1891 Abstracts from Crenshaw County Newspapers

BARNES – Mrs. Barnes the aged Mother of Rev. J. M. Barnes of Highland Home, died last week. [1]The Rutledge Wave – September 02, 1891

BENNETT – Amy Bennett an aged Negro womendied near Rutledge Saturday , she claimed to be over 100 years old, however there is no written record corroborating her statement, she was doubtless the oldest person in Crenshaw County. [2]The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891

BRADLEY –  Mr. Bradley, an aged citizen of Beat 7, dropped dead at his home last week. [3]Luverne Enterprise – July 17, 1891

BROOKS – On last Tuesday Benjamin Franklin, the sweet little babe of Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Brooks was taken from the embrace of fond parents. He was 11 month and 10 days. [4]The Rutledge Wave – July 29, 1891

BRYANT – Mrs. George Bryant died at Salsoda Sunday. She is the Mother of Mr. R. F. Bryan and a sister of Messrs. Jno. W. Tranum of Rutledge and W. T. Tranum of Salsoda. [5]The Rutledge Wave – January 07, 1891

CARTER – Fed Carter, A Negro man 18 or 19 years old was drowned in Kolb’s pond last Saturday. [6]The Rutledge Wave – September 02, 1891

CLEGORN – Mrs. Frank Cleghorn died at her home in South Crenshaw County on last Friday. [7]The Rutledge Wave – February 18, 1891

CORNETT – Mrs. Harriet Cornett, living about one mile east of Luverne, died on last Thursday, after an illness of 9 days. The deceased was 66 years of her age. She leaves a large family of children, all about grown to mourn her loss.  [8]Luverne Enterprise – “Forgot to write down the date”1891

COURTNEY – Mr. Daniel Courtnet’s little child, years old died last Saturday in heat of fever. [9]Luverne Enterprise – November 20. 1891

CROXTON – Mr. C. C. Croxton, died at his home in , North Crenshaw County Saturday night. [10]The Rutledge Wave – February 18, 1891

DAVIS – We regret, the death of the infant son, of Jno. T. Davis which occurred on the 15th at Fullers X roads.  [11]The Rutledge Wave – January 21, 1891

DAVIS – Mrs. D. C. Davis, an aged and much respected widow lady died recently in our community [12]Dozier. Mrs. Davis was born in Houston Co.  Georgia in June 13, 1802 & was therefore at the time of her death nearly eightynine years old. The deceased was for many a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. Mrs Davis has been for some years confined to her room. [13]The Rutledge Wave – January 08, 1891

DEAN – Found dead near his residence in this County, 5 miles West of Rutledge, on the 14th inst. Sumpter Dean, deceased was in the 69th year of his age. Cause of death supposed to be paralysis. Having been before attacked with that kind of trouble, Deceased has four sons and two daughters and a wife. His 2nd wife by whom he no issue.  [14]The Rutledge Wave – August 19, 1891

ELLINGTON – Dead near Fuller X roads, this County on Sept. 24. 1891 Mrs. EmilyEllington in her 95th year of age. She leaves two children, one son and one daughter [15]The Rutledge Wave – October 14, 1891

ELLISON – Mrs. Ellison, an aged lady, died near Rutledge Sunday night last.  She was the Mother of Mr. W. M. Ellison and Mr. A. Revel of near Rutledge Ala, sister of Mr. Daniel Dendy of Montgomery. Her husband preceded her to the grave several years. She was buried in Rutledge Cemetery yesterday. [16]The Rutledge Wave – February 11, 1891

FLEMING – Mrs. John Fleming, died at her home at Bradleyton Monday morning. [17]The Rutledge Wave – March 11, 1891

GIDDENS – Jno. A. Giddens of Ramer, died at the home of his brother, Mr. Fred Trotter near Shady Grove in Pike County on the 25th of January, 1891. Mr. Giddens also had the sad misfortune of losing, by the hand of death, his son Willie aged 17 or 18 years old a few days before the demise of his wife. [18]The Rutledge Wave – January 07, 1891

GILCHRIST – Mrs. Gilchrist an aged and respected lady in Beat 12, died last week, Deceased was over 80 years of age.  [19]The Rutledge Wave – July 08, 1891

GOODSON – Mr. John Goodson near Pigeon Creek in this County died of Flux on Sunday night. [20]The Rutledge Wave – May 13, 1891

