11, 4-24
Rawlings, J.R. 4-26
Rawlins, S.A. 4-18
Ray, Mr. 4-18
Ray, J.U. 4-9, 4-11
Ray, James 4-9, 4-11
Read, Dr. 4-21
Reagan, Wm. 4-26
Reed, Ellen 4-19
Reese, Capt. E. 4-20
Reese’s, H.P. 4-9
Reid, Mrs. Diadena 4-27
Reily, Martin 4-15
Renfroe, Rev. Dr. J.J.D. 4-23, 4-25
Reynolds, Capt. B.A.4-18
Reynolds, Thomas H. 4-19
Rice, C.E. 4-22
Rice, George W. 4-9, 4-20
Rice, Judge 4-9
Rice, C.E. 4-24
Rice, T.F. 4-22, 4-24
Richards, Joe 4-27
Richardson, Mademoiselle 4-24
Richardson, Mrs. K. 4-9, 4-11, 4-16
Richardson, Kate 4-19
Richardson, Prof. W.C. 4-18
Richardson Property, the 4-18
Riley, J.M. 4-26
Ritchey, Frank 4-9
Roberson, Mr. Issas G. 4-12
Robert, Miss Mary 4-18
Robert, Dr. W.H. 4-18
Roberts, Haywood 4-9
Roberts, Morris 4-18, 4-27(2)
Robertson, Alfred 4-15, 4-24
Robertson, Amanda 4-15
Robertson, B.M. 4-27
Robertson, E.C. 4-15
Robertson, Fanniw 4-15
Robertson, Fred. 4-15
Robertson, George W. 4-15
Robertson, Jennie 4-15
Robertson, John A. 4-15
Robertson, John T. 4-15
Robertson, Joseph 4-15
Robertson, Richard 4-18
Robertson, Sallie 4-15
Robertson, Thomas P. 4-15
Robinson, Anna 4-22
Robinson, F. 4-13
Roddy, Pinkie 4-14, 4-19
Roddy, Mrs. 4-11, 4-14
Roddy, Pinkie 4-26
Rodgers, Col. J. 4-23
Rodgers, James M. 4-21
Rolleston & Co., Wm. 4-11
Rolleston & Nixon 4-13
Roper, M.M. 4-19
Rose, Frank 4-22
Rose, W.J. 4-9
“Rosebud, Pink” 4-26
Rosicrucians 4-17
Rosicrucians, colored 4-18
Ross, Fannie A. 4-21
Rosser, Rev. Dr. Leonidas 4-13, 4-14, 4-18
Rottenberry, Mrs. B. 4-23
Rourke, H.S. 4-9, 4-11
Rousseau, Mr. 4-16, 4-22
Royle, Annie 4-26
Royster, George 4-20
Rush, Miss P.H. 4-12
Russell, Margaret 4-11
Russell, John R. 4-21
Rutledge, T.J. 4-9
Ryan, Father (“Poet Priest”) 4-17, 4-24
Ryan, Mary 4-27


