Old Huntsville Magazine : Huntsville City Directory, 1859-1860

The following names were extracted from the 1859-1860 Huntsville, Alabama City Directory.

Abel Mrs. Nancy, at Geo. Yuckley’s

Ables J. Lee, Proprietor of Ables’ Senate Restaurant, Billiard and Bowling Saloon, near Big Spring.

Ackerman Joseph, boot mkr. bds F. O. Schaudies’

Ackerman Leon, shoe mkr. bds F. O. Schaudies’

Acklen & Acklen (Wm. & Theodore,) Attorneys at Law, office w s Public Square (Bank Row)

Acklen Theodore, (Acklen & A.) s w c Gates and Madison.

Acklen Wm s w c Gates & Madison

Adam Smith, painter, w s Franklin s of (corp. Line

Adams Miss C. A. teacher of Preparatory Department Huntsville Female college, bds John Read’s

Adam’s Express Co. w s Madison b Public Square and Gates, Joseph J. Pitman, Agent.

Adams John S. brakeman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Adams John S., painter, n s Holmes b Smith and Calhoun.

Aday F. Marion, carp. w s Madison b Dry Creek and Lemmon’s Ferry Road

Aday John F., carp. e s Madison b Dry Creek and Vienna Road

Aday Lorenzo D. carp. s e c Church and Armes

Aday Miss M. R., dress mkr. e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Adcock G., carp. bds Joseph M. Jett’s

Aleander Stephen Willis, at Stephen W. Harris’

Allen & Cayce, (Hudson A. and Michael a.) carriage repairing shop, n s Gallatin b Randolph and Clinton.

Allen Hudson,(A. & Cayce) carriage mkr. h w s Mill opposite Arms

Allen Peter A., marble carver, bds A. A. Baker’s

Allen Wm., teamster, w s Mill opp Arms

Allison James W. carp. h e s Washington b Meridianille Road and RR.

Allison Saml. H. carp. s s Holmes b Gallatin and Limberg.

Amsden Amos, carp. bds w s Washington b Holmes and RR.

Andrews , lab. bds Wm. Brown’s

Anderson Charles A. carp. bds Wn. Brannan’s

Anderson Chas. W. engineer, bds Venables Hotel

Anderson S. P. milliner store, e s Franklin b Public Square and Gates, Mrs. Elen E. Barron, agent

Angell Joseph, gun and locksmith shop, s s Clinton west of Gallatin

Angell, Joseph P. Watch Maker, Jeweler, s s Curtis b Franklin & Green, bds Joseph Angell’s

Antony Edwin L’roy, Physician, office and residence s w c Franklin and Williams

Ambruster Joseph, (J. R. Young Co.) bds James Neelly’s

Arma Frank H. freight and ticket agt. office n end of Jefferson, bds Venables Hotel

Armstrong James A. clk. bds J. P. Doyle’s

Arnett James A. b. k. M. & C. RR. machine shop

Askin F. E. conductor, M. & C. RR.

Atkinson Greenleaf, horse trainer, bds Madison House

Atwood Mrs. Caroline, bds Pleasant B. Robinson’

Atwood G.W. & Co. (G.W.A. & E.M. Cowles) Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ,s Commercial Row ss Public Square b Franklin and Madison

Austin Miss Lizzie, teacher of Latin and English Literature, Huntsville Female Seminary

Aycock John H. conductor, M. C. RR.

Babb Wm. pay master M. & C. RR. (Eastern division

Bailey Joseph F. policeman, e s Henry s of Williams

Baker A.A. Huntsville Marble Works, w s Washington near n c Public Square opp Johnson House, h n w c Mill and Holmes.

Barker Mrs. Lucy N. bds Anderson Burrows’

Barnard Joseph, teamster, bds John Brooks’

Barnard J. D. e s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Barnett Wm. N. carriage trimmer, bds Madison House

Barron Mrs. Ellen E. milliner, bds W. W. Edwards

Barron Saml. B. Ia student, at Robinson & Jones’

Barron Wm. J. clk. Mastin, Wilburn & Co’s

Bassett Mrs. Isaphcena, r s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Bassett Miss I.aura, at Mr I. Bassett’s

Bassett Miss Lenore, at Mrs. J. Bassett’s

Bauer Henry, (S. Hartmann & Co.) n s Public Square

Beadle J. H. dry goods, &c., 2 Commercial Row, ss Public Square, h s s Clinton e of Gallatin

Beal Miss Diana, bds James W. Hobbs’

Beal Henry, bds James W. Hobbs’

Beasley Dr. James A. planter, res w s Pulaski Rod n of Athen Road

Beeman Conrad, blksmith, shop n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Beeman Miss Martha J. at Conrad Beeman’s

Beeman Miss Mary A. at Conrad Beeman’s

Benson–, clk. bds Johnson House.

Bernstein M. watches, jewelry, &c., s s Eustis b Franklin and Green

Beirne Geo. P. s s Williams b Green and Adam’s Avenue

Bibb Wilson (. (Bradley, Wilson & Co.) res New 0rleans

Binford Henry A. (B & Slaughter,) s s Clinton opp Limberg

Binford & Slaughter, Henry A. B. & John R. S.) Physicians, office n s Eustis b Franklin and Green

Binford Thomas T., student, at Dr. Henry A. Binford’s

Binford Wm. H., at Henry A. Binford’s

Blackburn Geo. carriage mkr. bds F. T. Ward’s

Blake Benj. W., Saloon, w s Church b Arms and M. & C. RR.

Blanton Geo. W., policeman, n s Holmes b Mill and RR.

Blunt James R. grocer, n e c Clinton and Limberg

Blunt W. T., Wholesale and Retail Grocery, 6 Commercial Row s S Public Square b Madison and Franklin

Bollman Henry, moulder, bds James W. Allison’s

Bolton Andrew J.,painter, e s Mill b Holmes and Arms

Bolton H., carp. s w c Madison and Lemon’s Ferry Road

Bolton Thomas . machinist, e s Mill b Holmes and Arms Boyd James A., Lumber Yard, n w c Jefferson and Arms, res one mile on Meridianville Road

Boyd John F., carp. bds s w c Gates and Franklin

Boyd Wm., painter, bds John W. Thompson’s

Boyle Edward, engineer, s s Meridianville Road e of RR.

Bracken James, fireman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Bradley Miss Adaline, at Thomas W. White’s

Bradley Mrs. Adeline, bds Wm. Fleming’s

Bradley Archelas M. carp. bds B. Frank’s

Bradley Joseph C. (B., Wilson & Co.) n e c Franklin and Williams

Bradley Miss Kate A. teacher of belles lettres and history, Huntsville Female College

Bradley Sugars T. carp. bds Britain Frank’s

Bradley MisS Sarah A. at Thomas W. White’s

Bradley S. T. carp. bds B. Frank’s

Bradley, Wilson & Co., (Joseph C. B., Hugh W., John J. Fackler, Calvin M. Fackler & Wilson C. Bibb) Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, n s Eustis b Franklin and Green

Bradley Wm. B., clk. Pleasants, Spotswood & Co’s., bds Johnson House

Bradford Miss Cattie J., at Mrs. J. B. Bradford’s

Bradford Daniel M., land agt. res n e c Green and Clinton

Bradford Mrs. J. B., s s Randolph e of Lincoln

Bradford Wm. P., at Mrs. J. B. Bradford’s

Brandon Miss Mary, at Theo. Lacy’s

Brannan Wm., n s Arms b Church and Mill

Brant, painter, bds Thomas O. Gill’s

Brawley R.N., Grocery and Commission Merchant, 14 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison

Bray Jasper., N. shoemkr. n s Holmes b Steele and Smith

Braze John, laborer, w s Madison s of Dry Creek

Brewer Daniel H., shoemkr., bds C. Gill’s

Brickell Robt. C., (Walker & B.) res 2 1/2 miles on Whitesburg Rd.

Britt K., n s Athens Road w of M. & C. RR.

Brooks Henry B., teamster, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR

Brooks John, well-digger, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR.

Brown D.A., Tailor, shop e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h w s Green b Eustis and Gates

Brown Miss Darthula E., at Wm. Brown’s

Brown Miss Elvira J., at Wm. Brown’s

Brown Wm. H. T., deputy Circuit Court Clerk, h w end of Clinton

Brown James, bricklayer, bds Isaac N. Winston’s

Brown Wm., b. h. n s Arms b Jefferson and Church

Bruckner John T., Sewing Machine Depot, n s Public Square, (Donegan’s Block) res 5 miles on Pulaski Road

Bryant Geo. W., engineer, wks M. & C. RR machine shop

Buchman Alex., (Lyons, Scherer Co.) bds Johnson House

Buckley Michael, machinist, wks M. & C. R R machine shop, bds Wm. McMinn’s

Burritt Amatus R., (B. & Hunt) bds Johnson House

Burritt & Hunt, (A. R. B. & Samuel P. H.) Homoeopathic Physicians, office Bank Row w s Public Square

Burrow Anderson, clk. s s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Burrow James H. jr. carp,. bds James H. Burrows, sen.

Burrow James H. sen. carp., w s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Burrow Miss Martha L., at James H. Burrows, sen.

Burrow Miss Sarah N., at James H. Burrow’s

Burrow Wyatt A., lottery dealer, s s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph, h s s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Buxbaum M. C., clk. R. Herstein’s

Cabaniss C. P., clk. bds John J. Coleman’s.