HAWKINS – Zerah, seven weeks old child of J. A. and C. E. Hawkins, died Tuesdaythe 27th, after two suffering from errasipilas.  [21]Luverne Enterprise – October 30, 1891

HILL – Mrs. Emma Hill died at her home near Ballards School house, wife of W. Henry Hill, aged 31. A member of the Methodist Church until two years ago, she joined the Baptist Church at Chapel Hill, she leaves a husband and five little ones to mourn her loss.  [22]The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891

HOGAN – Miss Fannie Hogan, A bride at Hymen’s Alter in Rutledge was shot to death in Marion County recently. A discarded lover is supposed to be the perpetrator of the deed. [23]The Rutledge Wave – January 28, 1891

HOLLADAY –  Mr. Henry Holladay died very suddenly at his home near Live Oak last Saturday. He was about 45 years old. He was a brother of Mr. J. M. Holladay circuit clerk of Rutledge, and J. H. Holladay of New Providence. He leaves a wife and five little ones. He was laid to rest at, New Providence in the Family enclosure.  [24]The Rutledge Wave – April 01, 1891

HOWELL – Dr. W. H. Howell died at Ramer recently. He was born and raised to manhood at Ramer, but for some years practiced medicine at Mt. Carmel. He was a brother of Revs. J. T. and J. S. Howell of the Protestant Methodist Church. [25]The Rutledge Wave – January 28, 1891

HURT – Nance Hurt, A well known colored, woman in this community was found dead in bed Sunday morning, 3 or 4 miles North of our town.  [26]The Rutledge Wave – October 21, 1891

INGRAM – Mrs. Sarah J. Ingram, an aged and respected lady was stricken with Paralysis at the home of Mrs, Charles Ellington near Salsoda and Fullers X roads, died Sunday morning. Mrs Sarah Ingram lived over the three score and ten years. Born 1818 in Lancaster District So. Carolina, moved to Alabama nearly 50 years ago, Her husband Mr Rush Ingram, died last year near Rutledge. She is a sister of Mrs. B. A. Walker of Rutledge & the grandmother of Mrs. L. Trainum & Mrs. Charles Ellington of Salsoda. She was a noble wife and Mother. Her remains were brought to Rutledge Cemetery on Monday. [27]The Rutledge Wave – April 08, 1891

JONES – Jerry Jones a white employee at McLaren’s mill near Julian was runover Saturday by the log train and had his right leg broken and was other wise badly bruised up. Dr. Kendrick Tankersley and Dr. Avant, amputated the limb on Sunday, but on Monday he died.  [28]The Rutledge Wave – January 14, 1891

JONES – Mr. J. T. Jones, of Bullock Beat, died at his home last Friday morning of La Grippe. He leaves a wife and five children.  [29]Luverne Enterprise – January 30. 1891

KENDRICK – Fannie Lou, 6 year old daughter, of Mr. G. P. Kendrick, died of fever last Thursday night near Rutledge. She was buried in Rutledge Cemetery Friday morning at 10 o’clock.  [30]The Rutledge Wave – July 08, 1891

KENT – Major Arnold Kent an aged and respected Citizen of this County, died at his home four miles North of Rutledge [31]Honoraville last Saturday night. Though infirm from age he was seemingly in good health

He was a Veteran of the Indian War & the strong man of many winters Maj. Kent took a great deal of interest in public questions. The deceased spent the most of his life near Cool Springs Church in North Western part Crenshaw County, He had more recently been living near Rutledge. He leaves a wife, three sons, and two daughters. Peace to his ashes. [32]The Rutledge Wave – April 01, 1891

KING – Mrs. George King died at her home near New Providence on last Wednesday morning. [33]Laverne Enterprise – January 22, 1891

LANGLEY – Mr. Langley, who lived near Bullock was murdered on Thursday night, he was on his way home from Troy. by, Nathan Johnson. Mr. Langley was about 55 years old. [34]Luverne Enterprise – October 09, 1891

LEE – Mr. Yancey Lee died at his home Monday, n the north western part of Crenshaw County. [35]The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891

LORD – Young M. Lord, a son of Mr. Jack Lord, died near Dozier recently.  [36]The Rutledge Wave – February 11, 1891

MAHONE – Miss Hattie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mahone, of Greenville, Al. but formerly of Rutledge, died at her Father’s home last Friday. Deceased was just entering the state of womanhood and was a young lady of a lovable temper. [37]The Rutledge Wave – May 06, 1891