Samuel, Harvey 4-17
Samuel, T.F. 4-18, 4-22
Sanders, Prof. 4-9, 4-11
Sanders, H.J. 4-26
Sanders, John 4-28
Sandford, J.B. 4-9
Sanford, Maj. 4-25
Santa Klaus Klan 4-13
Saunders, Prof. 4-9, 4-11
Saunders, Dr. A.F. 4-27
Saunders, Asa 4-27
Sawyer, Sarah E. 4-27
Sayer, E.C. 4-19
Scales, A. A. 4-25
Scales, John L. 4-25
Scales, R. M. A. 4-25
Schockley, Capt. 4-19
Scott & Co., D.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Scott, Miss D. 4-20
Scott, D.M.C. [Davy] 4-19
Scott, Capt. D.M. 4-14, 4-15, 4-17, 4-23, 4-26(2)
Scott, Elisha 4-15
Scott, Lizzie 4-25
Scott, Mrs. Mary 4-28
Scott, James B. 4-23
Scott, Winfield 4-22
Scranton, Barney & Co. 4-19
Screws, W.W. 4-14
Seales, Asa A. 4-24
Searcy & Co, Geo. A. 4-9, 4-11, 4-16, 4-17, 4-20
Searcy & Son, Drs. 4-9, 4-11, 4-18
Searcy, George 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-20
Searcy, Dr. J.T. 4-14, 4-22
Searcy, Mrs. J.T. 4-22
Searcy, Dr. R. 4-28
Seed, Chas. C. 4-14(2), 4-18(2)
Self, Joseph 4-24
Sellars, Mrs. Eady 4-18
Sellers, Wm. 4-20
Sellick, J.B. 4-20
Sellick, Mrs. Sarah 4-20
Selma Argus, The 4-22
Selma Republican, The 4-21
Sexton, Dr. C.R. 4-14
Shackleford, Annie 4-26
Shamlin, M.E. 4-27
Sharp, Robert 4-9
Shawver, Mrs. M. A. 4-27
Sheehan, T.W. 4-13, 4-24
Shelby, John 4-26
Shelby Sentinel, The 4-21, 4-22
Shelby, William 4-17
Shephard, Mrs. J. D. 4-28
Shepherd, J. W. 4-27(2)
Sheppard, Hooper & Co. 4-9, 4-11
Sherer, Miss M.E. 4-20
Sheridan, Stephen D. 4-21
Sherman, Mr. 4-22
Shields, Annie 4-20
Shields, Sam T. 4-21
Shirley, George 4-28
Shirley, J. W. 4-27
Shockley, Capt. Bascomb T. 4-18
Shorter, E.S. 4-11
Shorter, Mr. 4-15
Shortridge, Mrs. E. 4-26
Sides, Jno. B. 4-12
Sim, Mrs. Ann Creaswell 4-19
Simpson, Mrs. Elizabeth S. 4-25
Simpson, Moses 4-21
Sims, Junius T. 4-18
Simmons, Thos. 4-19
Singingi, Thomas 4-27
Skelton, J. A. 4-27
Skelton, James (Jimmie) 4-16(2), 4-17
Skinner, L.S. 4-9, 4-11
Skinner, Lucie 4-25
Slackwater Navigation Company 4-21
Slaughter, W.T. 4-9
Sledge, Levin 4-19
Sloss, Col. Jas. W. 4-9, 4-11
Smallwood, C. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-17, 4-18
Smallwood, Mrs. 4-9, 4-17, 4-21, 4-25
Smith & Co. Auction House 4-23
Smith & Dungess 4-14
Smith Jr., Wm. R. 4-12
Smith, A.D. 4-9, 4-11