Cabaniss Septimus D., att’y. office e s Public Square, h n s Randolph e of Calhoun

Cain Mrs. Sarah, n s Meridianville Road b Green and RR

Callaghan James P., printer, Democrat office

Callaghan Michael, Carriage Manufactory, s e c Clinton and Jefferson

Cameron Robt. painter, (Gassaway & Co.) bds B. Frank’s

Campbell George W., policeman, h w s Limberg b Clinton and Holmes

Campbell S. F., M. & C. RR

Carmichael Geo. W., Sheriff of Madison County. Office, Court-house

Carothers W. J. machinist, n e c Gallatin and Clinton

Carr Wm. T., tinner, n s Clinton b Gallatin and Limberg

Carter Mrs. H., Millinery Store, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Carter Landon, Bookkeeper, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Cayce Mrs. Mary E., at Micajah Cayce’s

Cayce Micajah, (Allen & C.) s s Holmes b Limberg and RR

Cayce Samuel A., at Micaah Cayce’s

Cayce Mrs. Zerelda, at Micajah Cayce’s

Cayton Mrs. Martha A., s w c Lincoln and Holmes

Certain Jacob, slave dealer, n s Holmes b Steele and Smith

Chadick Rev. Wm. D., Pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, res. n s Randolph b Lincoln and Calhoun

Chamberlin Charles, contractor, n e c Jefferson and Holmes.

Chastine John A., carp w s Mill nr Holmes

Childress James F., carp, bds T. O. Gill’s

Christian Harry F., clk. bds Wm. Fleming’s

Christian John B., bds Wm Fleming’s

Clare W. D., law student ns Eustis b Franklin and Green

Clark John L., plasterer, bds Samuel S. Clark’s

Clark Samuel S., plasterer, w s Pulaski Road n of Athens Road

Clarke Mrs. Susan, at Joseph C. Bradley’s

Clay Clement C. jr, att’y and U. S. Senator, res e s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Clay Clement C. sen. att’y, s s Clinton e of Gallatin

Clay Hugh L., Attorney at Law office, w s Public Square (Bank Row), res e s Madison b William and Dry Creek

Clay J. Withers Editor and Proprietor of Democrat, office e s Jefferson b Randolph and Clinton, opp Huntsville Hotel, res s e c Henry and Gates

Claybrooks Wm. machinist bds Wm. Brannan’s

Clem Thomas, bk mason, w s Church b Holmes and Arms

Clemens James, planter, res s s Clinton e of Gallatin

Clemens Jeremiah, att’y. res s s Eustis b Green and Lincoln

Clemens Mrs. Mary L. at John Read’s

Clopton J. A. phys, n s Public Square (Donegan’s Block)

Coleman Miss Amanda, n e c Green and Randolph

Coleman John J., Attorney at Law, Notary, Commissioner of Deeds, Examiner in Chancery, and Master in Chancery, U. S. District Court, office Courthouse, h n e c Madison and Williams Coleman Miss Narcissa, n e c Green and Randolph

Coles Mrs. Eliza F., w s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Coles Mrs. James, at Samuel Cruse’s

Coles Robt. T., student, w s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Colgan Anthony, harness mkr, bds Britain Frank’s

Colhoun Meredith, planter, n e c Eustis and Green

Collier Thomas H., clk s s Eustis b Green and Lincoln

Collins, brakesman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Collins A. carp, bds Joseph M. Jett’s

Collins John, carp, bds Wm. S. Kerr’s

Coltart John G., (C. & Son), bds Samuel Coltart’s

Coltart Robt. W., n e c Clinton and Gallatin

Coltart Samuel, General Insurance Agent. Office, 10 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison, res e end of Franklin

Coltart & Son (Samuel & John G.) Dealers in Clothing, Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &c. 10 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison

Colton, Wm. L., engineer, n s Meridianville Road opp Green

Combs Mrs. Martha, bs Wm. S. Kerr’s

Combs Miss Sarah, bds Wm. S. Kerr’s

Connell John O., carp bds w s Washington b Holmes and RR

Conway James, marble cutter, bds A. A. Baker’s

Cook David, Carriage Depository, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, bds W. D. Chadick’s

Cook Geo. W., att’y n w c Holmes and Jefferson

Cook Peter M., harness mkr, bds B. Frank’s

Cook Sidney, steward Venables Hotel

Cooper Allen, at John W. Cooper’s

Cooper Mrs. Grace, at Dr. E. L. Antony’s

Cooper J.L., Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c., No. s Commercial Row-, s s Public square b Madison and Franklin h n s Meridianville Road b Green and RR

Cooper J.W., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. 6 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison h n s Randolph b Lincoln and Calhoun

Copeland Miss Ellen, bds Walker Good’s

Copeland James, wagon mkr, bds Harrison McAnally’s

Corn John, lab, bds Isaac N. Winston’s

Cosens Miss Ellen . music teacher, Huntsville Female College

Couch Samuel, fireman C. RR machine shop

Cowart Mrs. Mary, n e c Madison and Vienna Road

Coles E. M. (G. W. Atwood & Co.) res s s Maiden Lane e of Lincoln

Craddock Hugh L. W. painter, w s Washington b Holmes and RR

Craft , moulder, bds Joseph P. Doyle’s

Crain John, carp, bds w s Washington b Holmes and RR

Crawford James, master machinist (Eastern Division), M. & C. RR, res in rear of machine shop

Crisp’s Theater, s w c Clinton and Lincoln

Crowe Wm. stone cutter, bds n e c Jefferson and Holmes

Crowly J. J. marble cutter, bds A. A. Baler’s

Cruse Samuel, Sec’y of the I. & C. RR, office at Northern Bank of Ala.res w s Adams Avenue s of Williams

Cruse S. R,. teller, Northern Bank of Ala. bds F. Il. Ncwman’s

Cruse Wm. O., sec’v and treas. of the Madison Turnpike Co. Office w s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Crutcher Ernest, shoe mkr, bds F. O. Schaudies’

Cunningham Wm. coach painter, bds Madison house

Curtis Mrs. Sophia L. music teacher, Huntsville Female College

Dagnel Thomas R. carp, e s Mill b Arms and M. & C. RR

Davis Benjamin, painter, bds John W. Thompson’s

Davis Geo., clk in P. O. bds Z. P. Davis’

Davis & Lowe, (Nicholas D. ; Robert J. L.) atty’s at law, n s Eustis b Public Square and Green

Davis Nicholas, w s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Davis Robt,. tinner, bds, John W. Thompson’s

Davis Zebulon P., Mayor, office w s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph h e s Madison b Gates and Williams

Delp Henry, Furniture Ware Rooms, n s Clinton b Washington & Green

Democrat, e s Jefferson b Randolph and Clinton. J. Withers Clay, editor and Proprietor

Desfourneux Madame, dress making, n s Public Square, Donegan’s Block

Dew John J. (D. & Young) bds W. M. Brandon’s

Dew & Young, (John J. D. & John W. Y.) Editors and Proprietors of the Huntsville Independent. Office, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Dewoody W. A. conductor, I. & C. RR

Defranter Miss Lou, milliner, bds Mrs. H. Carter’s

Dickson Mrs. Elizabeth W. at John S. Dickson’s

Dickson John S., Hardware, Iron, Nails, Castings, &c. 11 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison, h e s Lincoln b Clinton and Holmes Dickson Robt. K. (R. K. D. & Co.) res n of M. C. RR. machine shop

Dickson R.K & Co. (Robt. K. D. & Thomas W. White), Wholesale and Retail Grocery, e s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph

Diden , machinist, n w c Holmes and Jefferson

Dill Andrew H. (D. & Dill) bds Isaiah Dill’s

Dill & Dill, (Isaiah & Andrew H.) Attorneys at Law, office, Basement of Court-house

Dill Isaiah (D. & Dill) Att’y and Insurance Agent. Office, Basement of Court-house, res , e c Holmes and Calhoun

Dillard Henry B. clk. J. W. Cooper’s, bds Mrs. M. H. Bradford’s

Donahue Miss Sarah, n s Clinton b Limberg and RR

Donegan James H. (Scruggs, D. & Co.) res New Orleans

Donegan James J., President of Northern Bank of Ala. (and of the firm of Patton, D. & Co.) res s s Randolph e of the s end of Calhoun

Donegan W. H. clk. Patton, Donegan & Co’s,

Douglass Thomas T, clk, W. T. Blunt’s, bds Madison House

Downey , painter, bds Thomas O. Gill’s

Doyle Joseph P., Livery and Sale table, w s Gallatin opp Randolph

Drake Charles, (Preston & D. Madison House

Drake Miss Ella, bds Archibald Rison’s

Drake Geo. W., (D. & Moses) 1 mile on Meridianille Road

Drake James M.M., House Furnishing Goods, Bedding, Curtains, &c. e s Jefferson b Randolph and Clinton opp Ne Huntsville Hotel, bds A. Rison’s

Drake & Moses (Geo. W. D. & Aaron J. M.) Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. Office, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Drake Rivers, student, at Madison House

Duke Mrs. Lucinda, at Mrs. E. F. Weaver’s Dunnington–, brk. mason, bds Thos. O. Gill’s

Duryee Jos. W., clk. J. L. Cooper’s, bds c Gates and Franklin

Dyer Winslow L,. h w s Madison b Dry Creek and Lemon’s Ferry Road

Dykes Rufus, brakesman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Easley Hugh, Undertaker, n w c Jefferson and Holmes.