MARTIN – Mr. Jackson Martin, born in Montgomery Co. Oct. 03, 1824, and moved tothis County near the place he died, in the spring of 1853. He was the son of William and Rebecca Martin. He married Hannah Bradley in the spring of1848, and raised a family of eight children, five girls and three boys. An angle & respected citizen of the County, died at his home in Luverne last Friday after a short illness and was buried Saturday morning. He was proceeded to the grave just with the sorely afflicted family. [38]The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891  [39]Luverne Enterprise – Feburary 07, 1891

MARTIN – Mr. William E. Martin of Luverne, died at his home last Friday night of Pneumonia. He was born in Macon Co. Al. Oct. 03, 1850, and moved with his father near the place he died, then Pike Co. 1851. He was the son of Jackson andHannah Martin both of whom survive him. He married the daughter of Jesse Moody, he leaves her & four little children to mourn his loss. [40]The Rutledge Wave – January 28, 1891  [41]Luverne Enterprise – January 30, 1891

MATTHEWS – Mrs. Charles Matthews died at her home on Monday night near Rutledge. [42]The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891

MATTHEWS – Miss Mamie Matthews died at her fathers Residence near Rutledge Sunday last and was buried in the Rutledge Cemetery on Monday.  [43]The Rutledge Wave – February 11, 1891

MITCHELL – Mr. Sion Mitchell died at his home near Salsoda yesterday morning of Pneumonia in th 78th year of his age. He was a native of So. Carolina but came to this section when a young man. He leaves several children and among them;Mr. Daniel Mitchell and Mrs. R. F. Bryan of Crenshaw County and Mrs. J. A. Hicks of Montgomery.  [44]The Rutledge Wave – January 28, 1891

PALMER – Mrs. M. A. Palmer, Aiken’s efficient postmistress, died last Thursday. She had been for some time previous to her death in delicate health. [45]The Rutledge Wave – February 18, 1891

POSEY – Departed this life Jan. 30th in the 22nd year of her age. Mary Bell Posey, wife of N. J. Posey, of Montgomery Co, Mrs. Posey was the daughter ofW. F. Stough of Crenshaw County. Mrs. Posey leaves a husband and a little girl seven months old.  [46]Luverne Enterprise – February 07. 1891

RICHBERG – Eliza Richberg, an aged colored women in Beat 10, died last Sunday morning. She was the step mother of Ramsom Richberg. The old ladywas about56 years old, and was highly respected by all who knew her. [47]Luverne Enterprise – April 03, 1891

RODGERS – Daniel Rodgers an aged gentleman of near Shirley in Covington County, died a few weeks ago. [48]The Rutledge Wave – February 11, 1891

ROWELL – The community of Dozier, mourns the recent death of Mrs. Lucinda Rowell the true and faithful wife of Mr. James Rowell. She was born on July the23rd, 1809 andwas married, Dec. 23, 1825. The deceased lived a consistent member of the Methodist Church & died in the full hope of the resurrected morning. [49]The Rutledge Wave – January 21, 1891

SASSER – The little child of Bird Sasser in Beat 8, died last week.  [50]The Rutledge Wave – April 29, 1891

SASSER=Mr. G. P. Sasser, son of Mr. Jesse Sasser of near Dozier in Crenshaw Co. died of Lagrippe recently. He was 20 years of age and was highly respected by all who knew him. [51]The Rutledge Wave – March 25, 1891

SHINE – Alline, Infant daughter of Mr & Mrs. J. B. Shine of Aiken, died Thursday August 14th, aged about two years old.  [52]The Rutledge Wave – August 20, 1891

SKIPPER – Mrs. Skipper, died near Rutledge last week. She left a husband & two little children. [53]The Rutledge Wave – February 18, 1891

SPRADLEY – Mrs. M. M. Spradley of near Petrey, an aged respected lady, died last Thursday night and was buried in Petrey the following Saturday.  [54]The Rutledge Wave – February 25, 1891

STEPHENS – Miss Margaret Stephens, youngest daughter of our townsman Mr. J. T. Stephens, died last Wednesday morning at the age of twenty two ofMeningitis, and pneumonia at her home, after an illness of only four days. She was buried at 3 o’clock in Rutledge Cemetery.  [55]The Rutledge Wave – November 18, 1891

STURGIS – Mr. J. H. Sturgis aged about forty years died at Coleman, in this County last week. He was the Postmaster at Coleman & one of the leading Merchants of that town. [56]The Rutledge Wave – March 11, 1891

