Biography of William L. Alldredge

William L. Alldredge was born on April 20, 1864, near Huntsville, Alabama, the son of John and Elizabeth (Byrd) Alldredge, natives of Alabama. The father died in 1867, and the mother when our subject was but six years old. The mother’s father, William Byrd, was a minister of the Methodist church and died while in confederate service. William L. had one brother, James F., who was killed by a blast in the Acme mine, on June 23, 1901. When our subject was seven years of age, he went with his grandmother Byrd to Minnesota, and three years later came with her to Clarksville, Arkansas. In June, 1882, accompanied by his brother, he and his grandmother went to Boulder, Colorado, where they prospected and mined as they did also in all the leading camps of that state. In 1888 we find him in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he did mining and also worked in the smelter. While in Utah, Mr. Alldredge married Miss Julia Dawson, the wedding occurring on April 11, 1889. Mrs. Alldredge was born at Lehi, Utah County, Utah, on August 6, 1873. Her father William Dawson was born in England and came with his parents to Canada when a small child. At the age of sixteen he journeyed to Missouri and soon thereafter came to Utah county, being one of the earliest settlers in that section. During those early days many hardships were experienced by the pioneers and they had much fighting to do to repel the savages. At the age of eighty-four, in 1893, Mr. Dawson passed away, having lived a good honorable life. He had married Lucy M. Smith, a native of Green county, Illinois, who came across the plains in 1850 settling where Lehi is now located. She was the first white woman in that section and the mother of the first white child born there. Mrs. Alldredge is the youngest of eleven children, and her mother, who died in 1891, had spent many years as a trained nurse in Lehi. In 1891 Mr. and Mrs. Alldredge came to Stevens county and located their present place, eight miles south from Kettle Falls. They have one hundred and twenty acres, well improved and well watered. The place is especially adapted for fruit raising and Mr. Alldredge has a twelve acre orchard. He does general farming and raises stock. They are highly respected citizens and are well known. Five children have been born to them, Ward, John H., Jesse, Bessie and James F. Mr. Alldredge’s house is supplied with telephone service and they have a beautiful home.

Source: “History of North Washington” Published 1904. Generously submitted by: Candy Grubb


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