Smith, Dr. A.P. 4-19
Smith, Alex. 4-16
Smith, Dr. Carlos G. 4-9, 4-13, 4-14, 4-22
Smith, Ellett 4-18
Smith, ex-Gov. 4-9
Smith, G.W. 4-9
Smith, I. Richard 4-22
Smith, Jas. S. 4-9
Smith, Joseph S. 4-20
Smith, Lewis 4-26
Smith, M.P. 4-26
Smith, Martha A. 4-18
Smith, Judge Wm.R. 4-9
Smith, Robert 4-27
Smith, Robert H. 4-22
Smith, Miss S.T. 4-14
Smith, Sallie 4-26
Smith, Dr. Sam 4-22
Smith, Samuel, 4-9
Smith, Wm. 4-11
Snagge, Mr. 4-12
Sneed, Alexander 4-20
Snider, Henry 4-14
Snoddy, Cornelia 4-20
Snow & Co., E. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Snow & Co., J. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17(2)
Snow, E.N.C. 4-26
Snow, Ed. 4-12, 4-26
Snow, John 4-14(2), 4-26
Solt, Mack 4-16
Somerville & McEachin 4-11, 4-12, 4-17
Somerville, H.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-24
South, John 4-22
South, Teresa 4-22
Southern Picture Co. 4-11
Spaulding, Brown 4-24
Spencer & Kellogg 4-25
Spencer, C.J. 4-23
Spencer, Sen. George E. 4-13, 4-21
Spencer, Miss M. 4-26
Spencer, Sutler 4-23
Spiller, Alabama 4-26
Spiller, Annie 4-16
Spiller, Linda 4-26
Spriggs, Jerry 4-12
Springer, Rufus 4-9
Stafford Building 4-11
Staggs, Thos. 4-21
Stairett, Mrs. J.E. 4-27
Stallworth, Hon. Nick 4-11, 4-19
Stanage, Harry 4-19
Stanley, J.I. 4-27
Stanly, L. 4-18
Stanley, Lindsay, Rice & Bro. 4-13
Stanton, John C. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-21, 4-22
Stantons, “the cunning” 4-18, 4-21
Statin, James 4-23
Statin, William 4-20
Steele, John D. 4-26
Stelle, Prof. J.P. 4-23
Stephens, A.H. 4-19
Stewart, James F. 4-18
Stewart, Col. R.A. 4-18
Steward, W.C. 4-16
Stillman, Rev. Dr. C.A. 4-9, 4-11, 4-18, 4-20(2)
Stith, Morris 4-18
Stokes, C.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17
Stokes, E.S. 4-9, 4-11
Stokes, Lem. 4-14
Stone, Capt. Frank 4-15, 4-23
Stone, Lewis M. 4-22
Stone, Capt. Woodie 4-15, 4-21
Stoudenmire, Prof. H.J. 4-19
Stratly, Annie 4-19
Stricklan, Capt. Henry W. 4-18
Stricklin, Larkin 4-9
Strong, James 4-25
Sturdivant, Ida V. 4-11
Sudduth, M.H. 4-11
Summerford, Eliza 4-27
Summerlin, Rachel 4-21
Sumner, John 4-15
Suttle, J.N. 4-19
Sutton, J. B. 4-27
Sweeney, L.B. 4-19, 4-20
Swindle, Miss 4-18
Swindle, Mr. 4-18
Swindle, John 4-9


