The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol 2

The Alabama Historical Quarterly was a magazine focused on the history of Alabama from its earliest known beginnings. The magazine was edited and conducted by the Director of the Alabama State Department of Archives and History and was printed as other public documents of the time. The magazine discusses the hidden history of Alabama that lies in old books, unpublished manuscripts, attics, family Bibles, and abandoned cemeteries. It also highlights the achievements of Alabamians in various fields and the need for an adequate medium to share their stories. The Alabama Historical Quarterly aimed to be that medium and was at the service of county and local historical societies, learned societies, and isolated students. See The Alabama Historical Quarterly for more information.

Digital Book

This is volume 2 of The Alabama Historical Quarterly published quarterly in 1940 by the Alabama State Department of Archives and History. You can freely read this manuscript online, search the manuscript, or download a PDF copy for offline reading. Most notable articles include a history of Madison County and the Diary of Captain Edward Crenshaw.

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Table of Contents for The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol 2

Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1940

Article TitlePage Number
Announcement, by Governor Frank M. Dixon4
Central Unit, Alabama World War Memorial Building8
Permanent Home for Department of Archives and History9
Alabama State Emblems, by Marie Bankhead Owen11
The Supreme Court of Alabama, Its Organization and Sketches of Its
Chief Justices, by No. 5, by Chief Justice John C. Anderson
Books About the South, by Emily Sinclair Calcott28
One of Lee’s Flags of Truce, by Judge Walter B. Jones36
The Poets on Fish Creek, by Renwick C. Kennedy44
Diary of Captain Edward Crenshaw of the Confederate Army.52
Charles Teed Pollard, Industrialist, by Mildred Beale72
Early History of Madison County, Thomas Jones Taylor86
Hands, a Poem, Edith Tatum
Village Transcendentalist, a Poem, by Mary B. Ward
This House of Paradoxes, a Poem, by Bert Henderson

Genealogical Department, by Queries95
Book Reviews96

Volume 2, Number 2, Summer 1940

Article TitlePage Number
Dedication Hall of Flags, by Marie Bankhead Owen108
The Supreme Court of Alabama, Its Organization and Sketches of
its Chief Justices, by No. 6, by Chief Justice Gardner
Alexander Beaufort Meek, Pioneer Man of Letters, by Margaret Gillis Figh127
The Care and Custody of Alabama Historical Materials, by David L. Darden152
The Martin Marshall Book, by Dr. Weymouth T. Jordan158
The Genesis of the University of Alabama, by Thomas M. Owen, Jr169
Charles Teed Pollard, Industrialist, by Mildred Beale189
Confederate Pensioners208
Pettus Bridge, by Marie Bankhead Owen217
Diary of Captain Edward Crenshaw of the Confederate Army221
Later History of Madison County239
Physicians of Alabama 1828248
Entering Birmingham, by Anne Southerne Tardy
Remembering An English Grandfather, by Louise Crenshaw Ray
Belated Heritage, by Martha Lyman Shillito

A Letter From Yancey to his Pastor256
A Letter from Jefferson Davis to William L. Yancey258
Genealogical Department262
Book Reviews264

Volume 2, Number 3, Fall 1940

Article TitlePage Number
State Archives Dedicated274
Address of Dr. R.D.W. Connor274
Alabama Black Belt, by Renwick C. Kennedy282
Big Creek Baptist Church, by Marion Johnson291
Fitzpatrick Bridge, by Marie Bankhead Owen295
Original Anecdotes about Napoleon Bonaparte, by Mobile Commercial Register299
Survivors Constitutional Convention, 1901, by Judge Walter Burgwyn Jones309
Martin Marshall’s Book: Household Hints, by Weymouth T. Jordan318
Recollections of William L. Yancey, by Joel Barnett331
More Yancey-Davis Letters334
Later History of Madison County, by Thomas Jones Taylor342
Diary of Captain Edward Crenshaw of the Confederate States Army365
The Low Country, by Mary B. Ward
In Peace and Loveliness, by Anne Southerne Tardy
Painted Rock at Sunrise, by Anne Southerne Tardy
All Summer Long, by Kathleen Sutton
Singing and Decoration, by Nan Connell Richardson
Counsel With a Wounded Heart, by Louise Crenshaw Ray
Golden Dross, by Lucille Key Thompson
Lament For a Cardinal, by Louise Leyden
Cheaha Mountain, by Louise Leyden
April, by Louise Leyden

Book Reviews393
Genealogical Department Queries399

Volume 2, Number 4, Winter 1940

Article TitlePage Number
Alas, Poor Yorick, by Renwick C. Kennedy405
The Cajans at Home, by Laura Frances Murphy416
William Parish Chilton, by Chief Justice Lucien D. Gardner428
Journal of James Tait for the Year 1813, by Edited by Peter A. Brannon431
Canaan Baptist Church, Jefferson County, by Bess Stout Lambert441
Martin Marshall Book: Herb Medicine, by Edited by Weymouth T. Jordan443
Letter from Jefferson Davis to General Beauregard460
Original Anecdotes about Napoleon Bonaparte463
Diary of Captain Edward Crenshaw, C.S.A465
March of the Toltecs, by Bert Henderson
Dirge Out of Memory, by Shirley Dillon Waite
Night Gossip, by L. Jane Moses
In Dreamless Sleep, by Shirley Dillon Wae
Unto The Hills, by Lucile Key Thompson

Book Reviews486
Genealogical Department Queries491
Later History of Madison County, by Thomas Jones Taylor493


Alabama State Dept. of Archives and History, The Alabama historical quarterly, vol 2, 1940, Alabama State Dept. of Archives and History, 1940.

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