Easley Mrs. M.A., Millinery and Fancy Goods, n w c Holmes and Jefferson

Easley Richard, watchman, wks M. & C. RI. machine shop

Echols Jas., Law student, bds Wm. Echols’

Echols Larkin, w. civil engineer, at Wm. Echols’

Echols Wm., Secretary Huntsville Gas Light Co. s s Clinton e of Limberg

Edsall David, machinist, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop, bds Mrs. Thomason’s

Edwards Henry, grocery, w s Madison s of William

Edwards Henry P. carp. w s Mill nr Holmes

Edwards Wm. W, Family Grocery, Provisions and Fruit Dealer, w s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Elgin Fred. plasterer, n s Meridianville Road e of Green

Elgin Wm. F. clk. Patton, Donegan & Co’s

Elliott Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Wm. Kirk’s

Elliott Mrs. Emily, bds Albert A. Baker’s

Elliot Richard I., House and Sign Painter, w s Jefferson b Holmes and Arms

England Robt. fireman, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Enright Tim. brakesman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Epps Edmund, carp. bds Wm. Brannan’s

Erskine Albert, phys. e s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Erskine Jas. A. at Mrs. S. C. Erskine’s

Erskine Miss Kate, at Mrs. S. C. Erskine’s

Erskine Mrs.C., s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Erskine Thos. F. (Pleasants, Spotswood & Co.) w s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Erwin Rev. A.R., D.D. President Huntsville Female College, s s Randolph b Lincoln and Colhoun

Erwin John A., Family Grocery and Provisions, s c Washington and Holmes

Erwin Josephus, clk. s w c Washington and Holmes

Estes Wm. laborer, wks Hugh N. Moore’s

Eunomia Masonic Hall, n e c Lincoln and Williams

Fackler Calvin M. (Bradley, Wilson & Co.) res Memphis, Tenn.

Fackler John J, (Bradley, Wilson & Co.) res w s Adams’ Av. s of Williams

Fackler John T., bds John J. Folklorist

Fairest Wilson, b. k. Bradley, Wilson & Co’s

Fairest Chas., A. clk. bds John J. Coleman’s

Fairest D., bds John J’. Coleman’s

Farnum Daniel T, (J. G. Heap . Co.) bds F. T. Ward’s

Fairest & Gaston (John M. F. & Oliver B. G.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. s Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Madison and Franklin

Fairest John L., planter, h n s Randolph b Lincoln and Calhoun

Fairest John I., (F. & Gaston.) n e c Green and Clinton

Fairest Wm. H. printer, bds John J. Coleman’s

Fearn Robt. jr, planter, c Williams and Green

Fearn Mrs. Robt. sr. at Robt. Fearn’s, jr.

Fearn Thos. planter, e s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Fetting Albert, tinner, bds F. T. Ward’s

Fetting Edward, carp. bds Jas. Allison’s

Figg Littleton G. (Nevills F.) bd Britain Franks’

Fig Tinable. at R. I. Elliott’s

Figures Wm. B., Editor and Proprietor of the Southern Advocate, Office e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h n s Randolph b Lincoln and Calhoun

Finch Wm. machinist, n e c Green and Holmes

Fisher , moulder, bds Jas. W. Allison’s

Fleming Mrs. Lucy, n s Clinton b Limberg and RR.

Fleming Wm. planter, n s Holmes opp Lincoln

Fletcher Algernon S., Attorney at Law,office e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Fletcher Peter B. clk. T. S. McCalley & Co’s

Flippo Henry M. stone mason, e s Madison b Williams ad Dry Creek

Ford Henry, carp. n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Ford Jas. B. clk. Jas. A. Boyd’s n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Fowler F. G. conductor M. & C. RR. bds Madison House

Fowler Miss Josephine, e s Madison b Dry Creek and Lemon’s Ferry Road

Fowler Miss Nancy, e s Madison b Dry Creek and Lemon’s Ferry Road

Fox Jas. engineer, wks M. & C. RI. machine shop

Fox Wm. painter, bds John J. Coleman’s

Franks B., (Wm.Weaver & Co.) and City Marshall, res e c Clinton and Washington

Franks Eli A., Saddles, Harness, &c. e s Washington b Randolph and -Clinton, bds B. Franks’

Franks Rufus B. clk. bds s e c Washington and Clinton

Fraser Thos. tailor, Mrs. Spences

Freeman H. M. brk. layer, bds Isaac Winston’s

Frye Wm. portrait painter, n vr c Eustis and Green, h n r c Green and Holmes Fuller I. A. carp. n s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Furgeson Bartholemew, Gun and Locksmith, w s Madison b Dry Creek and Lemon’s Ferry Road

Gallup James H. machinist, h n s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Garner Wm. clk. bds B. F. McCravey’s

Garvy Thos. moulder, bds Madison House

Gassaway & Cameron, (Thos. F. G & Robt. C.) house and sign painters, s e c Holmes and Church

Gassaway Thos., F. (G. & Cameron)

Gassaway Wm, carp. bds B. Franks’

Gaston 0liver B, (Fairest & G.) bds Wm. Echol’

Geron Claiborne C., e s Madison b Gates and Williams

Geron John W., e s Madison b Gates and William

Gibbs 0. T., engineer, bds Thos. 0. Gill’s

Gibbs Miss Rebecca, bds Thos. 0. Gill’s

Gilbert Mrs. Mary, bd Wm. Brown’

Gill Chamberlain, boots and shoes, n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Gill Chas. A. carp. bds T. 0. Gill’s

Gill Isaac W., grocer, bds Thos. 0. Gill’s

Gill Thos. 0., b. h. n s Holmes b Washington and Green

Gilliand Jasper N., harness mkr. bds Wm. Gormly’s

Glenn John E., engineer, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Godwin Miss Eliza, teacher, bds Mrs. Agnes Yeatman’s

Golcock Chas. J. (G:, McCalley & Maloy,) res Charleston, S. C. Golcock, McCalley & Maloy, (Chas. J. G., Thos. S. McC. & D. Maloy,) Cotton Factors, and Commission Merchants, e s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph

Gooch Jas. T. clk. Mastin, Wilburn & Co’s, bds N. M. Gooch’

Gooch Nathaniel M. n s McClung b Adams’ Av. and California

Good Miss Mattie, bds F. T. Ward’s

Gormly Jas. A. clk. bds Wm. Gormly’s

Gormly Wm. saddler, e s Public Square, h s s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Gormly Wm. M. clk. bds m. Gormly’s

Graham Mrs. Elizabeth, bds John Huey’s

Grant A. C. conductor M. C. RR.

Gray Henry, carp. bds Wm. Brown’s

Greene Academy, e s Colhoun b Randolph and Holmes, Russel & Shepherd, Principals

Greene Miss Jane, bds Benj. F. McCravey’

Grindstaff Henry, moulder, bds Madison House

Grooms Isaac, carp. s w c Henry and Williams

Grooms Miss Martha M. s w c Henry and Williams

Grooms Miss Mary F. s w c Henry and Williams

Grooms Miss Susan E. s w c Henry and Williams

Gross Geo. tailor, bds s w c Gates and Franklin

Habel Solomon, (A. Kahn & Co. bds Madison House

Hale Smith D. Circuit Judge, res e s Franklin b William and Dry Creek

Hale Wm. e s Green b Clinton and Holmes

Hall Adam Y., Portrait Painter, w s Church b Holmes and Arms Hall Jas. W. w s Church b Holmes and Arms

Hall Miss Martha A. at Ja. Hall’

Hall Miss Sarah R. at Jas. Hall’s

Halsey Henry F. (H. McKibbin,) res 11/2 mile on Meridianville Road

Halsey & McKibbin (Henry F. H. & Jas. J. McK.) Carriage Manufactory Meridianville Road b Washington and Green

Halsey Wm. I. portrait painter, s Commercial Row, h n Meridianville Road b Green and RR.

Hamel John Z. (J. R. Young & Co.) bds n e c Holmes and Jefferson

Hamilton Carroll, carp. e s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Hamilton Wilson, clk. T. S. McCalley & Co’s, bds L. Carter’

Hamlet Byrd, e s Green b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Hammond Abner, fireman wks M. & a. RR. machine shop

Hammond Judge F. L. bds Wm. Fleming’s

Hammond Purnell L. student, bds Wm. Fleming’

Hammond Samuel, fireman, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Hank Rev. J. Newman, prof of languages, Huntsville Female College

Hardberger Rufus, moulder, bds Venable’s Hotel

Harden Benjamin, clk. Trotman & Nance’s, bds John S. Nance’s

Hardie John, carp and bldr, n s Holmes b Church and Mill

Harris James W., M. D. h n w c Lincoln and Randolph

Harris Stephen W. planter, h s Randolph e of Lincoln

Harrison Robt. C. (Newman & H.) bds Johnson House

Hartley M. moulder, bds James Hall’s

Hartman S. & Co., (Sleon H., Louis Lowman & Henry Bauer), Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, n s Public Square b Washington and Jefferson (Donegan’s Block) Haslan Isaac, machinist, bds Wm. Brannan’s

Hawk John W. conductor M. & C. RR.

