Biography of William W. Wadsworth

Memorial record of Alabama

William W. Wadsworth, a native of Autauga County, Ala., and one of the leading businessmen of Alabama, was born near Prattville, October 17, 1841, the son of Daniel and Sallie (Matthews) Wadsworth. The father was born in Moore County, N. C., in 1810, and the mother is a native of Georgia. In 1832, Daniel Wadsworth came to Alabama and settled in Autauga County, where he was married, passing twice through the nuptial ceremony. His first wife was Miss Matthews, who died in 1846, and his second wife was Miss M. A. Norris. Mr. Wadsworth, who was one of the most … Read more

Biography of Joel H. Rainer

Memorial record of Alabama

The article provides a biographical account of Captain Joel H. Rainer, the president of the Merchants & Farmers’ bank of Union Springs, Bullock County, Alabama. It details his early life, marriages, and business ventures, including his time in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. The article notes his numerous business interests, including his directorship in cotton mills and insurance companies, and his public service in the legislature and national democratic convention. Captain Rainer is portrayed as a self-made man, rising from poverty through hard work, business acumen, and integrity.

Biography of Dr. Richard Lemuel Butt

Memorial record of Alabama

The article is a biography of Dr. Richard Lemuel Butt, a talented physician and surgeon from Midway, Bullock county, Alabama. It covers his family background, education, medical career, and personal life, including his marriages and children. The article also includes information on his ancestors and family history, as well as his military service during the Civil War.

1890 Delinquent Tax Docket – Madison County

Tax Record

There are usually four entries (names) per page. Information given is Name, Location of Property, and Amount of Tax owed. If paid it is so marked. If sold an additional entry is made giving that information. The data is alphabetized by Beat so check each beat if you aren’t sure where your ancestor lived. Scans from this and other years are available from the Tax Assessor’s Annex in Huntsville, Alabama. Beat 1 Huntsville Barclay J. W. Dr. p. 1 Beadle J. H. p. 1 Bennett F. M. p. 1 Binford Lucinda p. 2 Bowen Solon p. 2 Breek Beverly (Hornton) … Read more

Index to the Tuskaloosa Gazette 1875-1876

Genealogists and local historians will find a wealth of information in old newspapers. The weekly “gossip” columns, wedding and death announcements, court and legal documents, and even the classified advertisements are filled with the names of old Tuscaloosa area residents. The names can be compared with census records and can help family historians document the lives of their relatives. The local businesses, clubs, schools and churches of post-Reconstruction Tuscaloosa were especially important social services, and the newspaper accounts of their activities and memberships are invaluable research sources. The usefulness of a Gazette item to genealogists can vary from zero to … Read more

Aimwell Cemetery, Marengo County, Alabama

Aimwell is located about four miles from Sweetwater. To get there from Sweetwater on Hwy. 10, go west about a mile and one half, to the intersection of country road 17. Turn right or north and go about three miles, the church and cemetery are on the right or east side of the highway.