Bullock County Alabama Biographies

The following biographies are of individuals or families who at some point in their life resided in Bullock County, Alabama. Usually, these biographies come from published sources, however, sometimes they are original biographies submitted to this website by researchers.

  • Biography of Lorenzo J. Biggers
    The article is a biographical sketch of Reverend Lorenzo J. Biggers, a Congregational minister and agriculturist living in Bullock County, Alabama. It provides details about his family background, education, military service during the Civil War, and various occupations over the years. The article also discusses his involvement in the Methodist and Congregational churches, as well as his membership in various fraternal organizations. The article concludes with the news that he has been elected to the state legislature.
  • Biography of Dr. Nathaniel Macon Bledsoe
    The article provides a biography of Dr. Nathaniel Macon Bledsoe, a physician and druggist from Union Springs, Alabama, who came from one of the oldest families in Virginia. The article details his family’s history, education, and career as a doctor and a druggist, including his extensive practice, benevolence, and involvement in planting. The article also mentions his family members and their accomplishments, as well as his involvement in politics, the medical association, and Free Masonry. Lastly, the article talks about his marriage to Amanda Pickett, who was also from Bullock County and a member of the Baptist church.
  • Biography of Dr. Patrick Blue
    The article is a biography of Dr. Patrick Blue, a prominent merchant in Union Springs, Alabama, who was born in North Carolina in 1834. It covers his family history, including his father’s involvement in the Indian War of 1836, his own military service during the Civil War, and his career as a physician and merchant. It also includes information about his family life, including his marriage and children. The article emphasizes Dr. Blue’s self-made success, as he started his business life with almost nothing and became one of the most extensive traders in the county.
  • Biography of Louis Bodenheimer
    The article is a biographical account of Louis Bodenheimer, a German-born merchant and businessman who settled in Montgomery, Alabama in the late 1800s. The article provides details about his family background, education, and professional career, including his business ventures in merchandising, cotton commission, and plantation management. It also highlights his involvement in various secret societies and his reputation as a trusted member of the community. Additionally, the article mentions his marriage to Rosa Gerson, a native of Montgomery.
  • Biography of Dr. Richard Lemuel Butt
    The article is a biography of Dr. Richard Lemuel Butt, a talented physician and surgeon from Midway, Bullock County, Alabama. It covers his family background, education, medical career, and personal life, including his marriages and children. The article also includes information on his ancestors and family history, as well as his military service during the Civil War.
  • Biography of Dr. Groves Caldwell
    The article is a biographical account of Dr. Groves Caldwell, one of the oldest practitioners of Bullock County, Alabama, at the time. It covers his family background, education, medical practice, military service during the Civil War, and his contributions to society. The article also mentions his family life, including his marriage and children.
  • Biography of Augustin Clayton Crymes
    The article is a biographical account of Dr. Augustin Clayton Crymes, a physician who practiced in Midway, Bullock County, Alabama. The article describes his family background, education, and professional career, including his service as a surgeon in the Confederate army during the Civil War. It also provides information on his family life, including his marriage to Mattie R. Wilson and their five children. Additionally, the article mentions his involvement in Freemasonry and his membership in state and county medical associations.
  • Biography of Isaac F. Culver
    The article is a biographical sketch of Major Isaac F. Culver, a famous planter and livestock breeder of Bullock County, Alabama. It details his family background, early life, education, military service during the Civil War, and various positions of honor and trust in Bullock County. It also mentions his extensive and complete stock farm in Alabama, as well as his involvement in politics, public affairs, and social organizations.
  • Biography of James M. Feagin
    The article is a biographical sketch of Major James M. Feagin, who was one of the oldest residents of Midway, Bullock County, Alabama. He was born in Jones County, Georgia in 1814, and his father, Samuel Feagin, was a well-respected citizen who served as a sheriff, county commissioner, and justice of the peace. In 1836, James M. Feagin and his family moved to Alabama, where he became involved in the Indian hostilities that were then underway. He raised a company of men and served as a lieutenant, scout, and pilot for various companies of United States troops and volunteers during the summer and fall of 1836. He later attained the position of lieutenant of the Cowikee spies and served throughout the entire two years’ subsequent Indian hostilities. After the Indian hostilities ended, he resumed his farming and succeeded in hewing out a fine homestead from the wilderness. He married Miss Almira C., daughter of Noah B. Cole, and they had twelve children.
  • Biography of Dr. Sterling J. Foster
    The article provides a brief biography of Dr. Sterling J. Foster, who was born in 1822 in Greene county, Georgia. Dr. Foster was from a large family of fifteen children, three of whom were lawyers and two were physicians. He graduated from Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, and became a successful medical practitioner in Union Springs, Alabama. Later on, he engaged in merchandising and eventually became the principal owner and operator of an oil mill. Dr. Foster was married to Virginia C. Heard, and they had ten children, four of whom survived. Dr. Foster was known for his love of sports and bird hunting, and he had lived in Union Springs for a long time, amassing an ample fortune through his industrious life.
  • Biography of Charles H. Franklin
    This is a biographical sketch of Dr. Charles H. Franklin, a prominent physician and planter from Union Springs, Alabama. Born in Georgia in 1838, Dr. Franklin received his early education in Alabama and went on to study medicine at the University of Nashville in Tennessee. He served as an assistant surgeon during the Civil War before graduating from the University of Louisiana in 1866 and settling down to practice in Union Springs. Dr. Franklin is also involved in planting and fruit growing, as well as serving as the president of the Union Springs cotton-mills. He is an active member of the State Medical Association and has served as its president. Dr. Franklin has been married twice and has seven children.