Hawkins A. T. coach mkr, bds Madison House

Hawkins Miss Nancy, milliner, bds s e c Washington & Clinton

Hawkins Nicholas W. teamster, h n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Hay John, machinist, wks M. & a. RR. bds Wm. L. Colton’

Hays Andrew Jackson, carp. s e c Mill and Arms

Hays D. H. tailor, bds s w c Gate and Franklin

Hays Willis, moulder, wks John H. Swift & Co’s

Hep John G. (John G. H. & Co.) bds Mrs. Agnes Yeatman’s

Heap J.G. & Co. (John G. H. & Daniel T. Farnum), Dealers in Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Tin Roofing, House Furnishing Goods, w s Jefferson b Holmes and Arm

Hendren A. B., Architect and Real Estate Broker. Office, w s Jefferson b Holmes and RR

Hendrick Joseph C. carriage mkr, w s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Hentz Andrew (A. H. & Co.) bds Madison House

Hentz A. & Co. (Andrew H. & John W. Scruggs) carriage manuf, n r c Franklin and Gates

Hentz Eugene, printer, Democrat office, bds Madison House

Hentz Miss Marian, bds John H. Swift’s

Hereford Charles W. (Leftich & H.) bds Frederick Elgin’s

Herstein R., Dealer in Gents’ Read-made Clothing, Furnishing Goods, c. s e c Eustis and Franklin, bds Wm. Fleming’s

Hewlett Col. Thomas, planter, h s w c Holmes and Colhoun

Hickman James, slave dealer, bds Britain Franks’ Hicks Wm. carp, bds T. 0. Gill’s

Higgins James . plasterer, h n s Holmes opp Colhoun

Higgins W. bds Johnson House

Hiller John a. coach mkr, wks A. Hentz & Co’s

Hill Mrs. Lucy G. at Andrew J. Johnson’s

Hill Wm. R. clk. Pleasants Spotwood & Co’s, bds Johnson House

Hinds James V. A. b. k. Drake & Moses’, s e c Steele and Holmes

Hobb Joseph A. (Rison & H.) s Holmes b Limberg and RR

Hobbs James W. pattern mkr, s s Holmes b Gallatin and Limberg

Hodges Miss Mary E. e s Madison b Williams and Dr Creek

Holbrook Miss Ellen C., at S. H. Williams’

Holland John, painter, bds John W. Thompson’s

Hollenberg Henry G. (Logeman & H.) bds Johnson Hotel

Hollowell Wm. D. planter, h n s Clinton w of Limberg

Holton Wm. F. foreman of Democrat office, bds Venables Hotel

Horton Miss Mollie, at Jesse.J. Jordan’s

Hotchkiss Jeremiah A. bds Wm. W. Edwards’

Howard Miss Mary, at James J. Donegan’s

Huckaba Thomas J.,family grocery and provisions, w s Washington b Public Square and Clinton

Hudson John D. tinner, wks Thomas A. Sharpe’s

Huay John, grocery, w s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Hughes Alfred, e c Clinton and Green Humphrey & Browne (Thomas I. H., Samuel B.) Lumber Dealers. Office, w Franklin b Public Square and Gates

Humphrey & Browne (Thomas I. H. Samuel B.) General Business Agent, office, w s Franklin b Public Square and Gate

Humphreys David C. (H. & Tracy), res n w c Clinton and Limberg

Humphrey Thomas I. (H. & Browne), and City Assessor and Collector, bds James H. Ware’s

Humphreys & Tracy (David C. H. & Edward D. T.) Attys. at Law, office n s Eustis b Franklin and Green

Hunt Mrs. E. A. at Isaac N. Winston’s

Hunt Samuel P. (Burritt & H.) n e c Madison and Gates

Hunter John, at J. W. Weaver & Co’s

Huntsville City Water Works, in rear of Bank Row

Huntsville & Fayetteville Stage Line. Office at Joseph P. Doyle’s Stable. T. G. Thompson, pro

Huntsville Female College s s Randolph b Lincoln and Colhoun. A. R. Erwin, President

Huntsville Female Seminary s s Randolph e of Lincoln. S. J. Mayhew, Principal

Huntsville Gas Light and Office, s s Public Square. Works c Randolph and Gallatin, Wm. Smith, Sup’t. Wm. Echols, Sec’y

Huntsville Gas Light and Works nr Big Spring. Wm. Echols, Sec’y

Huntsville Hotel Co., (Hotel) w c of Public Square. Joseph a. Bradley, President, Geo. W. Neal, Sec’y and Treas

Huntsville Independent (Weekly) office, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates. Dew & Young, Editors and Proprietors

Huntsville Montevallo Stage Line. Office at Post-office. S. B. Severs, pro

Huntsville Omnibus Line.Office, w s Madison b Public Square and Gates. Joseph J. Pitman, pro.

Hutchens James M., carp. e s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Irby Mrs. Mary G., s w c Gates and Green

Irby M. carp, bds Archibald Rison’s

James Richard B. wagoner, n of M. & C. RR. and e of M. & CRR. machine shop

Jenkins , bds W. H. Wilson’

Jett Joseph M., carp and bldr, s s M. & C. RR. e of Depot

Johnson Alex., Proprietor of the Johnson House, e s Washington b Randolph and Clinton, res e s Washington b Clinton & Holmes

Johnson Andrew J, Hat manufactory, e s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph, h e s Lincoln b Maiden Lane and Randolph

Johnson Daniel Auction and Commission Merchant, n w c Washington and Clinton, h e s Green b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Johnson Geo. W., fireman, bds Venables Hotel

Johnson House, e s Washington b Randolph and Clinton. Alex. Johnson, proprietor

Johnson John Henry, Family Grocery, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR.

Johnson Miss Martha, at John H. Johnson’s

Johnson Miss Martha J,. at Daniel Johnson’s

Johnson Miss W. Etta, at Daniel Johnson’s

Johnson Wm. L. carp, n s Meridianville Road e of Green

Johnston James (J. & Seat) n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Johnston & Seat (James J. & James E. S.) Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. n s Public Square b Jefferson and Washington

Jolley Benj. n w c Madison and Williams

Jolley Miss Fannie, at Benj. Jolley’s

Jolley Miss Sue, at Benj. Jolley’s

Jones & Co. (Geo. W. J.) Lumber and Wood Dealers, office s s M. & C. & C. RR. w of passenger depot

Jones Egbert J. (Robinson & J.) bds Johnson House

Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, at Mrs. Margaret A. Moore’s

Jones Geo. W. (J. & Co.) bds Wm. Fleming’s

Jones Thomas, carp. bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Jordan Andrew J. frmer, at Jesse G. Jordan’s

Jordan Fleming, clk. T. S. McCalley & Co’s. bds John W. Weaver’s

Jordan Jesse G. farmer, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR.

Jordan Jesse W. law student, bds Jesse G. Jordan’

Jordan Thomas B. farmer, at Jesse G. Jordan’s

Jouvenat Emile, clk. bds Mrs. A. Yeatman’s

Judkins Miss M. A. governess, at G. P. Beirne’s

Kahn Adolphus, (A. K. & Co.) bds Madison House

Kahn A. & Co. (Adolphus K. & Solomon Eabel) clothing, n o c Randolph and Washington

Keeble W. T. carp. bds Wm. S. Kurr’s

Kelly James W. P. clk. bds J. H. Beadle’s

Kennard Edwin P. baggage master, n s Holmes b Mill and RR.

Kennard Lewis M. butcher, n s Holmes b Mill and RR.

Kennard Miss Mary J. at Leis M. Kennard’s

Kennard Miss Sarah E. at Lewis M. Kennard’s

Kennedy Elijah, mattress mkr. and grocer, s Mill b Holmes and RR.

Kennedy Emory, mattress mkr. e s Mill b Arms & M. & C. RR. Kennedy Gibson, lab. n s Arms b Church and Mill

Kennedy Greenbury, lab. n s Meridianville Road b Green and -RR.

Kennedy Mrs. Mary M., n s Meridianville Road opp Green

Kerr Wm. S., carp. h c M. & C. RR. and Holmes

Keys Hiram, engineer, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Kinkle Mrs. Maria, n w c Franklin and Williams

Kirk Wm., painter, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR.

Kirkland Mrs. Elizabeth B,. w s Mill nr Holmes

Kirkland John H., w s Mill nr Holmes

Kirkland Thomas B., cab mkr. w s Mill nr Holmes

Knox David T., watch mkr. w s Madison b Public Square and Gates, h w s Green b Clinton and Holmes

Knox Miss Mary A,. at David T. Knox’s

Knox Robt. jr., carp. bds n e c Clinton and Gallatin

Knox Robert Sr., Architect and Builder s w c Holmes and Limberg, bds n e c Clinton and Gallatin

Knox Miss Susan H., at David T. Knox’s

Lacy Miss Mary, at Theo. Lacv’s

Lacy Theophilus, cashier Northern Bank of Alabama res c of Public Square

Ladd A. C., dealer in lightning rods, at J. G. Heap ; Co’s.

Lamar M. B. carp., bds B. Smith’s

Landers Mrs. Mary J., at Wm. H. Wilson’s

Landman Mrs. Frances, at J. H. Beadle’s

Landman Geo. P,. cl. Bradley, Wilson & Co’s. bds John J. Coleman’s

Landman J. Henry, cashier Bradley, Wilson & Co’s. bds Johnson House

Landman Wm. T,. b. k. bds J. H. Beadle’s

Landman John W., clk. John Patton & Co’s. bds N. M. Gooch’s

Lane Judge Geo. W., bds F. T. Ward’s

Lane Robt., clk. post-office, bds F. T. Ward

Lanford Mrs. Ann C., bds Wm. J. McCalley’s

Lanford Mrs. Martha, at Thos. S. McCalley’s

Lanier Burr, (L. & Co.) n s Clinton b Limberg and RR.