T.J.B. Society 4-13, 4-14, 4-16(3)
Talladega Nurseries 4-9, 4-14, 4-17
Tannehill, N., 4-9
Tanner, Dobbins & Bryan 4-9, 4-11
Tanner, J.T. 4-9, 4-11
Tanner, John 4-11
Tapp, Kennedy & Co. 4-12
Tapp, Kennedy & Walsh 4-12
Tarrant, Capt. Ed. 4-9, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20
Tarrant, Ed. 4-11
Taylor 4-12
Taylor, C. A. 4-27
Taylor, George 4-26
Taylor, Dr. J. 4-24
Taylor, Col. J.W. 4-11, 4-14, 4-18, 4-28
Taylor, Nannie J. 4-25
Taylorsville Grange 4-18
Temple, Price 4-18
Tew, Mr. 4-9
Thigpen, Abbey 4-18
Thomas, Mrs. 4-14
Thomas, Mrs. E.M. 4-16
Thomas, Mrs. M. A. 4-27
Thomas, W. H. 4-27
Thomas, W.M. 4-9
Thompson, Elizabeth 4-15
Thompson, Rev. J.A. 4-12
Thompson, Rev. J.P. 4-16
Thompson, T.P. 4-14
Thompson, Z.T. 4-14
Thorinyton, G.A. 4-16
Thornton, William 4-20
Thweatt, J.M. 4-19
Tichenor, James F. 4-26
Tidwell, Mr. 4-15
Tidwell, S.G. 4-18
Tierce, W. V. 4-27
Tillery, Frank 4-17
Tillman, John P. 4-21
Tompkins, John R. 4-19
Tonart, L. & J. 4-19
“Toodles” [play] 4-24, 4-25
Tower, E. 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-15
Tower, Mr. 4-14
Townsend, A.J. 4-9
Townsend, C.R. 4-9
Toxey, Jim 4-26
Toxey Place 4-18
Tredwell, Alfred 4-26
Troy, Mr. 4-15
“True” [Montgomery correspondent] 4-23, 4-24
Truss, Tom 4-28
Tubbs, F.M. 4-14, 4-24
Turner & Son, J.P. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-14(2), 4-17
Turner, Mr. 4-25
Turner, Alfred 4-22
Turner, C.B. 4-19
Turner, Chancellor 4-11
Turner, Miss Ellen 4-9
Turner, Fred. 4-18
Turner, J.F. 4-25
Turner, John W. 4-25
Turpin, G.W. 4-27
Turrell, John 4-26
Tuskaloosa Bible Society 4-24
Tuskaloosa Board of Industries 4-21, 4-22, 4-26
Tuskaloosa Female College 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18, 4-22
Tuskaloosa Times 4-15, 4-17
Tyler, Emma 4-14, 4-21
Tyler, J.H. 4-21