  • Biography of Robert L. Hobdy
    This article provides a brief biography of Robert L. Hobdy, a successful planter from Bullock County, Alabama. Born in Pike County in 1840, Hobdy’s father was Harrell Hobdy, a prominent figure in Alabama politics and a plantation owner. Robert L. Hobdy received his education at Auburn College before enlisting in the Confederate army during the Civil War. He fought in many battles and was wounded at Atlanta before returning to Alabama to continue his career as a planter. In 1867, he married Mary Buford, the daughter of Major Jefferson Buford, a well-known planter and lawyer who represented his district in the state senate. Hobdy was highly regarded in his community for his industry, perseverance, and success as a planter.
  • Biography of Malachi Ivey
    The article provides a biographical sketch of Malachi Ivey, a progressive citizen and planter from Perote, Bullock county, Alabama. It describes his family background, upbringing, education, marriages, and children. It also highlights his practical farming skills, generosity, and community service during the Civil War. Additionally, it mentions his positions as a county commissioner and chaplain of the Perote alliance, as well as his membership in the Baptist church, which is shared by all his family members.
  • Biography of Charles M. McRae
    The article provides a biography of Charles M. McRae, a successful farmer in Bullock County, Alabama, born in 1840 in North Carolina. The article details McRae’s family history, including his parents’ and grandparents’ background. It also chronicles McRae’s own life, including his education, military service during the Civil War, and subsequent career as a farmer and public official. The article notes that McRae was a member of the Presbyterian church, a Mason, and an active member of the Democratic Party.
  • Biography of Nixon, William Goodwyn, MD
  • Biography of Joel H. Rainer
    The article provides a biographical account of Captain Joel H. Rainer, the president of the Merchants & Farmers’ bank of Union Springs, Bullock County, Alabama. It details his early life, marriages, and business ventures, including his time in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. The article notes his numerous business interests, including his directorship in cotton mills and insurance companies, and his public service in the legislature and national democratic convention. Captain Rainer is portrayed as a self-made man, rising from poverty through hard work, business acumen, and integrity.
  • Biography of James H. Reynolds
    This article chronicles the life and career of Dr. James H. Reynolds, a distinguished physician and surgeon born in Anson County, North Carolina, in 1833. He was part of a family with a history of medical professionals, and he graduated from Nashville Medical College in 1854. After settling in Alabama, Dr. Reynolds married Sarah Striven and had eight children, six of whom survived to adulthood. He owned a 2,700-acre plantation and practiced medicine for over 38 years, serving a wide area in the early days of his career.
  • Biography of James D. Rumph
    The article provides a brief biography of Dr. James D. Rumph, a prominent physician and surgeon from Perote, Bullock County, Alabama. It mentions his family background, education, and professional achievements. The article also discusses his sons, including Christian Wilber Rumph, who served in the Civil War, and his daughters. Additionally, the article briefly mentions some of the activities and accomplishments of Christian Wilber Rumph, including his involvement in the mercantile business, planting, and state politics.
  • Biography of James Monroe Tarver
    The article provides a brief biography of James Monroe Tarver, a planter and retired merchant from Enon, Bullock County, Alabama. Tarver was born in Georgia in 1821 and was the youngest of eight children. He received a good education from private tutors and began his business career at the age of 21. In 1845, he married Rachel Banks, and they had six children. Tarver served with the state troops during the Civil War and resumed farming after the war, eventually becoming a successful merchant. Tarver has done public service as justice of the peace and major of the militia and has been a Freemason for 45 years. He is described as having a genial and social disposition, while his wife has been a faithful member of the Methodist church.
  • Biography of David C. Turnipseed
    This article provides a brief biography of David C. Turnipseed, a successful planter and fruit grower from Flora, Alabama. He was born in 1846 and received his education at home and at the state university before the Civil War broke out. He married Orleania E. in 1877 and started his business with about $1,200 given by his father. Over time, he acquired over 5,000 acres and was known for his fruit-growing, experimenting with many varieties of fruits and vegetables. He was a thorough horticulturist and was well qualified for making a success of his undertaking. He was preparing to add a canning factory to his enterprise. David C. Turnipseed and his wife were members of the Methodist church and had four children.
  • Biography of William A. Walker
    This article is a biographical sketch of Dr. William A. Walker, a prominent physician and prosperous druggist in Bullock County, Alabama. Dr. Walker was born in Harris County, Georgia in 1832 and graduated from the State University of Georgia in 1850 before attending medical school at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. He returned to Georgia to practice medicine for three years before relocating to Perote, Alabama, where he built a successful medical practice and engaged in planting. During the Civil War, Dr. Walker served in the Confederate army and was wounded in several battles. He married Mary V. Pitts, daughter of his former preceptor, in 1862, and they had five children. Dr. Walker was a member of the State Medical Association and the Bullock County Medical Society, as well as a Freemason and church member.
  • Biography of R. E. Wright
    This article provides a biographical sketch of Capt. R. E. Wright, a planter in Barbour County, Alabama, who was born in Taliaferro County, Georgia, in 1838. The article notes that Capt. Wright’s father, John Wright, was a planter and a Freemason who opposed secession but nonetheless contributed five sons to the Confederate army during the Civil War. Capt. Wright himself fought in the war as a second-lieutenant in the Fifteenth regiment of Alabama infantry, was promoted to captain, and was wounded at the second Battle of Manassas. After the war, he worked as a teacher and farmer before embarking on a successful career as a planter and merchant. Capt. Wright was also active in local politics, serving as a justice of the peace and as a representative in the state legislature. He was married with four children and was a devout Methodist.

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