Lanier & Co. (Burr L.) brick manuf. n s RR. e of machine shop

Lapine James, machinists e s Franklin s of Dry Creek

Larcombe J. Howard, Telegraph Operator and Photographist, rooms w s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h s e e Clinton and Gallatin

Larrantree Henry, bds Johnson House

Lay Rev. H. C., D. D. rector of the Episcopal Church, res e of Adams Av. s of McClung

Lea Mrs. Eliza, at Mrs. John H. Lewis’

Leftwich & Hereford, (Jabez N. L. & Charles W. H.) stoves,tin, copper and sheet iron ware, steam and water pipes, lightning rods, &e., e s Public Square b Randolph and Eustis

Leftwich Jabez N. (L. & Hereford) n s Holmes opp Smith

Leftvich W. D. phys. office w s Franklin b Public Square and Gates, res n e c Lincoln and Maiden Lain

Leftwich Wm. W., elk. J. L. Cooper’s

Lennon Mrs. M,. bds M. Callaghan’s

Lester D., carp. e s Washington b Meridianville Road and RR.

LeVert Francis J. s e e Washington Meridianville Road

Lewis Daniel, carp. bds Wm. Brown’s Lewis Miss Ella, at James R. Blunt’s

Lewis James H. cab mkr. al b Gallatin and Limberg and Clinton and Holmes

Lewis Mrs. John H., school, s s Randolph e of Lincoln

Lewis Miss Maggie, bds n w e Holmes and Jefferson

Lighton Andrew D., (J. R. Young & Co.) bds w s Mill opp Arms

Lilly Thomas J., carp. bds J. H. Burrow’s

Lindley Miss Mary E., teacher of English grammer, Huntsville Female College

Lloyd John, printer, Southern Advocate Office

Lloyd Wm. B., Livery and Sale Stable, s s Holmes opp Church, bds B. Franks’

Logeman & Hollenberg (John (. L. & Henry G. I.) Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, Musical Instruments, Engravings Mouldings Religious Books, &c., n s Public Square b Washington and Jefferson Donegan’s Block)

Logeman John a. (L. & Hollenberg) bds Wm. Fleming’s

Lowe Bartley M. sen. (B. M. L. & Co.) bds w s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Lovie B. M. & Co.. (Bartley M. L. sen. & Bartley M. L. jr.) cotton factors and com. merchants, n s Eustis b Public Square and Green

Lowe Robt. J. (Davis & L.) w s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Lowman Louis, (S. Hartman & Co.) n s Public Square

Lucet Louis, French and music teacher, Greene Academy

Ludwig Bernard F., baker, bds W. D. Scott’s

Lumpkin Thoustin, Slave Dealer, s w c Jefferson & Holmes

Lyle John, fireman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Lyon Lewis W., brk layer, bds Wm. B. Smith’s

Lyons Edward F., roofer, bds F. T. Ward’s

Lyons J. (L., Scherer & Co.) res Knoxville, Tenn. Lyons, Scherer & Co. (J. L., Paul S .& A. Buchman,) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. e s Jefferson b Randolph and Clinton under Democrat office

McAnelly Harrison, blksmith and wagon mkr. s w c Madison and Williams

McBroom Christopher C., clk. bds Daniel Johnson’s

McCalley Charles, (Thomas S. McC. & Co.) bds Johnson House

McCalley Thomas S. (Thomas S. McC. & Co.) res one mile on Athens Road

McCalley Thomas S. (Golcock, Mc. & Maloy) res one mile on Athens Road

McCalley Thomas & Co., (Thomas & Charles) Staple and Fancy Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., e s Public Square b Randolph and Eustis

McCalley Wm. J., Planter, h s w c Gates and Lincoln

McCampbell James, cab mkr. bds James W. Allison’s

McCarty Henry, carp. bds s e c Mill and Arms

McCay Wm., school, w s Henry b Spring Branch and Gates

McCload James, painter, bds John W. Thomson’s

McClung Miss Anna, at Mrs. Margaret McClung’s

McClung E. S,. bds s e c Green and Holmes

McClung Mrs. Margaret, w s Adams Av. s of Williams

McClung Wm., at Mrs. Margaret McClung’s

McCoy James, stone cutter, s Washington b Holmes and RR.

McCrary, Patterson & Sprague, (Thomas McC. Benjamin P. & Wm. S.) Cotton Factors, Grocers and commission Merchants, e s Jefferson b Meridianville Road and RR.

McGrary Thos. McC., Patterson & Sprague)

McCravey Benj. F., carp. e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

McCravey Leroy W., clk. bds B. F. McCravey’s

McCravey Wm. F., carp. bd Benj. F. McCravey’s

McDaniel Mrs.–, n w c Randolph and Lincoln

McDaniel H. A., dentist, n w c Lincoln and Randolph

McDavid John J., (Vannoy & McD.) bds Col. Wm. Brandon’s

McDonald Miss D. A., n w c Clinton and Jefferson

McDonald Pleasant, tinner, bd n w c Jefferson and Clinton

McDowell Wm.,com. mer. e s Adams’ Av. s of McClung

McGarthv Saml., fireman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

McKenerly Aaron G., carp. bds C. Gill’s

McKernan P., tailor, bds E’. T. Ward’s

McKibbon Jas. J. (Halsey & McK.) bds Madison House

McKinney David H., stone mason, e of Pulaski Road on Mill Race

McKinney Robert, carp. e of Pulaski Road on Mill Race

McLendon Mrs. Pheriba, bds S. H. Williams’

McLeod Miss Mary, at D. C. Humphrey’s

McMinn Wm. machinist, n e c Holmes and Washington

Madison House n c Public Square, Preston & Drake, Proprietors

Maguire , miller, bds John H. loore’s

Malauske Valentine, shoemkr. bds C. Gill’s

Maloy D. (Golcock, McCalley & M.) res Cheraw, S. C.

Mann Mrs. Hannah, e s W;hington b Clinton and Holmes

Mann liss Kate, dress making. e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Marcotte Prof. Gabriel, French teacher, rooms e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes, bds Johnson House      Marsh Mrs. Caroline, bds Mrs. Melinda Sisk’s

Martin Jas., gardener, n of Athens Road

Martin Joseph, Book Keeper, Scruggs, Donegan Co’s, res n s Pulaski Road n of Athens Road

Martin Mrs. Polly, w s Madison b Williams and Drr Creek

Martin Wm. L., collector, bds W. D. Leftwich’s

Mastin Chas. J,. (Mastin, Wilburn & Co.) res s1 miles on Fayetteville Road

Mastin Edmund I., student, s w c Gates and Green

Mastin Gustavus B., la student, s e c Gates and Green

Mastin Gustavus L., planter, e s Franklin b Williams ana Dry Creek

Mastin Jas. H., planter, w B Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Mastin Miss Mary C., at Mrs. Wm. J. Mastin’s

Mastin Wm. F., (M., Wilburn 1; Co.) c Green and Gates

Mastin Mrs. Wm. J., s w c Gates and Green

Mastin Wilburn & Co, (Wm. F. I., Geo. W. W. & C. J. Mastin,) Dry Goods,Boots, Shoes, Hat, Caps, &c. 4 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Madison and Franklin      Matkin Emmaia R., c;rp. h e s Lincoln b Randolph and Clinton       Matthews Saml., n s McClung b Adams Av. and California       Mayhew Miss C., piano gultar and music teacher Huntsville Female Seminary

Mayhew S.J., Principal Huntvilie E’emale Seminar, s s Randolph e of Lincoln

Mayors office. w s Public Square, (bank Row,) Zebulon P. Davis, Mayor.

Means Alex., tailor, bds Jos. Doyle’s

Melor Jno., Iab. bds Iaac N. Winston’s

Memphis & Charleston R.R. Co, Office (Eastern Division,) c RR. & Jefferson, Wm. J. Ross, Supt. S. Cruse, Secy.

Miller Alex., policeman, n s Holmes b Church and Mill

Miller C. M., clk. h n s Holmes b Church and Mill

Miller &Co., ( Henry L M. & John M. Patton & Co.) Tannery, w end of Gates

Miller Danl. tailor, s c Franllin and Dry Creek

Miller Henry L., (M. & co.) res end of Gates

Miller Hugh M., packer, ks Hugh N. Ioore’s

Miller Jacob, w s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Miller Jas. F., stone mason, e of Pulaki Road on Mill Race

Miller John, grocery and shoe shop, e s Washington b Holmes and Meridianville Road       Miller L., lab. s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Miller Miss Mary, at Michael Miller’

Miller Martin, res r end of Gates

Miller Michael, well digger, e s Madison b Williams and Dry Creek

Miller Moses A, carp. n s Clinton b Gallatin nd Limberg

Mills Arch E., e s Lincoln b Maiden Lane and Randolph

Mills Mrs. A. S., e s Lincoln b Maiden Lane Ind Randolph

Mills Miss Flora S., at Mrs. A. S. Mills

Mills W.P., e s Lincoln b Maiden Lane and Randolph

Mitchell Andrew J., coach trimmer, bd Madison House

Mitchell Mrs. Lettecia, n s Clinton b Gallatin and Limberg

Mitchell Wm. H. bklsmith, n s Clinton b Gallatin and Limberg

Mooney John H. carp. e s Church b Holmes and Arms

Mooney Rev. Welborn, pastor M. E. Church, bds Dr. John C. Spotswood

Moore Mrs. Alfred, e s Lincoln opp Gates

Moore Benj. T. (M. & Moore,) bds Madison House

Moore David L,. e s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Moore Edward D, printer Democrat office

Moore Miss Elizabeth D., at Mrs. Margaret A. Moore’s Moore Hugh N., Flour Manufacturer, Huntsville Mill, s e c Mill and M.&C. RR. and Planing Mill, Sash, Door and Blind Manufactory, n w c Jefferson and Clinton

Moore John H., carp. n of M. & C. RR. and e of M&C RR machine shop

Moore John T. carp. bds Mrs. Mararet A. Moore’s

Moore Miss Kate V. at Hugh N. Moore’s

Moore Leslie W. e s Lincoln opp Gates

Moore Miss Margaret A. at Hugh N. Moore’s

Moore Mrs. Margaret A. s s Clinton b Limberg and RR.