University Coal Mine 4-13
University of Alabama 4-9, 4-23, 4-24(2)
University of Alabama Law School 4-22
University of Alabama Trustees 4-19
University of the South 4-9
Upchurch, Calvin 4-26


Vails, Jesse M. 4-22
Vance, Sam’l W. 4-9
Vanderbilt University 4-14, 4-21
VanDiver 4-9
VanDiver, G.G. 4-9
Vandiver, J.D. 4-19
VanDiver, J.S. 4-9
VanHoose & Powell 4-12, 4-13, 4-16, 4-17, 4-24
VanHoose, Rev. J.A. 4-16, 4-24
VanHoose, J.H. 4-23
VanHoose, J.M. 4-9
Vaughan, Mrs. Ed. 4-11
Vaughan, H.C. 4-24
Vaughn, Mrs. 4-26
Vaught, John H. 4-27
Veitch, Wm. C. 4-21
Venable, Nathaniel 4-12, 4-14, 4-15
Venable, T.E. 4-12, 4-14, 4-15
Vick’s Floral Guide 4-17
Victoria, The 4-15, 4-18, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25, 4-27
Vigo, D.A. 4-9, 4-11, 4-17, 4-18


Waddell, Maj. 4-17
Wade, Capt. 4-26
Wadsworth, Frank L. 4-22, 4-25
Wagner, P.T. 4-21
Walker, H.P. 4-14
Walker, Louis 4-18
Walker, R.C. 4-18
Walker, Mrs. Thos. A. 4-21
Wallace, John 4-27
Wallis, John 4-27
Wallis, T. E. 4-27
Walthall, Major W.T. 4-14, 4-18
Walthall, T.M. 4-15
Ward, Charles 4-27
Warren, Ed. 4-25
Warren, John F. 4-11, 4-19
Warren, Kate 4-19
Warrior & Tennessee Rivers Railway Co. 4-23
Warrior Guards 4-27
Watkins, Mrs. R. 4-20
Watkins, S.V. 4-27
Watkins, W.C. 4-22
Watley, T. 4-14
Watson, John 4-20, 4-22
Watson, Katie 4-18
Watson, Tobias Jr. 4-22, 4-24
Watt, A.S. 4-22
Watters, Joshua 4-27
Watts, Miss Alice 4-15
Watts Jr., Thomas H. 4-9, 4-14, 4-15(2)
Watts, T.H. 4-11
Weaver, Mrs. E.J. 4-26
Weaver, Henry D. 4-15
Webb, Alex. 4-26
Webb, Martha J. 4-21
Webster, Francis 4-18
Webster, John 4-16
Weems, Rev. Joel 4-23
Weil, E.I. 4-27
Welch, Tom 4-22
Wells, David A. 4-22
Wells, Leonard 4-21
West Alabamian 4-25
Wheeler, C.P. 4-15
Wheeler, Isaac C. 4-18
Whatley, Mrs. Jane 4-20, 4-23
White, Alex. 4-23
White, Joel 4-22
White, John W. 4-9
White, Rev. T.W. 4-22
White, Thomas 4-19
Whitfield, Addie 4-24
Whitfield, Kate 4-24
Whitfield, Lula 4-24
Whitfield, N[ewton] L. 4-24, 4-27
Whitfield, Sid 4-24
Whithen, Washington 4-16
Whitman, Lucy Jane 4-28
Whitney, J.M. 4-9
Whitson, E[dward] T. 4-9, 4-26
Whitson, W.T. 4-26
Wildman, Dr. Richard 4-24
Wilds, Alma 4-13
Wilds, F.C. 4-13
Wilds, Sallie A. 4-9
Wilds, W.H. 4-9, 4-11, 4-13, 4-18, 4-21, 4-22, 4-23, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27
Wilkerson, Dr. B. M. 4-27
Williams, Bro. 4-24
Williams, Mr. 4-13
Williams, Charles 4-24
Williams, Chas. R. 4-26
Williams, Mrs. Emma 4-16
Williams, H. 4-23
Williams, H.C. (Col.) 4-22
Williams, Rep. Jere N. 4-13
Williams, Libbey 4-16
Williams, Mrs. Mollie 4-21
Williams Place, Mat. 4-18
Williams, Robert 4-20
Williams, Thos. L. 4-20
Williams, Rev. Wm. H. 4-14(2), 4-15(2), 4-16, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20
Williams, W.N. 4-14
Willson, Mrs. Julia 4-14
Wilmer, Rt. Rev. Bishop R.H. 4-20, 4-27
Wilson, Elias 4-9
Wilson, Eugenia 4-25
Wilson, H.A. 4-21
Wilson, L.D. 4-9
Wilson, Mrs. Augusta Evans 4-13, 4-21
Wilson’s Packing Company 4-18
Winbesby, Haywood 4-20
Windham, Calvin 4-14
Windham, L.B. 4-22
Windham Springs 4-22
Winn, J.C. 4-12
Winn, James C. 4-12
Winston, Jackson 4-9
Wire, Miss Harriet 4-16
Withers, R.W. 4-22
Wm. Rolleston & Co. 4-9
Wood, Lelia 4-19
Wood, Gen. S.A.M. 4-9, 4-11, 4-14, 4-22, 4-24
Woodard, H.D. 4-18
Woodiel, John 4-28
Woodruff, Mrs. 4-9, 4-11
Woodruff, David 4-24
Woodruff, Mrs. R. 4-9, 4-11
Woods, D.E. 4-27
Woods, Florence 4-18
Wooley, Miss C.A. 4-25
Wullin, Mrs. Eadish 4-28
Wyatt, Robert 4-9
Wyatt, Robert J. 4-27
Wyer, Miss Harriet 4-18
Wyman, Benj. Leon 4-24
Wyman, Miss Ella 4-15
Wyman, Mr. 4-14
Wyman, Mrs. 4-16
Wyman, Prof. W.S. 4-12, 4-14, 4-20


[No ‘X’ names in the index]


Yeates, J. H. 4-25
Yeates, Capt. R.W. [Bob] 4-17
Yerby, John T. 4-22
Young, Jack 4-26
Young, Mrs. Susan 4-21


[No ‘Z’ names in the index]

Unreadable & Partial Last Names

?annon, Mrs. Anna 4-12
?oster, J.C. 4-12
?riggs, Carrie 4-12
?urry, Alexander 4-12
?vill, Lizzie 4-12
???, Miss Maria 4-18
Gree?, E.D. 4-28
L?oi?, T.D. 4-23
Swo?r, Young 4-27
Taf???, Pat 4-18
Wood???, David P. 4-19
Wood???, Toulie G. 4-19

Source: The Tuskaloosa Gazette Index, by Morris Simons.

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