Biography of Dr. Nathan Miller

Nathan Miller, M.D., was born near Madison Station, Madison County, Alabama, April 12, 1819. Shortly thereafter his parents removed to Oakville, Lawrence County, Ala., where he grew to manhood. He graduated in medicine at the Nashville Medical College about 1842, and located at Danville. Morgan County, Ala., where he continued in the active practice of his profession until 1883, when he removed to Birmingham, where ho practiced for a few years and retired. His practice at Danville and surrounding country was a very large one, regularly covering a territory of from eight to ten miles in every direction from his home.

His life work was devoted to his profession, giving no time to any other business or occupation. The interest of his patients he bore always upon his heart, having unequaled energy, great zeal, and a devotion that knew no flagging. If success can be measured by the amount of suffering relieved, the number of sick restored to health, and by effective efforts to promote the general good health of communities and remove causes of sickness, then his life was a success.

His ideas of professional ethics were of the highest. Seldom, if ever, did he criticize a brother physician’s treatment, and never could such criticism be traced to envious motives or self aggrandizement. His life demonstrated that no calling or profession requires greater self-sacrifice or greater devotion to humanity than that of a physician.

He died 3n the 2nd day of June, 1903, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. John G. Bradley, with whom he had lived since the death of his wife in 1890. Ho left surviving him three children, H. Clanton Miller, of East Lake; ‘Nathan L. Miller and Mrs. John G. Bradley, of Birmingham; also a step daughter, Mrs. J. L. Brittain. of Bessemer, Ala., who loved him as a father.

The standard of the profession is higher, and the people’s love and respect for it is greater for his having devoted his life to it. The world is better for a long life lived according to the highest ideals.

Source: Medical Association of the State of Alabama, The Alabama Medical Journal, Vol. 15, p. 388, pub. 1902.

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