Moore&Moore, (Benj. T. Wm. H.) Attorneys at Law Office w s Public Square, Bnk Row

Moore Wm. H. (M. & Moore)

Moore Wm. R. clk. P. W. Spotswood’s

Moseley Miss Adeline S. s w c Lincoln and Holmes

Moseley & Spragins, (Thos. M.M. & Elias S. S.) slave dealers, s e c Williams and Madison

Moseley Tho. M. (M. & Spragins,) s s Williams b Franklin and Madison

Moses Aaron J. (Drake & M.) res Charleston, S. C.

Moscsman Anthony, cab. mkr. bds B. Franks’

Murphy Jerimiah Sr., Family Grocery and Provision Store, n e c Holmes and Washington

Murphy Miss Mary B. at Jeremiah Murphy’

Murphy Miss Mary C. at Jeremiah Murphy’s

Murphy O’Connell. s e c Green and Eustis

Murphy Robt. E. clk. bds Jeremian Murphy’

Murphy Stephen H. clk. n e c Holmes and Washington

Murphy Timothy, rope manuf. res s e c Green and Eustis

Murphy Wm. carp. s e c Henry and Williams

Nance John S., U. S. receiver of public moneys, office w s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h w s Adams’ Av. s of William s

Nance Wm. H. (Trotman & N.) bds Mrs. A. Yeatman’s

Neal Mrs. Frances, at Benj. Jolley’s

Banking and Exchange Office, n s Eustis b Public Square and Green, h w s Franklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Neely Jas., pump manuf. n e c Green and Holmes h e s Green b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Neely James Jr., l Select English and Classical School, in Basement of M. E. Church, n s Randolph b Public Square and Green, h n e c Green and Holmes

Neumayer Auguste, music teacher, Huntsville Female Seminary

Nevill & Figg,, (James N. & L. F.) coffee house, e s Public Square b Rando]ph and Eustis

Nevill Jas. (. & Figg,) n e c Clinton and Washington

Nevill Mrs. Sarah A., n e c Clinton and Washington

Newman Miss Elizabeth, at F. H. Newman’s

Newman Francis H., phys. office w s Public Square, Bank Row, h s e c Holmes and Jefferson Newman & Harrison, Francis H. N., Robt. (. H. & J. C. Yerger,) Dealers in Drugs, Paints, Perfumery. Fancy Articles, &c. 1s Com mercial Row S Public Square b Madison and Franklin

Newman John F., clk. bds Francis H. Newman’s     Nichols Chaffin, engineer, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop     Noble John O., machinery agt. bds John Neely’s     Norvell R. B. agricultural warehouse and com. mer. w s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h s Randolph e of Corp. Line     North Alabama College, male, 1 mile south-east of Public Square     North Alabama Telegraph Co., w s Franllin b Public Square and Gates, J. H. Larcombe Operator     Northern Bank of Alabama w s Public Square c of Fountain Row, .James J. Donegan Pres.; Theophus Lacy, Cashier     Northcutt Miss Lucy A., w s Washington b Holmes and RR.     Northcutt Miss Margaret, w s Washington b Holmes and RR.     Northcutt Miss Mary J. w s Washington b Holmes and RR.     Northcutt Miss Sophia T., w s Washington b Holmes and RR.

Ogg Jas., saddler, e s Public Square b Eustis and Randolph

O’Neal James, Saddles, Harness, &c. e s Public Square b Randolph and Eustis, h e s Madison b Eustis and Gtes

O’Neal Miss Martha A., at Jas. O’Neal’s

Otis Saml., cotton dealer, w s Madison b Public Square and Gates

Palmer James, s s Holmes b Limber and R

Parks , carp. bds Thomas 0. Gill’s

Parks A. H., engineer, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Parks Wm.,engineer, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Patterson John T., tailor, bds David T. Knox’s

Patteson Benjamin, (McCrary, P. & Sprague) 1 mile on Pulaski Road

Patton Chrles H., (Patton, Donean & Co.) c of McClung, Adams Avenue and Williams street

Patton & Donegan Co., (Charles E. P., James J. D. & Wm. B. Taber, Cotton and Woolen Manuf. 12 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Madison and Franklin

Patton John ,(Miller & Co.) res w end of Gates

Patton John, (John P. & Co.) w s Meridianville Road n of RR

Patton John & Co, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. 5 Commercial Row, s s Public Square

Patton Mrs. Martha L,. s e c Green and Meridianville Road

Patton Wm., at John Patton & Co’s

Payton Charles, tailor, bds D. A. Brown’s

Peck Leroy M., Painter, bds John H. Johnson’s

Peete Samuel, Planter, w s Adams Avenue s of W illiams

Pendergrast Peter G., stone cutter, bds w s Washington b Holmes and RR

Pickard Henry J., (H. J. P. & Co.) e s Public Square

Pickard H. J. Co. livery and sale stable, e Public Squar

Pickard James A,. e s Public Square

Pickard Peter, clk, e s Public quare

Pickard Peter J., h e s Public Square

Pickard Wm. G., e Public Square

Pickett Miss Margaret A., at Mrs. S. C. Erskine’s

Pitman Joseph, Adams Express Agent, and Proprietor of the Huntsville Omnibus Line, office s Madison b Public Square Gates

Pithcy Wm. T., clk Johnson House Pleasants James J. (P., Spotarood Co.) res 2 miles on Winchester Road

Pleasants Samuel, clk, bds Mrs. A. S. Mills’

Pleasants, Spotswood & Co., (James J. P., Wm. E. S. & Thomas F. Erskine) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. n e c Eustis and Public Square

Plummer Rev. James R., s s Athens Road w of Corporate Limits

Pollard Edward Y., carp, e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Pollard Mrs. Fannie A., dress making, e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Pollard James W., h e s Mill b Holmes and Arms

Pollard Lewis P. carp, bds E. Y. Pollard’s

Pollard Wilson, bds Wm. S. Kerr’s

Porter Morris, carp, bds w s Washington b Holmes and RR

Post Office, e s Madison b Public Square and Gates

Potts Green, fireman, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Potts John H. carp, bds Thomas O. Gill’s   Powers & Drake, Wholesale and Retail Grocery, s e c Public Square and Randolph, h s s Randolph e of Lincoln, opp Huntsville Female College

Preston & Drake (Wm N. P. & Charles D.) Proprietors of Madison House, n c of Public Square

Preston Edward W. at Madison House

Preston James A. carp, bds Madison House

Preston Wm. N., (P. & Drake), Madison House

Pryor Mrs.Martha, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR

Purse W., conductor, M. & C. RR

Pynchon Edward E., at Smith D. Hale’s

Quinn James, painter, bds John W. Thompson’s

Quinn Mrs. Martha, bds W. D. Scott’s

Radcliffe J. E. machinist, bds Venables Hotel

Ragan Charles, fireman, bds Wm. Brannan’s

Ramsey D. A., conductor, M. & C. RR

Ranlle Mrs. E. J, h s s Athens Road w of M. & C. RR.

Range Isaac, saddler, bds Robt. Dickson’s

Read John, Merchant, res s s Eustis b Green and Lincoln

Reasoner John C. carp, bds Anderson Burrows’

Rebman Francis, bakery and confec, w s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Reedy John, clk, Johnston & Seat’s, bds n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Reedy John A,. constable, h n s Holmes b Jefferson and Church

Reedy John H., clk, bds John A. Reedy’s

Reynolds Henry, s e c Madison and Dry Creek

Rice John H., at Mrs. Mary P. Pcice’s

Rice Mrs. Mary P, e s Lincoln opp Gates

Riggin Charles, fireman, wks M. & C. RR machine 6hop

Rison & Archibald, (R. & Hobbs), n s Holmes b Mill and RR

Rison & Hobbs, (Archibald R. & Joseph A. H.) Cotton Gin Manuf. n Holmes b Mill and RR

Rison John L,(Robinson & R.) bds Archibald Rison’s

Rison Wm. B, b k, bds Archibald Rison’s

Rison Wilson B., Post-office clk, bds A. Rison’s

Robertson Geo., moulder, bds Madison House

Robertson Henry N., phys, office e Jefferson b Public Square and Clinton, bds Venables Hotel

Robertson V. M., att’y, w s Public Square, Bank Row, bd Johnson House

Robinson James, (R. & Jones) h s s Radolph e of Lincoln

Robinson Jesse, carp, bds Joseph M. Jett’s

Robinon J. M.. Iaw student, res 1 miles on MeridianTille Road

Robinson Jolin, livery stable, e s Gallatin b Clinton & Holmes

Robinson John 0,. (White, Scruggs & R.) n w c Williams and Franklin

Robinson & Jonesl, (James R. & Egbert J. J.) Attorneys at Law, office, Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Robinson & Pleasants, Law Student, at Walker & Brickell’s, h n e c Jefferson and Clinton

Robinson Pleasants B. sen.,n (R. & Rison) and phys, office (Bank row) w s Publc Square, h n e Jefferson and Clinton

