1764 List of Inhabitants of Mobile

A 1764 list of the inhabitants of Mobile West Florida who have taken the Oaths of Allegiences and Fidelity to his Brittonrick Majesty King George the third.

Francois Alancet
Francois Alexander
Isabell Alexander
Jean Baptist Alexandre
Jacco Amon
Phillip Armon
Jacque Arnald
Juliet De Brose Arzamari
Joseph Badon
Jean Baham
Francois Barba
Francois Barnard
John Baptist Basdra
Joseph Boughenon
Andre Boullon
Nich Bourie
Joseph Bouzage
Jean Lebin Braquet
Caurangau Die Brassillon
Maran Breawnea
Pierre Breneaus
Claude Le Brun
Piere Cajot
Nicholas Caleo
Francois Camenada
Pare Ferdinand Caprechin
Louis Carriere
Nicholas Champeigh
Joseph Chastang
Francois Chenetti
Philip Clenpetre
Francois Colin
Joseph Colmb
Francois Daram
Jean Bapt Debodent
Nicholas Delille
Orbame Demoux
Valentine Dubroca
Maurice Dullivier
Jean Claude Dupont
Moris Durand
Fredrick Le Estap
Francois Favre
Jean Favre
Simon Favre
William Favre
Mariane Feavre
Jean Baptist Le Flave
Jean Baptist Le Flave
Louis Forneret
Harpain La Gautrais
Francois Gerard
Piere Gilloroey
Bartholemew Grelot
John Ham
Louis De Handice

Piere Hervet
Hendrick Hewit
Augustin Nich Iencent
Daniel Jacquere
Peire Joley
Corneret Keller
Hugo Emetus Kerbs
Harpain Lagautrais
Piere Lanson
Angelica Lardas
Bapt Chrisn Lardnare
Louis Chrs Lardnare
Nicholas Lardnare
Anthony Laveaine
Mungo Law
Jean Bapt Levine
Heniet De Livoy
Jean Lofon
Manuel Lopez
Gabriel L Lorain
John Bapt Lorendine
Jacques Lusein
Magdelen Madelon
Marianne Marcellin
Joseph Margot
Jacob Martin
Piere Martin
Gerome Matulick
Joseph Mellon
Francois Mersurey
Jean Millon
Jean Frans Milsant
Charles Mioy
Louis Francois Monloy
Maurice Montlemard
Piere Gabl Montlemard
Jean Francois De Morbur
Jean Claude Mortalle
Anthony Narbon
Jean Baptist Nicas
Jean Baptist Phillipeasx
Wesel Laser Reinhart
Francois Remew
Piere Rochon
Piere Rochon
Jean Rocqriet
Johannes Rohot
Ch De Rouiville
Augustin Rochon Sr
Matis Sresnoue
Antoney De Verney
Charles Vidal
Jean Mitchell Villeraze
Hans Willerips
Piere Zuzan

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