Biography of Edwin Baldwin

Memorial record of Alabama

Edwin Baldwin, born in 1848, was a versatile entrepreneur in Baldwin County. Following service in the Civil War and varied occupations including river pilot and cowboy, he established a thriving business empire. His endeavors spanned from mercantile pursuits to a lumber and juniper business, grist and saw mill operation, pottery and brick production, and plans for a cannery. His resourcefulness significantly contributed to the growth of Baldwin County.

British Land Grants in Alabama 1765-1767

Map of Alabama and Mississippi in 1817

An Alphabetical Account of Lands Granted: to whom West Florida from the Commence. Peoples Names The Date When Granted Qunt of Acres Description The date when Serv Remarks Aird, Wm & Gregory Thomas the 13th Augt 1765 1500 Acres being Eastward from the first Point above the Brick ? on the other side the Lagoon in a Right line towards the head of the Lagoon 10th April 1766 Relinquished 1242 Acres the 11th March &had a Warrt of Survey for the remaining 258 Acres Aird, Wm & Benj Wormell Janry 20th 1766 200 Acres Between(?) the Bays of Gull and … Read more