Robinson & Rison, (Plea6ant B. R. sen. & John L. R.) Drugs, Paints, Oil, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c. Bank Row, w s Public Square

Robinson Miss Sue T., at P. B. Robinson’s, sen

Roger Alex. lab, bds H. Bolton’s

Rogers James N., s. b k, bds Col. Edmund Toney’s

Rogers John L., at Col. Edrnund Toney’s

Roper Henry B. elk. Trotman & anee’s, bds John B. Trotman s

Ross Edward, at F. A. Ross’

Ross Edward, bds Johnson House

Ross Rev. Frederick A. pastor of 1st Presbyterian Chureh, n w c Lincoln and Gates

Ross Nathan planter, w s Franklin b Williams and Dry Greek

Ross Wm. J., superintendent of Eastern Division of M. & C RR, res e s Church b Holmes and Arms

Rothenberg Henry L. coppersmith, bds John W. Thompson’s

Rowell Mrs. Lucinda, bds W. B. Smith’s

Ruckman Mrs. Mar C., matron, Huntsville Female College

Russel Albert law student, Humphreys & Tracy’s, bds rrs. Martha Russell’s

Russel A. Erskine (R. & Shepherd) bds Mrs. S. C. Erskine’s

Russell John, law student, s e c Franklin and Gates

Russell Mrs. Martha J., s e c Franklin and Gates

Russel & Shepard, (A. Erskine R. & Charles C. S.) principals of the Greene Academy, e s Colhoun b Randolph and Holmes

Rutherford James H., Clk. Coltart & Son’s, bds Madison House

Ryan –, painter, bds Wm. H. Williams’

Ryan Henry P. engineer, bds Venables Hotel

Sale Mrs. Frances R., at JohD S. Nanee’

Saroni H. S., musie teacher, s e c Madison and Gates

Saunders Mrs. Ella, at Mrs. Sarah Scruggs

Saxon David A,. s s Holmes b Limber and RR

Saxon Mrs. Mary, s s Holmes b Limberg and RR

Schaudies Charles L., boot mkr, bds s c of Public Square

Schaudies Frederick, manufactuer and Dealer in boots and Shoes, s e of Public Square

Scherer Paul (Lons, S. & ao.) res Knoxville, Tenn

Schlack Mrs. Hannah, bds Wrn. D. Scott’s

Scott Alonzo, bds Wm. D. Seott’s

Scott James, bds s Washington b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Scott John, machinist, wks M. & a. RR. machine shop

Scott S. S., att’y at law, offiee s Franklin b Public Square and Gates, bds Madison House

Scott Wm. D., Confectionery, Bkery and Candy Manuf. e s Washington b Randolph and Clinton

Scruggs, Donegan & Co., (John W. S., James H. D. & Co.) Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants, office n s E;ustis b Franklin and Green

Scruggs Miss Ella, at Mrs. Sarah Scruggs’

Scruggs Miss Irene, at Mrs. Sarah Scruggs’

Scruggs James W., Probate Judge, office Court-house, h w B Pulaski Road n of Athens Road

Scruggs John W., (S., Donegan & Co.) n s Athens Road w of Corp. Line

Scruggs Lee S., blksmith, bds Wm. Edrards’

Scruggs Levi, blksmith, bds Wm. W. Edvards’

Scruggs L.Houston (White, S. & Robinson) s s Williams opp     Green

Scrugs Mrs. Sarah, s s Williams opp Lincoln

Seat James E. (Johnston & S.) n c Clinton and Lincoln

Seidel John, tailor, bds Madison House

Severs Hugh M., Blksmith and Wagon Manuf. s Madison s of Dry Creek

Severs S.B., Proprietor of the Huntsville and Montevallo Stage Line, office at Post-office, res Maysville

Shanklin Samuel J., (S. J. S. & Co.) bds Archibald Rison’s

Shanklin S.J. & Co., Auction and Commission Merchants, n e e Jefferson and Public Square

Sharpe Thomas A., Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware aml Copper Smith, w s Franklin b Public Square and Gates, bds with James Neely, Shaw James, carp. bds s s Williams b Ilenry and Madison

Sheffy Lawrence B., Physician, office s s Eustis b Public Square and Green res n s Holmes b Green and Lincoln

Shepherd Charles 0,. (Russel & S.) n s Holmes b Smith and Colhoun

Shepherd Leven W., carp. n s Holmes b Smith and Colhoun

Ship Joseph, fireman, bds Wm. Brannan’s

Shoenberger Geo. butcher, bds s e c Washington and Clinton.

shomal Miss Mary J. milliner, bds W. W. Edwards’

Shropshire Wm. carp. n s Meridianville b Green and RR.

Simmons Miss Imogen H., music teacher at Huntsville Female College

Sisk John, carp. s s Williams b Madison and Henry

Sisk Mrs. Melinda, s s Williams b Madison and Henrr

Sisk Wm. L., s s William b Madison and Henry

Sisk John R., carp. bds Mrs. Melinda Sisk’s

Skeggs Henry, Tailor, shop s end of Public Square, bds Mrs. A. Yeatman’s

Slaughter John R., (Binford & S.) res s w c Eustis and Lincoln

Slaughter S. A., conductor, M. & C. RR.

Sledge Oliver D., planter, n s Clinton b Gallatin and Limberg

Sledge Reuben M., medical student, n s Clinton b Gallatin and Limberg

Small Geo. T,. w s Washington b Public Square and Clinton

Small Geo. W., tinner, bds Madison Houe

Small James, tinner, ks Thomas A. Sharpe’

Small Vlncent, shoemkr. w s Washington b Public Square and     Clinton Smallwood Mrs. Eliza, at Burr Lanier’s

Smith Alfred, blksmith. bds Wm. L. Colton’s

Smith Carlos G. school, s Adams Av. s of Williams

Smith Geo. W., machinist, e s Mill b Arms and M. & C. RR.

Smith Jacob W., supt. Ga Works, res n s Clinton b Limberg and RR.

Smith Robt., a. b. k. Northern Bank of Alabama, bds John L. Fariss’

Smith Mrs. Sarah, at W. B Smith’s

Smith Wm. B., b. h. n s Holmes opp Steele

Snead Miss Mary E,. teacher o mathematics, Huntsville Female College

Sothern Advocate, weekly, office e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates, W.B. Figures, editor and proprietor

Spain John H., carp. bds Irs. L. Thomason’s

Spaulding John, engineer, M. & C. RR.

Spears John, engineer, bds Venable’s Hotel

Spence Miss A. B., milliner, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Spence Mrs. A. E., millinery store, e B Franklin b Eustis and Gates, h s s Williams b Franklin and Madison

Spence Mrs. Jane L., s s Williams b Franklin an aadison

Spillman C. Gordon, carp. and builder, n e c es and Gates bds T. O. Gill’s

Spotswood John C., Physidean, office 15 Commercial Row, s s PublicSquare, res e s Adams Av. s of McClung

Spotswood P.W., Drugs Paints, Perfumery, Fancy Articlee, 15 Commercial Row, s s Public Square b Franklin and Madison, bds Wm. E. Spotswood’s

Spotswood Wm. E. (Pleasants, S. & Co.) c Holmes and Green

Spragins Robt. Clerk of the Circuit Court, office Court-House, h n s Holmes b Mill and RR.

Sprague Jesse, miller, wks Hugh N. Moore’s

Sprague Wm., (McCrary, Patteson & S.) e s Jefferson b Meridianville Road and RR.

Spurr James, carp. wks M. W. Steele’s

Stars John T., machinist, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop, bds Venable’s Hotel

Staymate Crus, tailor, e s Franklin b Eu6tis & Gates, bds John son House

Steel James W., res s e c Madison nnd Gate

Steele John F., Architect and Civil Engineer, n w c Randolph and Colhoun

Steele M.W., Architect and Builder, Planing Mill, Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturer, n e c Steele and Clinton, h n w c Randolph and Colhoun

Stevens Samuel, engineer, bds Wm. Brannan’s

Stewart Thoma, carp. bds James W. Allison’s

Stradford David B., harness mkr. bds B. Franks’

Street Reuben, overseer, for M. Colhoun, res on Monte Sano Rd

Strickland G. W.,painter, bds John W. Thompson’s

Strode Rev. Eugene, pastor of the Baptit Church, office n w c Gallatin anl ClintoD, h w Adams Av. s of Williams

Strode J. Henry, atty. office ss Eustis b Public Square and Green

Strother Wm. H., clk. W. T. Blunt’s, bds Mrs. A. Yeatman’s

Studdart Wm. (S. & Wells) w s Jefferson b Holmes and Arms

Studdart & Well, (Wm. J. S. & James W.) Slave dealers, w s Jefferson b Holmes and Arms

Sumner Robt., carp. bds Madison IIouse

Sweet Miss E. M., teacher of drawing and painting, Huntsville Female College

Swift Miss Anna M., at John H. Swift’s

Swift John H., (John H. S. & Co.) n e c Mill and Ilolmes

Swift John H. & Co., (John H. S. & Robt. K Dickson) Huntsville Iron and Brass Foundry and Machine Shop, s w c Gallatin and Holmes

Sydnor Wm., cab mkr. e s Colhoun b Clinton and Holmes

Taber Wm. B., (Patton, Donegan & Co.)