SUMMERLIN – Mrs. John Summerlin, near Bradleyton, Ala. died very suddenly last week [57]Luverne Enterprise – October 30, 1891

TISDALE – Mrs Mary Tisdale died on the 20th of December, at her son-in-law, Mr. G. S. Walker in Luverne, Deceased was born in South Carolina, Jan. 03, 1819 moved with her parents to Clark Co. Al. in 1821 & from there to Pike Co, now Crenshaw Co. in 1828, where she married and remained. She joined the MethodistChurch in early life. She leaves four daughters and one son, and a number of grand children, to mourn her loss. [58]Luverne Enterprise – January 16, 1891

TISDALE – Mrs. Furnie Tisdale, died at her home in the Southern part of this County Sunday. [59]The Rutledge Wave – August 20, 1891

VANPELT – Mr. J. S. VanPelt, of Georgiana, a former citizen of this County, died last Thursday, Mr. VanPelt was the Father of Mrs. M. L. Thagard, of Rutledge [60]Luverne Enterprise – May 07, 1891

WHITE – Mrs. Minerva White, formerly of Crenshaw County, died at her home near Brookville, Noxubee, County, Mississippi on July 28, 1891 of fever. Mrs. White was member of the Presbyterian Church and died in the full of hope of a blissful immortality. She was a sister of Mr. H. L. Solomon Mrs. Susan Holland of Fullers X roads, Mr. A. J. Solomon, Mrs. S. F. Beard of Rutledge & four grown children, two sons and two daughters.  [61]The Rutledge Wave – August 20, 1891

YORK – Mr. Henry D. York and aged and respected citizen died at his home 5 miles South of Honoraville in this County last week. He leaves a wife and five grown sons & daughters to mourn his death. Though very old, his death was hastened by the thrown from his horse sometime ago.  [62]The Rutledge Wave – June 17, 1891

Personal Paragraphs Abstracts From The Rutledge Wave Newspaper 1891

JANUARY 28, 1891

Col. Robert H. Crockett, the only surviving grandson of the famous Davy Crockett died at Stuttgart, Arkansas, a few days since in the 40th year of his age. Col. Crockett was for a long time before his death a leading politician in his state.

Circuit Court  – Rutledge, Al.

  • J. W. Mock vs. Julia Mock – decree of divorce granted
  • Jack Ridgeway vs. Ela Ridgeway decree of divorce granted
  • R. McCarthy vs. J. McCarthy decree of divorce granted
  • Wiley Jenkins vs. Lucinda Jenkins decree of divorce granted

FEBRUARY 04, 1891

The friends and neighbors of Mr. Frank Jordan of near Bradleyton have rebuilt his dwelling house which he lost by fire recently.

FEBRUARY 11, 1891

Young Lee while out hunting on last Saturday afternoon, accidentally shot Fenton Bryan in the leg. Fenton’s wound though slight and only the flesh was at first painful, but Young was frightened worse than Fenton was hurt.


The Senate committee on Privileges and elections to which was referred the house bill for an election for the removal of the Courthouse from Rutledge to Luverne, has reported the bill adversely to the State Senate. The bill being dead”the Courthouse will”in the language of another “stay right where she am”.

MARCH 11, 1891

Mr. John Mash informed us Monday that his new saw mill was now in operation and the shingle mill will be complete and ready for business in a short time.

Honoraville will not bid for the Courthouse, however for a general thing we are in favor of Rutledge and the Courthouse staying together.

APRIL 01, 1891

James Lewis, a farmer who lives near Cool Spring Church in this county was pronounced insane on Monday, last by Judge Walker, and the examining physician, Dr. Burgamy and will be carried to the insane hospital at once.

APRIL 08. 1891

The Post office at Vidette in this county ha been discontinued. The mail for that place will now go to New Providence.

A white man named Trimble, was shot and it is though fatally by a Negro on the Mobile and Gerard extension last Friday. Both men were employed with Pruitt’s grading force. Trimble is not excepted to live, Drinkwater, the Negro made his escape.

APRIL 15, 1891

William Arthur, convicted of bigamy at the last term of circuit court of Crenshaw County, was pardoned by Governor Jones Saturday.

The poor house of this county sitting about six miles from Rutledge was consumed by fire one night last week, nothing was saved, one of the patients an efflicated Negro perished in the flames. It is not known how the fire originated.

MAY 06, 1891

On Wednesday last, while the colored man who works for Mr. Jno. S. Mash was plowing in the patch near the house, and near an open well, the plow came in contact with a small stump or root of a tree, jerking the horse backwards into the well, 8 or 10 feet. After two hours of hard work, by 20 or more of our citizens, he was extricated but when out, he was found to be worthless. Mr Mash regrets exceedingly the loss of his horse.

JUNE 10, 1891

Mrs. E. T. Reddock is postmistress of Rutledge.

JULY 01, 1891

The postoffice will remove today into the Perkins building next to Dr. Avant’s drug store in Rutledge.

AUGUST 12, 1891

John C. Moore, a tin peddler well known throughout Crenshaw County, was killed on the central railroad, near Ozark recently. He had fell asleep on the tracks overcome with to much whiskey.

Mr. J. M. Holladay had the misfortune of getting his hands badly burned extinguishing fire last Friday night. He takes on himself the duty to blow out the lamp on retiring at night. On this occasion, he had fallen asleep it continued to burn till sometime in the night when the window curtains were blown over the lamp and ignited. No damage was done other than the burnt hands.

AUGUST 20. 1891

Rev. M. W. Beverly is conducting a series of meetings at Centenary Church a few miles west of Rutledge.

We are informed that Mr. J. W. Reeves shot and killed on last Thursday near Double Bend on little Patsaliga, a very large alligator measuring from tip to tip 13 feet.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1891

Mr. J. W. Odom had an arm broken & had badly lacerated in the gin of Mr. J. W. Halso at Pigeon Creek.

OCTOBER 07, 1891

The Rutledge brass band has been engaged to play at the South Alabama Fair in Greenville, Oct. 20th.

OCTOBER 28, 1891

On last Friday night a difficulty occurred in Luverne between Cull Cottle & J. M. Morgan, a merchant in Luverne resulting in the death of Cottle. The trouble grew out of a settlement of an account between them knives were freely used and Cottle was stabbed to death. Morgan escaped with slight injury and has surrendered himself to the authorities and will stand trail next Friday. Morgan’s brothers who was present during the difficulty, has also been arrested. The trail of Mr. J. M. Morgan began Friday the 30th of Oct. and was conducted Saturday morning, From the evidence brought out, Harper Morgan was discharged & J. M. Morgan was held in bond of $10,000.00 to await the action of the Grand Jury. Messrs. Gamble, Bricken & Ruston represented the state and Capt. Gardner for the defense Justices Brunson, Williams and Davis presiding.


1, 6The Rutledge Wave – September 02, 1891
2, 22, 35, 38, 42The Rutledge Wave – February 04, 1891
3Luverne Enterprise – July 17, 1891
4The Rutledge Wave – July 29, 1891
5, 18The Rutledge Wave – January 07, 1891
7, 10, 45, 53The Rutledge Wave – February 18, 1891
8Luverne Enterprise – “Forgot to write down the date”1891
9Luverne Enterprise – November 20. 1891
11, 49The Rutledge Wave – January 21, 1891
13The Rutledge Wave – January 08, 1891
14The Rutledge Wave – August 19, 1891
15The Rutledge Wave – October 14, 1891
16, 36, 43, 48The Rutledge Wave – February 11, 1891
17, 56The Rutledge Wave – March 11, 1891
19, 30The Rutledge Wave – July 08, 1891
20The Rutledge Wave – May 13, 1891
21, 57Luverne Enterprise – October 30, 1891
23, 25, 40, 44The Rutledge Wave – January 28, 1891
24, 32The Rutledge Wave – April 01, 1891
26The Rutledge Wave – October 21, 1891
27The Rutledge Wave – April 08, 1891
28The Rutledge Wave – January 14, 1891
29Luverne Enterprise – January 30. 1891
33Laverne Enterprise – January 22, 1891
34Luverne Enterprise – October 09, 1891
37The Rutledge Wave – May 06, 1891
39Luverne Enterprise – Feburary 07, 1891
41Luverne Enterprise – January 30, 1891
46Luverne Enterprise – February 07. 1891
47Luverne Enterprise – April 03, 1891
50The Rutledge Wave – April 29, 1891
51The Rutledge Wave – March 25, 1891
52, 59, 61The Rutledge Wave – August 20, 1891
54The Rutledge Wave – February 25, 1891
55The Rutledge Wave – November 18, 1891
58Luverne Enterprise – January 16, 1891
60Luverne Enterprise – May 07, 1891
62The Rutledge Wave – June 17, 1891

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