Taylor Felix M., clk. J. H. Beadle’s, res s s Holmes opp Dill Taylor W. Harrison, clk. Faris & Gaston’s, bds Madison House

Teeson Hsnry, carp. bds Ms. L. Thomason’s

Terry John, printer, Southern Advocate Office

Terrell Richmond, barber shop and bath house, basement of Madison House

Terrell Wm., barber shop basement of Court House

Thomas Joseph V., rooms e s Franklin b Public Square and G,ates

Thomason Mrs. Lucy, b. h. w s Jefferson b Arms and RR.

Thomason Wm., fireman, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

Thompson Harrison, printer, Southern Advocate Office

Thompson Hugh L., engineer, bds John W. Thompson’s

Thompson John W., carp. and b. h. w s Green b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Thompson Thomas G., Proprietor of the Huntsville and Fayetteville Stage Line office at Joseph P. Doyle’s Stable

Thore—-, brk. mason, bds Thomas 0. Gill’s

Thornberg H. H., conductor, M. & a. RR.

Thurston A. Hl. billiard saloon, e s Public Square b Eustis and Randoph, h w s Green b Holmes and Meridianville Road

Thurston Mrs. Martha, at A. E. Thurston’s

Timberlake D. A., tinner, bds Jabrz N. Leftwich

Toney Col. Edmund, planter, n s Randolph b Lincoln and Colhoun

Townes Miss Ann, milliner, e s Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Tracy Edward D., (Humphreys & T.) res two miles on Maysville Road

Treat Tohn F., marble carver, A. A. Baker’s

Trotman John B., (T. Nance) res e s Adams Av. s of McClung

Trotman & Nance, (John B. T. & Wm. Il. N.) staple and fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. No. 1 Commercial Row, c Public Square and Franklin

Trotman Yancy P., clk. at Mcarar, Patterson & Spraue’s

Trouchant Frederick, watch maker. G. W. Atwood & Co’s.

Trull James Butler, bds Andrew J. Bolton’s

Turner Danl. B., n e c Franklin and Gates

Turner James, . n e c Franklin and Gates

Turner Matthew J., engineer, w s Church b Holmes and rms

Tyler Danl. D., grist mill, e s Pulaski Road of Athens Road

Tysoll Richard, fireman, bs Mrs. L. Thomason’s

United States Land Office, at Court-House, James H. Ware, Register.

Vannoy & McDavid, (Robt. M. V. John J. McD.) Attorneys at Law, Franklin b Eustis and Gates

Vannoy Robt. M., (V. & McDavid) bds Wm. Fleming’s

Varin Fairbairn, carp. n of M. & C. RR. e of machine shop

Veal Hugh L., carp. w s Jefferson b Clinton an(l Holmes

Venable’s Hotel, opp passenger Depot, James M. Venable, Proprietor

Venable James J., clk. Venable’s Hotel

Venable James M., Proprietor of Venable’s Hotel, n end of Church opp passenger depot

Venable Victor A., bds Venable’s Hotel

Vincent Mrs. Elizabeth, e s Washington b Clinton and Holmes

Vogel John W., confec. and baker, e s Madison b Gtes and Williams

Votaw Robt. B., confec. bdr, Madison House

Wade Thos. E., carp. n s Holmes b Church and Mill

Walker & Bricknell,(Leroy P. W. & Robt. C. B.) Attorneys at Law, Office n s Eustis b Public Square and Green

Walker Leroy P., (W. & Brickell,) res s w c Williams and Adams’ Av.

Walls Allen V,. clk. bds John S. Dickson’s

Ward Fred, Boarding House; s w c Gates and Franklin

Ward Jos., w s Fr:lnlklin b Williams and Dry Creek

Ward John Jas, Planter, s s McCIung b Adams Av. and California

Ware Jas H., Register of U. S. Land Office, Office at Court House, h n s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Warwick Geo. H., cab. ware manuf. n s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele

Washburn – , carp. bds Jas.Allison’s

Washington A. B., conductor M. & a RR.

Watkins Jas. L., planter. res s e c McClung and Adams’ Ar.

Watkins John W., n c Holmes and sefferson

Watkins Robt. J., clk. bds W. Spotswood’s

Watts Geo., brakesman, bds Mrs. L. Thomason’s

Weaver Albert C., Law student, bds Mrs. E. F. Veaver’s

Weaver Mrs. Elizabeth F., n s Holmes b Green and Lincoln

Weaver Jas. C., shoemkr. n w c Green and Clinton

Weaver Jas. H., jailor and boot and shoemkr. n w c Green and Clinton

Weaver John C., bds John S. Dickson’s     Weaver John W., General Insurance Agent, Office s e c Public Square and Madison, h e s Lincoln b Randolph and Eustis

Weaver J.W. &Co. Auction and Commission Merchants, s e c Madison and Eustis, 16 Commercial Row

Weaver S. C., conductor M. & C. RR.

Weaver Jno., bds Jas. Nevill’s

Weaver Wm. W., (Wm. W. W. & Co.) n c Clinton and Lincoln

Weaver W. & Co,. Wm. W., Simmons Williams & Britton Franks,) Furniture and Piano Dealers, Undertakers, &c. n s Public Square b Washington and Jefferson

Webb Wm., brakesman, bs Wm. Brovn’s

Weeden Mrs. Jane E., s e c Green and Gates

Wells Jas., dep. sheriff, bds Thos. . Mosele’s

Wetter Henry, baker, bs W. D. Scott’s

Whittaker Adolphus, fireman, wks M. & C. RR. machine shop

White Jas. C., (W., Scrugg & Robinson.) bds Jos. Martin’s

White Robt., fireman, bds Wm. Brannlm’s

White, Scruggs, and Robinson, (James C. W., Lawrence H. S. & John 0. R.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. n s Public Square b Washington and Jefferson, Donegan’s Block

White Thos. W., plasterer, s s Athens Road w of Corp. Line

White Thos. W., (R. K. Dickson & Co.) and planter, res eastern terminus of lliden Lane

White Wm. H., plasterer, bds Saml. S. Clark’s

Whitman Danl. R., clk. bAs Mrs. arah Scruggs’

Wilburn Geo. W. (Mastin, W. Co.) bds Johnson House

Wilkinson Algeron L., Dentist. Office w s Public Square, Bank Row, bds Mrs. S. C. Erskine’s

Willard Hosea E,. bds Venable’s Hotel

Willett Horatio, carp. bds B. Franks’

Williams Mrs. Elizabeth F., at S. II. Williams

Williams S. H. ,n s Athens Road nr Corp. Lin e

Williams P. W., roofer, bds W. J. Thompson’s      Williams Simmons, (W., Weaver Co.) bds Madison House      Williams Mrs. Susan, n e c Franklin and Gates      Willick Jas. A., carriage trimer, bds W. W. Edvards’         Wilson Geo S., Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, s Eustis b Franklin and Green, bds Johnson House

Wilson Hugh, (Bradley, W. Co.) res New Orleans      Wilson Jas. M., clk. R K.Dickson & Co’s, bds Johnson Houe      Wilson Mrs. Priscilla, bd William Fleming’s      Wilson Robt. D., justice of the peace, bds John L. Fariss’      Wilson Wm. H., carp. and bldr. n w c Holmes and Jefferson      Windham Irvin, Family Grocer- and Provision Store, s e c Holmes and Washington, h n s Holmes b Lincoln and Steele     Windham Miss Maria I,. at I Windham’s     Windham Miss Mary L., at I Windham’s     Windham Wm. I., Post Master, Office e s Madison b Eusti and Gates, bds Irvin Windham’s

Wingo John W., Sole Agent for Wingo’s Rat and Bug Exterminator, at W.H. Powers      Winston Iaac N., (J. W. W. & Bros.) n of RR. e of machine shop      Winston Jos. W., (J. W. W. & Bros.) n s Holmes b mill and RR    Winston Thos. B., (J. T. W. & Bros.) n s Holmes b Mill and RR

Winston J.W. & Bros., (Joseph W., Isaac N. Thos. B.) Brick Manufacturers, n s M&C RR. e of machine shop      Withers Miss Kate, at Clement C. Clay, sr.

L Withers Miss Maria, bds Francis J. Le Vert’s      Wolfe A. J., conductor M. & C. RR.

Wood Walker G., machinist, s s Holmes b limberg and RR.

Woolridge Miss Paralee T., at Wm. J. Studlart’s

Word Chas. H., clk. bds J. W. Cooper’s

Wright John W., printer, Southern Advocate office

Wright Wm., brk. Iayer, bds 1saac N. Winston’s

Yahr A., confec. bakery and cand mnuf. w s Public square b Eutis and Randolpb, Bank Row

Yeatman Mrs. Agnes, b. h. w s Madison b Public Square and Gates

Yeatman Richard P., w s Madison b Public square and Gates

Yerger John C., (Newman & Harrison,) n w c Williams and Franklin

York Mrs. Elizabeth, e s Pulaski Road n of Athens Road

Young D.B.,Attorney at Law, Office n s Eustis b Franklin and Green, bds Mrs. I. Bassett’s

Young Jos. E., clk. Newman & Harrison’s, bds Johnson House

Young John R., (J. R. Y. & Co.) res n of M. & C. RR. and e of machine shop

Young J.R. & Co. (John R. Y., Andrew D. Lighton, Joseph Armbruster & John Z. Hamel,) Madison Iron and Brass Foundry and Machine Works, w s Mill b Holmes and M. & C. RR.

Young John W., (Dew & Y.) bds Wm. Fleming’s

Yuckle Geo. W., foreman Advocate office, h n s Clinton b Limber and RR.

Source: 1859-1860 Huntsville, Alabama City Directory, published by Coltart & Son in 1859.

Posted here with the express written permission of Tom Carney. No other permissions granted.


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